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Why do I get the feeling that the infantile gun-grabber is pulling a Jussie Smollett?

David Hogg: I've survived 7 assassination attempts
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 06/25/2019 @ 5:46 pm

Parasites lusting after government jobs are not easily discouraged when they have a head start; i.e. media coverage.

In a profile piece for New York Magazine, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor and pro-gun control advocate David Hogg revealed he plans on running for Congress when he reaches the minimum age of 25.

David Hogg Already Has Big Plans for When He Turns 25: I'm Going to Run for Congress
JULIO ROSAS | AUG 20, 2018 | 4:48 PM

Should David Hogg join the Parasite Club in Congress he could feed at the public trough for 60 or more years. He might consider the possibility of a long run before he dumps on a master parasite who could teach him the tricks of the trade:

David Hogg Turns on Democratic Leadership: 'Pelosi Is Old' And Needs to 'Move the F**k Off the Plate'
Lauretta Brown
Posted: Aug 20, 2018 7:00 PM

Sharpshooters of every age know an opportunity when they see it. I knew that at least one or two parasites would make a beeline for the public trough the minute the smoke cleared the Parkland School shooting. Nothing builds up a résumé more than applying for a government job than another angle on gun control:

Die-ins was not enough for the boy wonder. His corkscrew agenda invoked a variation on the musket argument:

David Hogg: Kavanaugh is Wrong Because AR-15s Shoot Further than Handguns
by Awr Hawkins
7 Sep 2018

Gun-grabbers have been focusing on outlawing so-called assault rifles. They repeatedly cite the “technology argument” —— i.e. the Second Amendment means muskets only. At the same time Democrats would restrict gun ownership to powder & ball muskets and single shot dueling pistols while the federal government buys the must advanced weapons available for use against the American people. The Second Amendment was put there for protection against tyrannical government; so it follows that Americans must have weapons to protect themselves against government weapons.

Democrats constantly wailing about rifles, the capacity of ammo clips, and ammunition, is one of the smartest pieces of misdirection the sneaks ever thought up. They know very-well that rifles and handguns are powerless against tactical vehicles.


U.N. trucks mystery deepens: 'They're not ours!'
Posted By Bob Unruh On 06/28/2016 @ 7:48 pm

Emphases on David Hogg is misplaced. The focus should be on Hogg’s mom and the money. Rebecca Boldrick’s expertise and her Democrat Party connections gave her darling boy a jump on the competition:

Apparently, activism runs in the family. A series of Facebook posts show that Boldrick is an avowed Democrat and anti-Trumper.

Mother of Exploited Shooting Survivor Turns Out to Be A CNN VIP & Anti-Trump Activist
By Peter D'Abrosca -
Feb 20, 2018

Finally, Tucker Carlson nailed David Hogg pretty good in 2018:


Tucker Carlson: David Hogg Should Stay Out Of Gun Debate, He's An "Extremist"
Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date March 24, 2018
The Second Amendment was put there for protection against tyrannical government; so it follows that Americans must have weapons to protect themselves against government weapons.

Here come the Democrats again. They know that blaming the Second Amendment is a loser; so they blame the El Paso shooting on President Trump:

Amy Klobuchar, Beto O'Rourke slam Trump in wake of El Paso massacre, face backlash for politicizing tragedy
Brie Stimson

Frankly, I would not blame shooters. Most of the blame lies on the huge amount of tax deductible advertising dollars television rakes in chewing up the clock.

Politically motivated shooters do it for the publicity. Deny them the coverage they seek and that alone would cut tragedies by at least 75 percent.

Tragedy is television’s biggest moneymaker. Reporting a shooting 24-7 is the biggest moneymaking tragedy of them all. Death is the name of the game to media ghouls. Every time there is a natural disaster, or tragedies like a plane crash, or mine disaster, etc. the ghouls don their priestly garb so they can demonstrate how caring they really are. Media caring is a ghoul’s way telling everybody else how they should feel and behave.

The first two minutes of this old show from Canada is a lesson in how to report tragedies:

Here come the Democrats again. They know that blaming the Second Amendment is a loser;

Every Democrat scum bag carefully avoids saying “Disarming law-abiding Americans will stop the mass shootings.”.

Culture of Death scum bags jumped on the opportunity to portray themselves as the people who love life —— not to mention pick up a few votes with the usual platitudes:

Former Vice President Joe Biden; Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.); South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg; and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro expressed sadness while calling for change.

Buttigieg is so pathetic I have to believe that his “personal connection” was an attempt at gallows humor:

Buttigieg noted a personal connection to the area where the shooting took place, saying his grandmother took him to the Cielo Vista Mall when he was younger.

2020 Democrats call for action after El Paso shooting
By Rachel Frazin
08/03/19 05:19 PM EDT

I hope to hell Buttigieg does not claim a personal connection to the Holocaust if his grandmother takes him to Germany!
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The news media today is not like the news media of years past.

There was a time when the news was a public service. That time is gone.

With the advent of 24 hour cable news networks, the news became big business. It is a money making enterprise. And the more viewers the more money.

And when do we watch the news? When we are scared. On 9/11 we were all glued to the TV. The news media knows, if they scare us they make more money.
Every Democrat scum bag carefully avoids saying “Disarming law-abiding Americans will stop the mass shootings.”.

