
Its a given, two rocks are traveling through space. They have always been traveling through space. They were never created, they always just were. But today, one of them hit a brick wall just perfect and will never move through space ever again. The other rock will continue to travel through space for the rest of forever. Which rock traverses the greater value?
Its a given, two rocks are traveling through space. They have always been traveling through space. They were never created, they always just were. But today, one of them hit a brick wall just perfect and will never move through space ever again. The other rock will continue to travel through space for the rest of forever. Which rock traverses the greater value?

Prove they were never created
I dont need to. Its the base premise of the topic. If you cant accept it then you cant make a contextual response.

Who made your one god?
It's not a claim. It's my op. I just proved it, see? If you cant guess who made your god then you can certainly entertain in your mind the context that you've been provided. You're just being a pisscunt.