Could an Obama presidency hurt black Americans?


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(CNN) -- "We had a dream. Now it's a reality."

That's the slogan on a popular T-shirt linking Sen. Barack Obama's presidential run to the Rev. Martin Luther King's dream of racial equality. It's one of several T-shirts -- including "Barack is my homeboy"-- that reflect African-American's euphoria over Obama's White House bid.

But there are others who warn that an Obama presidency could hurt African-Americans. They say that an Obama victory could cause white Americans to ignore entrenched racial divisions while claiming that America has reached the racial Promised Land.

Paul Street, author of the forthcoming book, "Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics," says Obama risks becoming an Oval Office version of talk-show host Oprah Winfrey. She and former Secretary of State Colin Powell are African-American figures whose popularity allows some white Americans to congratulate themselves for not being racist, he says

"They're cited as proof that racism is no longer a significant barrier to black advancement and interracial equality," says Street.

"This isn't new. Go to the 19th century and Southern aristocrats would point to a certain African-American landowner who was doing well to prove that whites are not racist."

Nick Shapiro, an Obama spokesperson, says that Obama believes that America has made tremendous progress in the past 50 years. Biggest challenges for black America

"However, the suggestion that somehow Senator Obama's campaign represents an easy shortcut is not realistic," Shapiro said in an e-mailed statement. "Senator Obama believes that we still have a lot of work to do, and that's not just true for the issues facing blacks or Latinos, but for women and other communities struggling to secure the basic necessities in life like jobs, housing, health care and quality education."

Are we a post-racial society?

Any suggestion that an Obama presidential victory could set back race relations may seem odd or even inappropriate. His presidential campaign has been framed by many observers as a glowing example of America's move to a "post-racial" society.

"Racial polarization used to be a dominating force in our politics, but we're now a different, and better, country," Paul Krugman, a New York Times columnist wrote last month about Obama's political rise.

The reaction in the African-American community to Obama's success has also been celebrated with joy.

When Obama became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee in June, many African-Americans cried because they said they never thought they would live to see such a day. Vendors soon started selling T-shirts of Obama's portrait pasted alongside King in Walgreens stores and at online stores.

Yet there are a few political commentators who warn African-Americans that an Obama victory could be twisted to suppress the push for racial equality. Most of these commentators are African-American but they also include white, Latino and conservative pundits.

These commentators say that there is a subliminal appeal to Obama's presidential candidacy that has been ignored. Obama doesn't just represent change -- he represents atonement for America's ugly racial past for others, they say.

Steve Sailer, a columnist for The American Conservative magazine, wrote last year that some whites who support Obama aren't driven primarily by a desire for change.

They want something else Obama offers them -- "White Guilt Repellent," he wrote.

"So many whites want to be able to say, 'I'm not one of them, those bad whites. ... Hey, I voted for a black guy for president,' " Sailer wrote.

Sailer cited another reason why many whites want Obama as president:

"They hope that when a black finally moves into the White House, it will prove to African-Americans, once and for all, that white animus isn't the cause of their troubles. All blacks have to do is to act like President Obama - and their problems will be over."

Glen Ford, executive editor of the online journal, offered some white Americans a free solution to the race problem: "Millions of whites came to believe Obama could solve the 'race problem' by his mere presence, at no cost to their own notions of skin privilege," Ford wrote in an essay in January.

Other African-American commentators say the "post-racial" tag attached to Obama could be used to dismiss legitimate black grievances.

Andra Gillespie, an assistant professor at Emory University's political science department, says Obama's success doesn't mean America has become a post-racial society. She says it may signal the decline of individual racism but not another form of discrimination: systemic racism.

"It doesn't mean that there aren't prejudiced people anymore," she says.

Systemic racism is a form of racism that's entrenched in institutions. Some argue that it's the primary cause for intractable problems in the African-American community that range from substandard public schools to disproportionate rates of imprisonment, she says.

Electing a black president does not mean that America is ready to take on systemic racism, Gillespie says.

"A rising tide doesn't lift all boats," Gillespie says. "Just because he [Obama] gets elected doesn't mean the lives of poor black people are automatically going to improve."

