could it be true

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
that the peasants are revolting after having been lied to so much that trust in our congress/president has eroded to the point that nothing they say or do can be believed
That is just what we have.

He really had to tell the people their stake in this problem and why this whole thing is in their self interests.

He again failed.

Bush is a terrified lame Duck with no real concern for this country.
That is just what we have.

He really had to tell the people their stake in this problem and why this whole thing is in their self interests.

He again failed.

Bush is a terrified lame Duck with no real concern for this country.

And Desh is a partisan Democrat who wanted this crappy bill passed....

That is just what we have.

He really had to tell the people their stake in this problem and why this whole thing is in their self interests.

He again failed.

Bush is a terrified lame Duck with no real concern for this country.

what is truth - i do not think that our government knows
Bush is an idiot. I don't see many people arguing that point.

And congress has an even lower approval rating?

That is truly sad.
that the peasants are revolting after having been lied to so much that trust in our congress/president has eroded to the point that nothing they say or do can be believed

I spot things in writes like this (but I agree that it is correct) that most people don't see. I spot things in obama that you don't see. I spot things in Palin that you don't see.

Here is what I spotted in your write.

The word "peasants". The practice is as inhumane as it gets and is used in communist circles. It means controlling people, but I guess we can't really be considered a free people anymore. The USA sanctuary of the world, for all with desire to come and be free---is being ruined by world forces, and domestic forced marxism.

It was nice while it lasted. I hope your grand children don't have any dreams, then they won't know what they are missing---like some of you fine folks here.

Yea---the citizen/gov disconnect is true. We all feel betrayed and used. We are feeling like peasants. I have a problem with that, and I think you folks do also. I think this is probably the only thing we can agree on--that there is a citizen/gov dissconnect. We just don't agree on how to fix it. I am against socialism--because you just give them control then, and they are the cause of the disconnect right now. I choose freedom---because it is a hell of a lot more fun of a life--with a optomistic attitude and a will to do what you like to do--and make good bank! :) I love being self supportive. I admire others that are as well. Espically people that leave their crappy country to live a better life here (in freedom), and add value to our society (not take it away like to many illegals do).
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Bush is an idiot. I don't see many people arguing that point.

And congress has an even lower approval rating?

That is truly sad.

Even more sad than that---you get a person like Palin--with a 80% approval rating from the actual work she has done--not lip service with a blister on the staple gun hand, and the media does everything it can to discredit her--and some people seem to believe it right now.

She does not have the disconnect where she served--and I thought that is what people want? Well---80% of the people want it, and they will get to know Palin much better than advertised after the biden pit bull lashing. I don't care who is asking the questions---she is out for blood baby. I love it--I am not scared of her--I believe 80% is a good number for any state (some might be 50% or 40% I am sure, but some states may even be more--if she worked for us there).

Because I know a bit about statistics, and I know about liberial/progressive mdeia domination----and I know the kind of person Palin is---I am not worried that she will get simular support after she serves the nation in office.

Biden has a long career of liberalism--obama is a fucked up world class marxist that does consider us all peasants. The blacks think he is going to help them more (like they need any help from anybody). If you think knocking all others down, so we can live in the same ghetto together and expand it is a better way of life---wise up.

Palin is going to knock this debate out of the park. You folks don't understand---she fills the citizen/gov disconnect. She puts USA first, like nobody else that I have seen, that made it up there, in a long time. Thank you John McCain--and with all respect---step aside please, and let the Saracuda through.

Saracuda might loose a battle once in a while--but she will not loose the war---and she is not going to loose tomarrow night. You folks are about to see a person with fortitude and truth kick the laywers and media's butt at the same time--and about 80% of Americans will love it.

In fact---this bailout is helping Palin and McCain. I bet, there will be record viewers watching this debate. If that is so, that means America is waking up. Both side will inflate--the blacks and unknowing socialists might come out in larger numbers---but that is a lot of work man--lol.

The rest of it,--is Palin waking up the civilian army--and we are very ready to fight. Ding Ding.
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You are just so confused

I am sorry logic does not make sense to you. There is no hope for you. If I were you--I know what I would do. I would end my misury, and kill myself.

All your American hate is simply because you don't feel good about yourself--am I right?
Ohhh---there is that projection again. A insane liberial marxist commie--telling real Americans they are sick.

As deciding that using the word "peasants" is inhumane and communist is not projecting what you want to see?

Look up the word "peasant". Might surprise you.

Use all that education you got when you earned 3 college degrees. LMAO (sorry, I can't even TYPE that with a straight face)
"Real Americans"

you have got to be a joke poster

as in not socialistic view points--marxist view points. You are not a real American. It is as simple as that. your a misurable piece of homo meat, who can't come to terms with yourself. Not my problem commie--until you make it my problem. Then--we have a problem--and I am looking forward to it.
The blacks think he is going to help them more (like they need any help from anybody). If you think knocking all others down, so we can live in the same ghetto together and expand it is a better way of life---wise up.

You have just stated that all black people live in Ghettos and dont need any help because helping them woulsd knock "others" down.

You sir are a joke or a racist nutbag, hell maybe you are both.
as in not socialistic view points--marxist view points. You are not a real American. It is as simple as that. your a misurable piece of homo meat, who can't come to terms with yourself. Not my problem commie--until you make it my problem. Then--we have a problem--and I am looking forward to it.

Wow, such a tough guy online.

But lets look at what you said.

"Not my problem commie--until you make it my problem."

But you have talked about what the liberals have been doing for the past 30 or 40 years, and you have never even bothered to vote in a presidential election before this year's primary. Talk about someone not being a "real american". I would call being 44 years old and having never voted before as being unamerican as hell.

"Then--we have a problem--and I am looking forward to it."

And what are you threatening here, Mr. Badass? Or is it just your HOPE that your candidate will win the election? Because you haven't done anything about it for 40+ years.