Controlled election


Verified User
This is a totalitarian country. So there is no chance for Paul. He is there to cheat the public that US is democratic country. That's all. Though he is the most popular candidate, he will be suppressed.

Quote, "
Who won the Republican Presidential Debate?

Active Cities : 6,965

Total Votes : 40,882
National Vote

Paul .....25248
Gingrich ...5863
Cain .......3169
Bachmann ...2438

Romney ...2376
Santorum ..1032
Huntsman ...423
Pawlenty .....333
Votes as of 03:09 PM, 08/14/11

FoxNews / Topix - You Decide

The media is trying REALLY hard to hide the fact that Ron Paul is a serious contender

Ron Paul wins a "Who Won the GOP Debate" poll in Fox News, and after seeing how Ron Paul won by a HUGE margin, Fox News decides to quickly erase it. Funny how all of the media sources, both liberal and conservative, are trying so hard to keep him under the rug. Here's the original Fox News poll: Iowa GOP Debate - Topix [40,000 votes, he got 24,000 of them... more than 4 times the guy in second place].

And these things are happening everywhere (meaning, Ron Paul getting a significant amount of support from both sides, and getting pushed off as insignificant.)

And here is the new one Fox started (Ron Paul STILL winning by a landslide): Who Won the GOP Debate? - Guess they'll have to erase this one as well.

What do Fox News, CNN, MSNBS, etc, and all these other garbage news sources have in common? They are all run by corporate interest!

Now on to MSNBC:

Once again, the Anti-Ron-Paul rhetoric is everywhere. Notice how MSNBC bolded out every republican candidate in the Iowa Straw Poll... except Ron Paul, as if he were last place or anywhere near there (Yes, they bolded out the last guy as well).

First Read - Bachmann wins Ames straw poll

These aren't just coincidence. Both sides are trying hard, real hard, to hide the fact that Ron Paul is a serious contended.

Open your eyes folks: These things are happening LEFT and RIGHT (meaning everywhere and from both liberal and conservative sources).
Military used to be considered as pro-right, pro-GOP. But it's Ron Paul got their votes. Either in 2008 election, or in this 2011 campaign.

Ron Paul raises most campaign cash from military workers

By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY #post-date-updated {border-top: solid 1px #E5E5E5;}
Updated 2011-07-27 11:02 AM

GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul has said the U.S. should get out of Afghanistan and Iraq.

By Patrick Semansky, APGOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul consistently has said that the United States should get out of Afghanistan and Iraq and that American military bases around the world should be closed.

In this campaign, Paul is getting more donations from people who work for the military than either President Obama or any of the other Republican presidential candidates. That analysis comes from Paul's campaign and was confirmed recently by Politifact, the fact-checking project of the St. Petersburg Times.
The winds of change started blowing in 2010. The media lambasted TEA party candidates, and demonized the TEA party movement in a concentrated effort of disinformation and propaganda. Yet, despite the best efforts of both Party National Committees and their pet media outlets, the TEA Party movement managed to get a significant number of their own preferred candidates nominated, and of those, an impressive number elected. This proves that even a (relatively) small percentage of the voting public has the ability to overturn the tyranny of the Party National Committees. If those who support Ron Paul put in the same level of effort the TEA Party movement put in, then there is a real chance.

This is doubly true considering the types of people who joined the TEA Party movement are looking for the type of candidates Ron Paul represents - candidates with new ideas and a strong commitment to the conservation of the principles of the American Republic.
Everyone Thinks Ron Paul is Right

Former CIA specialist and contributor to The American Conservative Philip Giraldi had some interesting insights today into just how much headway Ron Paul and his message is making with a broad spectrum of Americans:

“I had two interesting experiences over the weekend, totally unrelated to the non-event of Hurricane Irene, which only dropped an inch of rain on northern Virginia. On Friday I went to dinner with a mixed group consisting of the women who are in my wife’s quilting group together with their husbands. All of the men were in their late fifties-early sixties and everyone but me and my wife was an evangelical Christian… Two of the men have been prominent in local Democratic Party circles and the remainder vote Republican. All agreed, to my surprise, that the US economy is broken and that it is the result of the wars and globalism that have marched together hand in hand over the past ten years. They also all agreed, even when they do not support specific policies, that Ron Paul is the only honest man running for the presidency. Which is not to say they all would vote for him, but the approval rating was 100%.”