It could actually get worse for poor African-Americans, she says.

"People could say if Barack [Obama] can succeed and someone can't get off of the stoops in the hood, it's their fault and it has nothing to do with systemic racism," Gillespie says.

D. Yobachi Boswell, a blogger for Black, wrote in January that the prospect of Obama victory was making African-Americans politically passive.

He wrote that too many African-Americans were "doping ourselves up on the euphoric opium" of a black president while forgetting "we need fundamental change, not just Negroes in high places."

Boswell says he's concerned that an Obama presidency would discourage African-Americans from keeping leaders accountable.

"We can't give him [Obama] a pass because he's black," Boswell says. "We just can't have a black face in a high place. We have to have people fighting for policies that actually help us."

Obama has responded to such criticisms before. In his "A More Perfect Union" speech in March, he dismissed claims that his candidacy was fueled by the desire "to purchase racial reconciliation on the cheap."

He acknowledged that racial disparities in education and wealth continued to exist and were linked to the legacy of Jim Crow and slavery.

"I have never been so naive as to believe that we can get beyond our racial divisions in a single election cycle, or with a single candidacy -- particularly a candidacy as imperfect as my own," Obama said during that speech.

A black backlash against Obama?

Despite what Obama has said, his presidency could provoke a black backlash because the expectations are so high, others say.

African-Americans who would expect a President Obama to be a vigorous advocate for their cause -- may be disappointed by Obama's approach to race if he becomes president, some say.

Paul Street, author of the forthcoming book on Obama, says Obama may be a symbol of bold racial change but he is personally cautious about race. A President Obama won't want to appear to favor blacks because he might lose political support if he appears as the "angry black man" in the White House.

Street says Obama understands that risk and has run as a "race-neutral" candidate who talks about racial oppression as something largely confined to the past.

"Barack plays a very active role in damping down race consciousness," Street says. "Race neutrality is one of the great characteristics of his campaign."

African-Americans may also be disappointed by an Obama presidency because they may have forgotten what Obama is -- a politician, says David Sirota, author of "The Uprising, "a book that examines how populist movements in America shape public policy changes.

"He's like any politician. He's cautious," Sirota says. "He's a potential vehicle for change, and I think he is a good vehicle, but he is just a vehicle."

His presidency may represent fundamental change but that doesn't mean he will initiate such sweeping changes if he's elected.

"Politicians, even the best-intentioned ones, are weather vanes," says Sirota. "If the wind isn't blowing in the right direction, they will perpetuate the status quo," he says.

It will take more than a presidential candidate to change the status quo -- it'll take a movement, Sirota says.

"My concern is that people will think that by simply electing Obama, change will come, whether it's on race or economic justice issues," he says.

"If people believe that, then real change will not happen."
Btw I know lots of white guys who think this same thing. that if they vote for obama then it proves they aren't racist and that the need for affirmative action is withering.
I was going to post this article.

Why even bother giving some of these tools airtime?

Paul Street, author of the forthcoming book, "Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics," says Obama risks becoming an Oval Office version of talk-show host Oprah Winfrey. She and former Secretary of State Colin Powell are African-American figures whose popularity allows some white Americans to congratulate themselves for not being racist, he says

I suppose the populace's general distaste for the direction we've been heading in over the last 7 1/2 yrs has nothing to do with it. Its all about "white guilt"

Is this BS even founded in a study or is the author just spewing $hit from his as$?
I was going to post this article.

Why even bother giving some of these tools airtime?

Paul Street, author of the forthcoming book, "Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics," says Obama risks becoming an Oval Office version of talk-show host Oprah Winfrey. She and former Secretary of State Colin Powell are African-American figures whose popularity allows some white Americans to congratulate themselves for not being racist, he says

I suppose the populace's general distaste for the direction we've been heading in over the last 7 1/2 yrs has nothing to do with it. Its all about "white guilt"

Is this BS even founded in a study or is the author just spewing $hit from his as$?

