Cotton: Biden Administration is Delaying Arms Shipments to Israel to Undermine Our Ally


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Cotton: Biden Administration is Delaying Arms Shipments to Israel to Undermine Our Ally

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today sent a letter to President Joe Biden, criticizing the Biden administration for withholding weapons and ammunition from Israel as it continues to battle Hamas. Senator Cotton requested the administration provide a complete list of all weapons and ammunition Israel has requested, as well as explanations for the delays.

In part, Senator Cotton wrote:

“Your administration is engaged in bureaucratic sleight-of-hand to withhold this crucial aid to Israel during a shooting war. As you are aware, the Arms Export Control Act requires the administration to notify Congress before sending weapons to a foreign country. Your administration has manipulated this requirement by withholding this formal notification to Congress of approved weapons sales, including F-15s, tactical vehicles, 120-mm mortars, 120-mm tank rounds, joint direct attack munitions, and small diameter bombs. Your administration can then claim that the weapons are ‘in process’ while never delivering them.”
President Joseph R. Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Biden:

I write regarding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s public statement this week that your administration has been withholding weapons and ammunition from Israel and hampering its war effort against Hamas—a serious accusation from a trusted U.S. ally.

Your administration responded by claiming that aid is flowing normally, with one official asserting, “We genuinely do not know what he’s talking about.” You claim that the only hold or delay is on the 2,000-pound and 500-pound bombs you refused to deliver earlier this year. But you’re deliberately misleading the American people and insulting a key ally.

Your administration is engaged in bureaucratic sleight-of-hand to withhold this crucial aid to Israel during a shooting war. As you are aware, the Arms Export Control Act requires the administration to notify Congress before sending weapons to a foreign country. Your administration has manipulated this requirement by withholding this formal notification to Congress of approved weapons sales, including F-15s, tactical vehicles, 120-mm mortars, 120-mm tank rounds, joint direct attack munitions, and small diameter bombs. Your administration can then claim that the weapons are “in process” while never delivering them.

But the law also includes an exception for “when emergencies exist,” which allows you to waive the requirement for congressional review and expedite weapons sales. Your administration is obviously aware of this exception since you invoked it just last year. Yet, it appears that you stopped acknowledging the emergency in Israel after receiving a letter from nearly twenty congressional Democrats in January, urging you to end expedited weapons sales to Israel. Though your administration reportedly released a ship carrying at least some of these arms on Wednesday, that modest step doesn’t cure the damage done by the delay.

You’re playing politics with the nation’s honor and our ally’s security. Worse still, your administration lacks the honesty to communicate its true policy to the American people, instead preferring to hide behind weasel words and bureaucratic process.

Any delays to military support to Israel blatantly disregard Congress’s bipartisan mandate to supply Israel with all it needs to defeat the Hamas terrorists and other Iranian-backed groups. Our ally is under sustained threat, and we must use all available resources to expedite military aid. Please provide the following information no later than July 1, 2024:
What weapons and ammunition are being withheld from Israel? Include any weapons or ammunition delayed more than two weeks beyond their original delivery date.
Provide a list of all foreign military and direct commercial sales requested by Israel and the status of each request. Provide explanation for any delays.
Provide a list of any weapons or ammunition Israel has requested be expedited, the status of each request, and an explanation for that status.
What issues are hampering you from expediting the delivery of weapons and ammunition to Israel? What, if any, legislative relief is required to address those issues?
How much of the recent supplemental funding passed by Congress has your administration expended to deliver weapons and ammunition to Israel?

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Cotton: Biden Administration is Delaying Arms Shipments to Israel to Undermine Our Ally

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today sent a letter to President Joe Biden, criticizing the Biden administration for withholding weapons and ammunition from Israel as it continues to battle Hamas. Senator Cotton requested the administration provide a complete list of all weapons and ammunition Israel has requested, as well as explanations for the delays.

In part, Senator Cotton wrote:

“Your administration is engaged in bureaucratic sleight-of-hand to withhold this crucial aid to Israel during a shooting war. As you are aware, the Arms Export Control Act requires the administration to notify Congress before sending weapons to a foreign country. Your administration has manipulated this requirement by withholding this formal notification to Congress of approved weapons sales, including F-15s, tactical vehicles, 120-mm mortars, 120-mm tank rounds, joint direct attack munitions, and small diameter bombs. Your administration can then claim that the weapons are ‘in process’ while never delivering them.”
Your party delayed sending aid to Israel and Ukraine for six months.
Two Democrats and one Independent also voted against the measure. They were Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Peter Welch (D-VT) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
It's illegal under international law- via the recent ICJ ruling- for states to aid Israel .
Arming Israel also puts the US in breach of its UN Charter obligations in that Israel has ignored multiple UN resolutions against it.

