Coulter blaming theose nasty pages...

I tried to find something about this but couldn't.

Here's an exchange between her and O'Reilley though.

Pretty bad in of itself though. Anne kept making this seem they were going after him for asking what the page wanted for his birthday as if she was totally ignorant of any of the much worse details.

Anne is so stupid she makes O'Reilly look like a genius.
I saw a parody of her the other day on Showtime (masters of horror). She got shot in the head when zombie iraq veterans were coming after her. I thought it was pretty funny.
Not kidding I read it somewhere last night, maybe on Drudge, not sure.

Yeah, those Republican pages sucked him in and fucked with him, and then the press got it and are making a big deal out of this practical joke. Poor Foley if he hadn't been a closet drunk they could have never tricked him.

Spinneth Drudge:

"According to one Oklahoma source who knows the former page very well, Edmund, a conservative Republican, goaded an unwitting Foley to type embarrassing comments that were then shared with a small group of young Hill politicos. The prank went awry when the saved IM sessions got into the hands of political operatives favorable to Democrats."

So let's get this straight: Everyone was in on the joke but Foley, who still thought he was typing dirty messages to a sixteen-year old kid. Drudge calls it an "online prank that by mistake got into the hands of enemy political operatives." Yep, it sucks when those enemies start telling the world what you actually, you know, did.

Drudge's small print — much smaller than the misleading, giant-point headline — reads: "The prank scenario only applies to the Edmund IM sessions and does not necessarily apply to any other exchanges between the former congressman and others." Because those were also written by Congressman Foley. Intentionally. And that is the issue.
If you quote someone you should include a link. Someone told you, you heard it somewhere...........LOL
here is something she did say....

>>On Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes" Monday night, Democrat Bob Beckel said a gay man should be kept away from male pages the same way Willie Sutton should have been kept away from banks. "If Willie Sutton is around some place where a bank is robbed," Beckel said, "then you're probably going to say, 'Willie, stay away from the robbery.'"