Couric-Paline Interview: Behind the Scenes


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New York - Several times during her exclusive interview with Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric asked Palin whether or not she was aware that the interviews were being taped, and that "other people would see them." Palin reportedly told Couric that she was indeed aware, but then asked Couric what she meant by "broadcast."

"I was concerned, after one of the times where she seemed to be answering a question I hadn't asked," Couric said. "It didn't seem possible that she would intentionally answer the question that way, knowing people would see it. So I stopped the interview, and I said, 'Governor, are you aware that this is the actual interview? What we're doing right now? That this isn't a rehearsal?' She said she was aware. And I said, 'Okay. Just so you know it's being recorded and parts of it will be broadcast.' And then she said, 'You can't blink, Katie, because we share a narrow maritime border with Russia and it has to be all about job creation.' I didn't understand it, but we just went on with the interview. I was pressed for time."

Ms. Couric said she became equally concerned during a session following a speech Governor Palin made, which preceded the second phase of the interview. Portions of that segment of Couric's interview aired tonight on CBS and have spread quickly on the internet.

"In one part of the interview, I asked her what newspapers and magazines she read before being asked to be John McCain's running mate," Couric said. "And she couldn't name any. So again, I turned to the crew and I said, 'Hold it, guys,' and I went to the Governor privately and said, 'Governor Palin, did you not understand the question? I'm asking you to name some newspapers or magazines you read. You can't come up with any? I'm just trying to make sure you're clear and to give you a fair shake here.' And she said, 'Okay. Nightline? Is that a magazine?' I said, 'No, that's a television show.' She said, 'What about Lou Dobbs? Isn't that a newspaper?' And I said, 'No, that's a man. Lou Dobbs is a man.' And there wasn't much more I could do. I'm not a miracle worker."
Pitiful. this was the best that McCain could come up with ?
does not speak well for his leadership abilities.
Is Palin crying like a H Clinton? NO. live your fantacy now--the debate is going to be brutal for the obama camp.

Most fags in the media are not Americans--and the people know it. You don't---but your a dumbass gay black man who is voting for obama---who would be out of business with a consertative interview like that. How about he shows the black balls to go on the Hannity show? That Palin wopman is more of a man than the commie on the top of the ticket. She actually takes stands, and gets things changed for the people.

you have to be a total moron to vote for obama--or a commie. It is that simple.

which one are you---a moron--or a commie?

Miss courichick forgot one thing about responsible journalism---we don't care what she thinks. It does not matter what she thinks. Just interjecting her american people hating opinion makes her a marxist journalist--and we all know it.

She has no idea how many Americans she offended.

Watch the polls tomarrow and see how many.
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That's gotta be something out of The Onion. NO WAY could she be that far gone.

"'You can't blink, Katie, because we share a narrow maritime border with Russia and it has to be all about job creation"

I mean, it sounds like her, but it's too much...
That's gotta be something out of The Onion. NO WAY could she be that far gone.

"'You can't blink, Katie, because we share a narrow maritime border with Russia and it has to be all about job creation"

I mean, it sounds like her, but it's too much...

If you would like to make a bet on the poll momentum after the debate---I am ready. sucker!
That's gotta be something out of The Onion. NO WAY could she be that far gone.

"'You can't blink, Katie, because we share a narrow maritime border with Russia and it has to be all about job creation"

I mean, it sounds like her, but it's too much...

I think you’re right.
I don’t think it can be true, because if Couric said this stuff, it’d be in the news, I would hope.
Palin will deny this part of it because it is not on tape. She will say that of course she knows nightline is a tv show and Lou Dobbs is a man. She learned all that from Reading The View.
Check out the author's bio. He's a satirical writer. I don't know if he's as good as the onion but it was pretty funny.
LMAO, waited till last Damo and came off with did anyone believe this ?

Good one guy.
Your image in the mirror is still intact.
Did anybody really believe this? Wow.
Yeah how could anyone when the woman could NOT name a single Magazine, talked about Putin rearing his ugly head in Alaskan airspace, which the commander of NORAD yesterday put an end to, and could not name a SINGLE supreme Court case other than Roe. How could we think she might make somemore mistatements and gaffs? She ain't real swooft Damo and it is becoming more and more apparent that the McCain camp didn't vet her very well at all.
Yeah, it was not that funny. Seemed unbelievable but not too the point that it was funny.
True that. Seriously I read it, clicked the "more stuff" link then didn't want to wreck Dung's joke. I didn't think anybody was actually taking it seriously.