Convicted felon Trump has changed what it means to be evangelical


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Despite an effort to overthrow an election and a bevy of criminal charges, Donald Trump has managed to solidify and even expand his support among core demographics. It remains the eternal Trump question: Who are his supporters and why are they so devoted to him?

The voters most loyal to the former president are White evangelicals. More than 80 percent backed him in the 2020 elections. And this has long presented a puzzle: How can people who prize moral rectitude and personal witness to Jesus so faithfully support the most secular president in American history, someone who seems by his behavior at best indifferent to Christianity?

"This has unsettling implications for U.S. politics and the presidential campaign to come. It means we will see more intense political polarization around religion. Now that White evangelicals are so disproportionally and unapologetically Trump-supporting, the share of Democrats who view Christianity negatively is likely to remain high or perhaps even increase.
Article makes a good point.
Bad enough you support Trump.
But it you are a Christian as well, makes your religion look like garbage.
We live in an age of ' Hypocrisy as policy '. Governments have discovered that bare-faced hypocrisy sows confusion in the ranks of their opposition and attracts a vast pool of voter support, namely- hypocrites.