Conservitive gun lunacy


Radical liberal
The only reason the N.R.A. and its members don’t want gun control is so that they can play with them like children.Guns are not toys. They are instruments of murder.
They want to take my guns wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


Under 25% of the population wants a total ban, so the extremists need to simmer down and quit making the phoney claim that liberals wnt all their guns! It is a foolish claim!

Interesting though, back in 1950's a majority of the population favored banning guns!

Banning all and banning some is still banning and trying to take peoples guns.
They want to take my guns wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


Under 25% of the population wants a total ban, so the extremists need to simmer down and quit making the phoney claim that liberals wnt all their guns! It is a foolish claim!

Interesting though, back in 1950's a majority of the population favored banning guns!

Well then have Obuttface put forth a bill. He ain't getting mine. You are more than welcome to try though :)

Stop being so afraid. You are more likely to get hit with a tax increase than get shot by a gun
Banning all and banning some is still banning and trying to take peoples guns.

Well, Billy, there are just some people who shouldn't have guns, and especially guns that shoot lots of bullets, so like all things in society, you will have to suffer because of a few bad apples and I have a feeling that not beIng able to have a semi automatic gun that shoots a hundred rounds won't end your life. It might piss you off, but it saves another 6 year old from dying, I am all for it, but I value children over guns, I am funny like that.
Well, Billy, there are just some people who shouldn't have guns,
Agreed. That's why there are laws that prohibit them from doing so.
and especially guns that shoot lots of bullets, so like all things in society, you will have to suffer because of a few bad apples
That's not in keeping with freedom, so no, I won't have to suffer.
and I have a feeling that not beIng able to have a semi automatic gun that shoots a hundred rounds won't end your life.
Neither would the government saying I have to be a Muslim. Freedom isn't about being alive. It's about living the life I choose, without interference.
It might piss you off, but it saves another 6 year old from dying, I am all for it, but I value children over guns, I am funny like that.
You might have a point if there was some sort of proof that banning guns keeps people from getting them, or from killing at all, but since there is no evidence for such a claim, I cannot believe it. I'm funny like that.
Well, Billy, there are just some people who shouldn't have guns, and especially guns that shoot lots of bullets, so like all things in society, you will have to suffer because of a few bad apples and I have a feeling that not beIng able to have a semi automatic gun that shoots a hundred rounds won't end your life. It might piss you off, but it saves another 6 year old from dying, I am all for it, but I value children over guns, I am funny like that.
so you believe in applying all laws and rules fairly to everybody across the spectrum because of a few bad apples? and you never answered my question, if automatic weapons in the hands of a civilian saved just one life, would it then be worth it to let everybody own one?
Well, Billy, there are just some people who shouldn't have guns, and especially guns that shoot lots of bullets, so like all things in society, you will have to suffer because of a few bad apples and I have a feeling that not beIng able to have a semi automatic gun that shoots a hundred rounds won't end your life. It might piss you off, but it saves another 6 year old from dying, I am all for it, but I value children over guns, I am funny like that.

Funny whenever there is a report of some sloth taking advantage of the welfare system, you libtards say "don't let a few rotten apples ruin it for everyone". Not very consistent are you sista?

Tell us how successful this country is at banning things? Drugs? Liquor? Gambling?

I know you think 20 dead kids will get you to your liberal wet dream, but it ain't gonna happen sugar tits
Well, Billy, there are just some people who shouldn't have guns, and especially guns that shoot lots of bullets, so like all things in society, you will have to suffer because of a few bad apples and I have a feeling that not beIng able to have a semi automatic gun that shoots a hundred rounds won't end your life. It might piss you off, but it saves another 6 year old from dying, I am all for it, but I value children over guns, I am funny like that.

There are a multitude of things we could do that would prevent the deaths of children. But it would mean the removal of freedoms. Not allowing privately owned cars for most people would save many, many children's lives. If it is only about saving children's live and freedom is not an issue, lets go for all the ways we can do that.
There are a multitude of things we could do that would prevent the deaths of children. But it would mean the removal of freedoms. Not allowing privately owned cars for most people would save many, many children's lives. If it is only about saving children's live and freedom is not an issue, lets go for all the ways we can do that.

Et tu, sigh...
There are a multitude of things we could do that would prevent the deaths of children. But it would mean the removal of freedoms. Not allowing privately owned cars for most people would save many, many children's lives. If it is only about saving children's live and freedom is not an issue, lets go for all the ways we can do that.

