Could have been the GOAT

Members banned from this thread: Cypress, Fuck Populists, tinfoil, Jarod, blackascoal, Don Quixote, midcan5, evince, Corazón, ZappasGuitar, signalmankenneth, Legion, Rune, brazenhussy, Althea, Thing1, moon2012, iolo, Mr.Badguy, Leonthecat, Cadillac Man, Buckly J. Ewer, Bill, domer76, Mr. Shaman, Billy Batts, sear, archives, Brain Food, Nomad, Sailor, Micawber, TTQ64, zymurgy, crowonapost, Amadeus, RickyTavy, blackvegetable and Owl'd You're Up!
Randy Moss is worth around $62 million dollars. He had a solid career and made good. Whether he could have been the greatest of all time is pure speculation.

I'm sure he loses sleep worrying about it.

Well douche. I am speculating. But thanks for wasting the bandwidth. Maybe you should start another Alabama jerk off thread?
But you care enough to create a thread to berate a man who achieved his goals and is a success, because YOU think he should have tried harder and done it differently.

Okey dokey.

Berate is a strong word isn't it shit for brains? I don't think there is much argument that Moss's work ethic wasn't the best. Are you arguing that he had a great work ethic and lived up to all of his potential?

No worries you will be added to future thread bans.
Berate is a strong word isn't it shit for brains? I don't think there is much argument that Moss's work ethic wasn't the best. Are you arguing that he had a great work ethic and lived up to all of his potential?

No worries you will be added to future thread bans.

No, I made no such claim. I simply said that he was successful. He lived his life the way HE wanted to live it. He didn't sacrifice what he wanted in pursuit of some vague praise from fans who never played the game.

YOu deride his work ethic. Ok. But what he did when he wasn't working on his NFL career may have been important to him, whether it was to you or not.

As for banning me from future threads, do what you think you need to do. There is a word for people who want only affirmations on their threads. I guess its easier when you block anyone who might offer alternative views. Makes you feel right.
No, I made no such claim. I simply said that he was successful. He lived his life the way HE wanted to live it. He didn't sacrifice what he wanted in pursuit of some vague praise from fans who never played the game.

YOu deride his work ethic. Ok. But what he did when he wasn't working on his NFL career may have been important to him, whether it was to you or not.

As for banning me from future threads, do what you think you need to do. There is a word for people who want only affirmations on their threads. I guess its easier when you block anyone who might offer alternative views. Makes you feel right.

I don't ban because I seek affirmation. I ban douche bags. You are a douche bag. Remember when you ran from the rest of the board and hid in here? The rough and tumble was too much for your soft ass. Get back to sucking Saban dick
I don't ban because I seek affirmation. I ban douche bags. You are a douche bag. Remember when you ran from the rest of the board and hid in here? The rough and tumble was too much for your soft ass. Get back to sucking Saban dick

This is a perfect example of why I spend little time in any of the other forums. Apparently, many fools think discussion or debate involves name-calling, homoerotic references and a general attempt to replace the topic at hand with personal attacks. If that is what you want, have at it. I avoid the other forums for a very simple reason. My tolerance for petty conflict and hostility is getting lower and lower.

As for my being a "douche bag", the only thing I have done here is question your OP by pointing out that Moss was successful and did well. Rather than present any reasonable argument, you instantly went into attack mode. I am not the douche here. For that you might look to your own.

As for the "rough & tumble" nonsense, I have not run from the hostility and flame wars because I can't handle it. I have avoided the bullshit because I am tired of it and it accomplishes nothing.

Have fun. We'll talk more when college football starts.
This is a perfect example of why I spend little time in any of the other forums. Apparently, many fools think discussion or debate involves name-calling, homoerotic references and a general attempt to replace the topic at hand with personal attacks. If that is what you want, have at it. I avoid the other forums for a very simple reason. My tolerance for petty conflict and hostility is getting lower and lower.

As for my being a "douche bag", the only thing I have done here is question your OP by pointing out that Moss was successful and did well. Rather than present any reasonable argument, you instantly went into attack mode. I am not the douche here. For that you might look to your own.

As for the "rough & tumble" nonsense, I have not run from the hostility and flame wars because I can't handle it. I have avoided the bullshit because I am tired of it and it accomplishes nothing.

Have fun. We'll talk more when college football starts.

Your response was actually inane and simplistic. But I would expect no less from a liberal bama fan.

First of all my post did not in anyway indicate that Moss didn't have a "successful" career. It merely pointed out that he could have been the best ever. His poor work ethic has long been discussed and it isn't even in doubt.

Whether his goal was to have a successful career and not be great, I can't speak to his personal motivations as I do not know him personally and have never discussed it with him. But my point remains. I believe he had the talent to be the best ever at his position and he wouldn't have needed 20 years like Jerry did.

And I probably won't engage you in college football due to your admitted delicate sensibilities and growth of a vagina.

Now you can return to your regularly scheduled programming of you suckling jizz out of Sabans asshole
Your response was actually inane and simplistic. But I would expect no less from a liberal bama fan.

First of all my post did not in anyway indicate that Moss didn't have a "successful" career. It merely pointed out that he could have been the best ever. His poor work ethic has long been discussed and it isn't even in doubt.

Whether his goal was to have a successful career and not be great, I can't speak to his personal motivations as I do not know him personally and have never discussed it with him. But my point remains. I believe he had the talent to be the best ever at his position and he wouldn't have needed 20 years like Jerry did.

And I probably won't engage you in college football due to your admitted delicate sensibilities and growth of a vagina.

Now you can return to your regularly scheduled programming of you suckling jizz out of Sabans asshole

What you did was say it is a shame that Moss didn't work hard to achieve a goal that offers him nothing but an ego boost. And my reply did not bring about any discussion of work ethic or of the positives of earning the title GOAT. In fact, since I posted in this thread, this is the first mention of the OP.

As for your fear of engaging me in discussion on college football, if you want to claim it is because I am too sensitive, go right ahead. The facts are obvious.

As for my being a fan of Coach Saban, yep I am. I hate to ruin your fantasies, but my admiration is completely nonsexual. Any one who accomplishes what he has done at Alabama while dramatically improving the graduation rates and academic achievements, deserves credit.

But feel free to keep talking about sucking dicks and asses ect ect. I'm sure people read that and think you are so tough and cool. Watching men compete in a sport and then talking about dick sucking doesn't necessarily mean you are a homosexual. I'm sure there are other explanations. None come to mind, but I'm sure they exist.