Court deals Coleman another setback on absentees


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ST. PAUL, Minn. – The Minnesota Supreme Court has rejected Republican Norm Coleman's request to count an additional 650 rejected absentee ballots in the state's U.S. Senate recount.

The court's ruling Monday likely paves the way for the state Canvassing Board to certify results showing Democrat Al Franken won the race. But Coleman's attorneys have said they are likely to sue if he loses the recount, meaning it could be weeks more before the outcome is final.

Coleman had argued the ballots were improperly rejected. In a five-page ruling, the high court said the dispute was among issues better handled in an "election contest," or lawsuit.

Franken leads Coleman by 225 votes after the state finished counting more than 900 absentee ballots that the state and the campaigns earlier had agreed were improperly rejected.
Now, when the ruling went the other way, I read posts that suggested the Rs were attempting to ensure votes "don't count" while the Ds were all for counting them all...

This is an ironic situation.

In the beginning, it was Franken who was demanding that they be counted. Now Coleman sees them as just about the only thing he has left. However, they are almost certain to lean Franken, and it would be the weirdest thing that had ever happened if Coleman one the absentee ballots by the huge margin required to make up a 200 vote deficit.

Coleman is a dead man walking. Meet Minnesotas senator-elect, Al Franken.