I would guess the latter.
I agree it could spell the death knell of Affirmative Action.

not necessarily. The argument will still be made that many 'regular' black folk are held back by discrimination. So even though it is good one person reached the highest level of this country it does not mean discrimination has gone away.
not necessarily. The argument will still be made that many 'regular' black folk are held back by discrimination. So even though it is good one person reached the highest level of this country it does not mean discrimination has gone away.

I agree with that point, but perception will be changed, and it will make it more difficult.
I have been thinking about this for a couple of months now. One of my questions is this, would Malcolm X say that Obama was from the HOuse, or from the Field? I don't view Obama's candidacy as centered on black issues. I look at it more like he is trying to slip past the bounce at a bar where hasn't been allowed, and to do that he will try very hard to look like ALL the others at the bar. I am constantly amazed that Obama or his wife are cast in the radical black role. They are closer to the Huxtables than the Evan's family
Interesting article .. but misses the point.

Obama's presidency will do nothing for the black agenda or solve issues specific to the black community.

Sure, he'll come to black communities and audiences to scold us as if he was big daddy, but he won't address issues that make him appear too black.

He won't go to white communities and audiences and suggest they cutback on the booze and drugs .. being the major consumer of both .. but he'll always find something wrong with blacks he needs to have a major address about.

There has been a lessening of enthusiasm among African-Americans for Mr. Obama. Sure, he'll win in a blow-out .. just don't expect much.
Interesting article .. but misses the point.

Obama's presidency will do nothing for the black agenda or solve issues specific to the black community.

Sure, he'll come to black communities and audiences to scold us as if he was big daddy, but he won't address issues that make him appear too black.

He won't go to white communities and audiences and suggest they cutback on the booze and drugs .. being the major consumer of both .. but he'll always find something wrong with blacks he needs to have a major address about.

There has been a lessening of enthusiasm among African-Americans for Mr. Obama. Sure, he'll win in a blow-out .. just don't expect much.

Black, what did you think of the Shellby Steele article I linked to regarding how Obama and Jesse Jackson relate to the white community?
This is a really good article from Shelby Steele comparing Obama to Jesse Jackson how they are viewed by white America. Pretty insightful.

Like most of what comes from Steele, it missed the mark and was completely pointless.

"trade white guilt for white gratitude" .. stupid as a motherfucker and this kind of bullshit only exists in the minds of house negros like Stelle and Sowell.

"Black leaders don't speak of individual responsibility" .. stupid as fuck and an outright lie. The Million Man March was all about individual responsibility and many black leaders speak about it.

Steele makes his living appeasing white people .. that's his job. Throw your own under a bus if you can make white people love you.

I didn't find much of anything in the article that had any value or made the slightest bit of sense. Had it not been for Jackson blazing the trail and forcing the Democratic Party into proportional representation, Obama would not be the nominee.

Jackson has been blazing the trail for a lot of years while Mr. Obama has been crafting a career.

I absolutely agree with what Jackson said about OBama .. the only problem is that I'm not sure Obama has any balls that could be cut off.
I have been thinking about this for a couple of months now. One of my questions is this, would Malcolm X say that Obama was from the HOuse, or from the Field? I don't view Obama's candidacy as centered on black issues. I look at it more like he is trying to slip past the bounce at a bar where hasn't been allowed, and to do that he will try very hard to look like ALL the others at the bar. I am constantly amazed that Obama or his wife are cast in the radical black role. They are closer to the Huxtables than the Evan's family

Obama does not come from the same family and ancestural history as the majority of American black people. He is not a decendent of slaves. His father came directly to modern America from Africa, and his mother was white.

This is important to understand, but most will not. It is much more likely for a man to come from where Obama comes from to be president of the United States, than it would be for the decendents of slaves. Obama comes from a more white culture, a more predominate part of American culture.

If the decendents of slaves were to get himself/herself to be a major party nominee for president, that would be more of an accomplishment than what Obama has done. Its not impossable, C. Rice is someone who has come from the more traditional African-American experience, and she has made it to a high position, however not an elected one.

Obama being elected president should not affect A. Action, but it will.