Netanyahu has reduced Biden to the level of a gun-runner for degenerate fascist criminals.

Hand Senator Cotton over to the Hamas women.1722261746615.png
Your administration responded by claiming that aid is flowing normally, with one official asserting, “We genuinely do not know what he’s talking about.” You claim that the only hold or delay is on the 2,000-pound and 500-pound bombs you refused to deliver earlier this year. But you’re deliberately misleading the American people and insulting a key ally.

Your administration is engaged in bureaucratic sleight-of-hand to withhold this crucial aid to Israel during a shooting war. As you are aware, the Arms Export Control Act requires the administration to notify Congress before sending weapons to a foreign country. Your administration has manipulated this requirement by withholding this formal notification to Congress of approved weapons sales, including F-15s, tactical vehicles, 120-mm mortars, 120-mm tank rounds, joint direct attack munitions, and small diameter bombs. Your administration can then claim that the weapons are “in process” while never delivering them.
Cotton: Biden Administration is Delaying Arms Shipments to Israel to Undermine Our Ally

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today sent a letter to President Joe Biden, criticizing the Biden administration for withholding weapons and ammunition from Israel as it continues to battle Hamas. Senator Cotton requested the administration provide a complete list of all weapons and ammunition Israel has requested, as well as explanations for the delays.

In part, Senator Cotton wrote:

“Your administration is engaged in bureaucratic sleight-of-hand to withhold this crucial aid to Israel during a shooting war. As you are aware, the Arms Export Control Act requires the administration to notify Congress before sending weapons to a foreign country. Your administration has manipulated this requirement by withholding this formal notification to Congress of approved weapons sales, including F-15s, tactical vehicles, 120-mm mortars, 120-mm tank rounds, joint direct attack munitions, and small diameter bombs. Your administration can then claim that the weapons are ‘in process’ while never delivering them.”
Dont vote for Biden!

BTW, Trump has refused to take a stance on Israel's war.
It's illegal under international law- via the recent ICJ ruling- for states to aid Israel .
Arming Israel also puts the US in breach of its UN Charter obligations in that Israel has ignored multiple UN resolutions against it.

Netanyahu has reduced Biden to the level of a gun-runner for degenerate fascist criminals.

Hand Senator Cotton over to the Hamas women.View attachment 28519
Another proof of the joke that the International Courts are. By the by, did they also sanction Iran for sending arms to Hamas and Palestine?
Another proof of the joke that the International Courts are. By the by, did they also sanction Iran for sending arms to Hamas and Palestine?
You're well confused. Palestine is not charged with genocide , is not in breach of UN resolutions and the majority of the world's people do not consider Hamas to be terrorists.
You are suffering from American exceptionalism. It's a fantasy, you know.
Check out the contrast- US lawmakers are urging the government to break the law and arm the genocidal Jews and UK lawmakers are urging their government not to.


You're well confused. Palestine is not charged with genocide , is not in breach of UN resolutions and the majority of the world's people do not consider Hamas to be terrorists.
You are suffering from American exceptionalism. It's a fantasy, you know.
No, I'm not confused. Palestine should be charged, but the Leftist states of the world won't let that happen. In any case, it's irrelevant as international law and legal proceedings by some supposed "international court" aren't worth the paper they're written on.
No, I'm not confused. Palestine should be charged, but the Leftist states of the world won't let that happen. In any case, it's irrelevant as international law and legal proceedings by some supposed "international court" aren't worth the paper they're written on.
You are always confused. Israel is attacking a nearly defensive neighbor to go after HAMAS which is not headquartered in Palestine. They came and went through the tunnel system. Palestinian children and other civilians are paying the price for an attack they did not do.
You are always confused. Israel is attacking a nearly defensive neighbor to go after HAMAS which is not headquartered in Palestine. They came and went through the tunnel system. Palestinian children and other civilians are paying the price for an attack they did not do.
Whose fault is it that Hamas is so utterly incompetent at fighting wars, particularly ones they started? Hamas is the official government of Gaza, that makes them libel for what happens there, like invading Israel on 7 October.

Too bad for Palestinian children and civilians. Maybe next time they won't elect a bunch of thugs and terrorists to be their government.
Harris - Biden are pro Hamas and anti Israel.
They've got something decent going for them then.
No, I'm not confused. Palestine should be charged, but the Leftist states of the world won't let that happen. In any case, it's irrelevant as international law and legal proceedings by some supposed "international court" aren't worth the paper they're written on.
You sound like Al Capone commenting on the US justice system- or Trump, for that matter.

Still, international law rules- despite the kicking and screaming of you and your criminal fraternity.