Just reading some headlines this morning I noticed that Democrats also avoid saying “White Americans might need guns for self-defense.”

Sanders: Unstable People See Trump’s Racist Rhetoric as a Sign to ‘Take Up Arms’
by Pam Key
4 Aug 2019

Gillibrand: Racist Trump Creating National Emergency of ‘Rampant White Nationalism Across the Country’
by Pam Key
4 Aug 2019

Actor Rainn Wilson: ‘Biggest Threat’ to America Is ‘Angry White Men with Guns’
by Ben Kew
4 Aug 2019

This is the worst one:

GOP senator calls for background check legislation after shootings
By Chris Mills Rodrigo - 08/04/19 10:43 PM EDT

Apparently Republicans do not know:


Democrat gun-grabbers found a friend in now-Senator Romney:

I did read this article. White Americans concerned about self-defense should read the compilation of wacko gun control comments:

August 03, 2019
Liberals, 2020 Democrats waste no time politicizing El Paso mass tragedy to push gun control
Chris Enloe

Every American needs guns for self-defense —— more from the government than from individual shooters. So I should point out that Americans better defend themselves from Democrats like:

Seth Moulton
Verified account @sethmoulton

Absolutely heartbroken to hear the news out of El Paso.

We cannot allow this to keep happening in America. Citizens don’t need guns to protect them from government—they need the government to step up and protect them from guns.
12:51 PM - 3 Aug 2019

Finally, Caucasian is the world's minority race. So how come Democrat gun-grabbers do not fear for the white minority? The answer is simple.

Governments always scapegoat a powerless minority. Jews in Nazi Germany, and Christians in Muslim countries are tragic examples.

The white race will soon be a minority in the federal government as well as in the country. The white race will powerless after they are disarmed. Put some thought in my warning before you discount it.
David Hogg Already Has Big Plans for When He Turns 25: I'm Going to Run for Congress
JULIO ROSAS | AUG 20, 2018 | 4:48 PM​

Reality will not change his mind:

"Would you be interested in seeing a video post every day from now until election day with my thoughts on what's going on?" Hogg asked in a Twitter poll. More than 90,000 Twitter users responded to the poll with nearly 80,000 responding with a "no."

David Hogg deletes Twitter poll after majority respond 'No' to hearing his 2020 election 'thoughts'
by Carly Ortiz-Lytle
August 22, 2020 01:44 PM

David Hogg Already Has Big Plans for When He Turns 25: I'm Going to Run for Congress
JULIO ROSAS | AUG 20, 2018 | 4:48 PM

Should David Hogg join the Parasite Club in Congress he could feed at the public trough for 60 or more years. He might consider the possibility of a long run before he dumps on a master parasite who could teach him the tricks of the trade:


Finally, Tucker Carlson nailed David Hogg pretty good in 2018:


I knew there was no end to this kid. Imagine what he will be when he grows up!

Rep. Lauren Boebert to David Hogg: 'Give your keyboard a rest, child'
By Andrew Blake
Friday, January 29, 2021
I knew there was no end to this kid. Imagine what he will be when he grows up!

Why in hell is this reported as news?

David Hogg announces launch of pillow company to compete with Mike Lindell's MyPillow
by Andrew Mark Miller
February 04, 2021 03:43 PM

I will give the

the benefit of the doubt and say that Hogg paid the going rate for his advertisement.
David Hogg announces launch of pillow company to compete with Mike Lindell's MyPillow

CAMRBIDGE, MA—Smart Harvard student David Hogg has announced he is fighting back in the great pillow war against Mike Lindell, the evil Dark Lord of Pillows.

Hogg says he has found an audience with his progressive fanbase, who are constantly crying about everything. The pillows will soak up all their tears every night as they cry about oppression, the patriarchy, and math.

The full-time activist and part-time student reportedly ran into a snag, however, when he suddenly realized he didn't know anything about making pillows. In a strategy meeting, Hogg and his business partner brainstormed ideas to overcome this small hurdle. Written on the whiteboard behind them in their dorm was a basic business plan: "1. Come up with name. 2. Make pillows? 3. ?????????? 4. Profit!!!"

"Oh shoot, I forgot we'd have to find a factory," said Hogg as he googled "how to build a pillow factory non-GMO organic local for dummies." "And we'll make it a union shop with $500/hour pay for employees. Oh man, and we could have a cool headquarters like Google! And everyone will get free cappuccinos all day, and 3-hour breaks! This is gonna be so rad."

Unable to find a factory in the U.S. that could manufacture his tear-absorbent pillows in an all-natural, pesticide-free, humanely sourced, cage-free manner, Hogg took to his Twitter account and tweeted, "HEY DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO MAKE PILLOWS?"

David Hogg To Release Line Of Extra-Absorbent Pillows For Liberal Tears
February 5th, 2021

p.s. Thank God Greta is not American —— yet!

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish high school dropout who told the United Nations. “How dare you,” should be making that speech in Beijing, not New York.

Nov 26, 2019,12:59pm EST|21,323 views
Greta, Go To China And Protest About Climate Change To The World’s Biggest Emitter
Simon Lack

If Greta becomes an American citizen I can just see a screwball Hogg-Thunberg presidential ticket that makes Biden-Harris look normal.

David Hogg Already Has Big Plans for When He Turns 25: I'm Going to Run for Congress​