Mr. Giraldi then moves on to day two of his weekend:

“On Saturday we had a reunion lunch with the CIA Rome Station class of 1980. The last time the whole group was together was shortly before the 2008 election, when everyone but me and my wife indicated that they would be voting for McCain-Palin. This time around it was different… I was kidded about my Ron Paul bumper sticker but everyone was quick to add seriously that Paul was the only honest man running, that he had predicted the economic collapse, and that his message has been consistent. They even agreed emphatically when I quoted Paul’s pledge to bring the troops home from overseas on the day after he is elected. This is coming from Cold Warriors, mind you, men and women who spent careers doing without question whatever their government asked them to do. Again, no one said they would vote for Ron Paul but nor did anyone say they would not.”
Giraldi concludes:

“Which is all to suggest that maybe something is actually going on in the body politic, that people are willing to listen to Ron Paul even though four years ago they would have thought such an idea ridiculous. And he has a passionate base of supporters. Do you remember the scene in the Godfather where Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) sees a Cuban rebel die for his cause and realizes that the insurgents just might win? Recent opinion polls seem to be saying the same thing. Whether or not Dr. Paul can actually win the presidency, his ideas about the state of the US economy and Washington’s catastrophic foreign policy have reached the mainstream and are resonating.”
Ron Paul's opinion represent the voice of most Americans. That's why he always won big in straw poll.

But he has no chance. Because this country is a covert totalitarian. The election machine is controlled by the Feds. They will use all their resource to suppress Ron Paul.

You seldom saw Ron Paul's winning news in mainstream media. They only report Romney, Perry or Bachmann. The ruling class have their own candidates. They regulate the game. You only learn Paul's news in Internet.

The ruling class takes care for their own interest - war profit. They rule the country by controlled intelligence and media. They select politicians through rigged election and justify the election result through the fake poll done by media.

Unless you reform the election system, the real popular Ron Paul will never have a chance.
Libertarian Paridise

Faux 'news' and the Koch brothers will never endorse Paul. No one on the right has a chance unless chosen by Faux 'news' and the billions in foreign slush money ok'd by Citizens United. Get a grip.
Libertarian Paridise

Faux 'news' and the Koch brothers will never endorse Paul. No one on the right has a chance unless chosen by Faux 'news' and the billions in foreign slush money ok'd by Citizens United. Get a grip.

love the totalitarian propaganda piece.
Ron Paul identifies America's internal Enemies: AIPAC, PNAC, Trilaterals, CFR, NWO.

Ron Paul The Enemy of America. AIPAC PNAC Trilateral CFR NWO 2012

Ron Paul's opinion represent the voice of most Americans. That's why he always won big in straw poll.

But he has no chance. Because this country is a covert totalitarian. The election machine is controlled by the Feds. They will use all their resource to suppress Ron Paul.

You seldom saw Ron Paul's winning news in mainstream media. They only report Romney, Perry or Bachmann. The ruling class have their own candidates. They regulate the game. You only learn Paul's news in Internet.

The ruling class takes care for their own interest - war profit. They rule the country by controlled intelligence and media. They select politicians through rigged election and justify the election result through the fake poll done by media.

Unless you reform the election system, the real popular Ron Paul will never have a chance.

How much koolade does it take to rot your brain so it can produce opinions like above.......????

It seems more serious than the standard dementia we're used to reading .......
Though they let Ron Paul leads over other candidates in Iowa this time, it’s only a trick. When more and more people show their support to an honest politician that rarely seen these days, the rulers have to compromise a little bit. Otherwise the rigging and suppressing is too evident. However, Ron Paul has no chance because this country is controlled by the tyrants. They will have plots and tricks to rig the election. Watch and notice, you will see finally how corruptive this country is.