Getting rid of cars is not reasonable, now is it, but we do restrict how you may drive your car and who can drive a car. We have seatbelt laws that restrain children and although they don't prevent all deaths, they do prevent deaths.
The Communist Chinese government, via its state-run media front Xinhua, has called for Americans to be disarmed, arguing that the Sandy Hook school massacre demands “no delay for U.S. gun control.”

Xinhua is virtually the press agency for the Communist Chinese government. The organization, “is subordinate to the State Council and reports to the Communist Party of China’s Propaganda and Public Information Departments.” lease the Democrats of the US have some international support from their friends and allies overseas.....
No surprise here.....
The Communist Chinese government, via its state-run media front Xinhua, has called for Americans to be disarmed, arguing that the Sandy Hook school massacre demands “no delay for U.S. gun control.”

Xinhua is virtually the press agency for the Communist Chinese government. The organization, “is subordinate to the State Council and reports to the Communist Party of China’s Propaganda and Public Information Departments.” lease the Democrats of the US have some international support from their friends and allies overseas.....
No surprise here.....

That's five, troll!

The Communist Chinese government, via its state-run media front Xinhua, has called for Americans to be disarmed, arguing that the Sandy Hook school massacre demands “no delay for U.S. gun control.”

Xinhua is virtually the press agency for the Communist Chinese government. The organization, “is subordinate to the State Council and reports to the Communist Party of China’s Propaganda and Public Information Departments.” lease the Democrats of the US have some international support from their friends and allies overseas.....
No surprise here.....

Ya know...when I see shit like this, then see it comes from Infowars, and is all over every crazy conspiracy blog out there and highlighted by none other than BREITBART, it's pretty easy to realize the story isn't really what's being told.

Here's the story from China:

Twenty-eight innocent people, including 20 primary students, have been slaughtered in a mass shooting at an elementary school in the U.S. state of Connecticut. Their blood and tears demand no delay for the U.S. gun control.

The massacre has triggered a new debate on gun control in the United States. However, this time, the public feels somewhat tired and helpless.

The past six months have seen enough shooting rampages in the United States. Just three days ago, three people were shot dead at a shopping mall in Oregon. Two weeks ago, a football player shot his girlfriend dead and then committed suicide. Five months ago, 12 people were killed and 58 wounded in a shooting spree at a midnight screening of a Batman film in Colorado.

However, these are only part of the gun violence which has drawn the whole country's attention. Every time a tragedy occurs, there are renewed appeals for gun regulation. However, the calls disappointingly always fail.

Regulation of private gun ownership has been a sensitive issue in the U.S. for a long time. Americans own 280 million guns, with 34 percent of U.S. families possessing the deadly weapon. Gun lobbies, such as the National Rifle Association (NRA), are very influencial.

Centering on issues such as whether citizens can bear arms, and whether the government has the right to ban guns, the opposing camps have debated hotly for years.

Electoral politics is another important reason for the failure of gun control efforts. The Democratic Party has historically paid a price for its gun control efforts.

The Clinton government launched a series of gun control policies at the end of last century. And the Democrats lost the Congressional election in 1994 and the presidential election in 2000, with the shadow of the NRA present in both defeats.

The terrifying mass shooting in Colorado happened in an election year. As a result, neither of the Democratic nor the Republican party were willing to step up gun control, due to possible political ramifications.

For all that, the latest heartbreaking deaths of the 20 schoolchildren aged five to 10 have made the crime especially unbearable. Many people can't help but turn to the dim hope once again: the gunman's cruelty and evil may provide a strong momentum and broader public support for the restart of gun control efforts. Moreover, with no re-election pressure, President Obama is currently in the best position to promote it.

Obama said of the latest tragedy the country had "been through this too many times," and it was time to put aside political differences and "take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this."

Some people have noticed Obama's tougher tone this time, compared to the Colorado shooting, when he called for "prayer and reflection."

Action speaks louder than words. If Obama wants to take practical measures to control guns, he has to make preparation for a protracted war and considerable political cost

Hardly a call to rip the guns out of the hands of all Americans, isn't it?

Look, dumbfuck. When a story, as I noted, is found everywhere but legitimate sources, it's bound to not be true.
Well then have Obuttface put forth a bill. He ain't getting mine. You are more than welcome to try though :)

Stop being so afraid. You are more likely to get hit with a tax increase than get shot by a gun

Lol, your arguments are so assinine.

You are more likely to get a hang nail than be shot with a gun!!!