Cop son of county judge exec busted !


Villified User
The cop son of our republican county judge exec was just busted on drug charges, misuse of authotity and misuse of his firearm.
His pappy is up for re-election next month and has run on a strong anti drug platform....btw he only became a cop after his pappy became county judge exec ;)
You know, it is like Barney says, "Kay Sarah, Sarah." I hope they throw the book at him. Nothing more slimy than a dirty cop. Are voters going to hold it against his daddy, though?

"The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself."

If an investigation turns up a connection then throw the book at the judge too. In crime and punishment I do tend to side with those who take a harder line. I am not for coddling criminals.
But is is obvious his daddy got him the job in the first place. So this is a bit more than just a father son thing.
Most likely. Like I say, if guilty, throw the book at them. There is no room for corrupt people in law inforcement or the judicial system.
County judge executive is not a judge in the techincal sense. More like the highest elected official in the county. A Boss Hogg ;)
Oh and I just remembered that this county judge exec ran and was elected as a demoncrat and then swapped to rebutliken after elected.
I guess he won't get my vote :)

Still not sure on Sherriff though, might have to vote rebutliken on that one.
The Sherrif really isn't that Party Specific. Even my County has had a Democrat Sherrif...
The sheriff can be party specific if all the rest of the county honchoes are the same party. Esp for more patrols in the areas where his buddies are and forget the rest of us. As usual I will vote for the least bad of the two ;) I think it might be the rebutliken this time.