Just look at how 'successful' Ron Paul was against John McCain and Mitt Romney in his bid for the 2008 nomination. He led all kinds of gallup and straw polls, he even led the way in raising funds via internet campaigning...yet how much success did he have in securing the nomination?

You will have a president obedient to the rulers such like idiot Bush. Or an incompetent one like Obama. None will work for the people.
Iowa Caucus Rigged? - MarmiteMan4

How do you explain Ron Paul finishing third when he was certain to finish first within days of the vote. How did Rick Santorum finish second when he has had barely any support?

Tonight's Iowa Vote Count To Take Place At Secret Location
Concerns about subversion grow after Republican strategist says GOP establishment will not allow Ron Paul to win
Paul Joseph Watson

Related: Republican Insider: GOP Establishment Planning To Subvert Iowa to Prevent Ron Paul WinTonight’s final vote tally for the Iowa caucuses will take place at a secret undisclosed location, an announcement that has stoked fears of vote fraud amongst Ron Paul supporters, concerns that were heightened following a Republican insider’s claim that the GOP establishment will not allow Paul to win.
This is a covert totalitarian country. You have to take whatever they told you but can't verify it by yourself.

They create a close margin competition to distract your attention. Those who watch Ron Paul's game now go to see that 15 votes incident, and forgot their original interest.

Santorum was potentially used to distract public attention. So what to award him the winner of the Iowa caucus as long as Ron Paul has been ignored.

What left for them now is to pour the topics related to Romney and Gingrich to fill your mind. That's it. You have no choice but the two old puppets whom are proved to be royal to their traditional master.
Ron Paul has no chance. The ruler of this country rigged the election to pick up their own puppet because they control the voting system. They justify the result by faked poll because they control media.

Here is the proof. People found Ron Paul is the most popular candidate in Internet. Because Internet is open place. Ron Paul got most support from military, that's can't be rigged because the donation is there.

"Ron Paul Will Win The Presidential Election 2012 - Here's The Proof !! - Watch - Ron Paul Will Win The Presidential Election 2012 - Here's The Proof !!

Uploaded by GetRenewable on Jan 11, 2012

This is Proof: Ron Paul will win the presidential election in 2012. These are the main candidates for the upcoming elections. Notice the number of Likes and dislikes on each video. Ron Paul Dominates all by Thousands of percent. This is our new President. Dr. Ron Paul. Please keep up the good work and victory is ours. Gain Liberty. End Debt. Vote Ron Paul! New Hampshire Speech By All Presidential Candidates. PLEASE VIEW EVIDENCE: Below...

Rick Santorum: [link to]
(1489 views - 9 likes 76 dislikes)

Newt Gingrich: [link to]
(3,082 views - 16 likes / 124 dislikes)

Jon Huntsman: [link to]
(3,087 views - 35 likes 100 dislikes)

Mitt Romney: [link to]
(20,600 views - 335 likes 690 dislikes!!) and they call him the winner! hahahah

RON PAUL: [link to]
(129,000 views - 3,916 likes - 44 dislikes.)

Now YOU tell me who is gonna win. It's an obvious landslide victory

I still say Paul has no chance because this is a covert totalitarian. They control election system and play you people fool.


Just look at how 'successful' Ron Paul was against John McCain and Mitt Romney in his bid for the 2008 nomination. He led all kinds of gallup and straw polls, he even led the way in raising funds via internet campaigning...yet how much success did he have in securing the nomination?
I'm a paul fan, but he wins online polls because online users are far more likely to be paul supporters compared to faux news mouth-breathing viewers who respond to faux news callers. And statistically, the faux news phone poll would be more accurate than the paul-supporter-biased online polls. It's not the fault of Paul that the online polls are skewed. Corporate media sucks
(If you want Ron Paul to become America's next President, then the work you do for him over the next 3 MONTHS is absolutely crucial. Register as a Republican and become a Ron Paul "delegate" as soon as possible. Click below to learn more on how to become a Ron Paul delegate.)

* He has never voted to raise taxes.

* He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.

* He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.

* He has never voted to raise congressional pay.

* He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

* He voted against the Patriot Act.

* He voted against the Iraq war.

* He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.