COVID-19 Kills Nine In Record Summer Shower


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New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio described the flooding and weather on Wednesday night as a "historic weather event." The National Weather Service issued a flash flood emergency in New York City for the first time.

NY, NJ Declare Emergencies: At Least 9 Reported Dead in Record Rains
Thursday, 02 September 2021 06:09 AM

DeBlasio grabbed the moral high ground when he announced “All God’s chillun gotta help those folks suffering from a "historic weather event."

double dipping

The practice of drawing two incomes from the government, usually by holding a government job and receiving a pension, as for prior military service.

double dipper (noun)

Summer showers found new definitions for double-dipping:

1. NY & NJ will get a few trillion federal income tax dollars to combat a flu after every death is blamed on COVID-19.

2. NY & NJ will get more federal income tax dollars because of the ‘emergency.’


Finally, the parasites are all:

I get that you disagree with the extra dollars to combat covid. But money to help after a natural disaster? Do you imagine New Yorkers sitting around drinking top shelf martinis celebrating?

I'd damn sure rather be spending my tax dollars on the sick and on those effected by the natural disaster than spending it on a $13 billion aircraft carrier, on tax breaks for corporations making millions or billions, or spending thousands on renaming a street after some politician.

Yes, there are parasites. But I think you are mistaking who they truly are.
I'd damn sure rather be spending my tax dollars on the sick and on those effected by the natural disaster than spending it on a $13 billion aircraft carrier, on tax breaks for corporations making millions or billions, or spending thousands on renaming a street after some politician.

To Winterborn: The problem lies in the difference between a tax on income and a corporate tax.

Incidentally, everybody should come out against unnecessary wars instead of objecting to paying for the weapons of self-defense. Start with the Spanish-American War:

Americans are still paying a tax to fight the Spanish-American War.

The only thing most Americans know about the Spanish-American War is that it had something to do with Teddy Roosevelt. Look on your telephone bill and you will see a tax that was first implemented to pay for the Spanish-American War when relatively few Americans owned a telephone. The telephone tax to finance the Spanish-American War morphed into a fee. Check your telephone bill. The FCC prohibited telephone companies from listing it as a tax on your monthly statement so it became a fee.

The tax started live as five cents. Americans are still paying that war tax although it is a helluva lot higher than a nickel, and they pay the fee on every phone. If you own two land lines, and a cell phone, you pay the fee on all three. The fee increases on every phone in your name and business. (I think the fee is up around four dollars for just one phone. Contact your phone company for details.)

For the record, citizens in states and towns should decide how much to pay for natural disasters if at all. Since do-gooders want to pay strangers they should do it out of your own pockets —— not force me to do it with an income tax.

Yes, there are parasites. But I think you are mistaking who they truly are.

To Winterborn: No mistake. They are freaks, criminals, traitors, sexual deviates, and priests. In short: Creating tax dollar jobs for Democrat voters who live on tax dollars is the essence of the Parasite Class. Not a one of them contributes anything of value to the country.

p.s. Here is the latest addition to the Parasite Class from elected Democrat parasites who advocate violence —— then they pay the low-level parasites they created not to shoot you:

A new social, anti-crime program in San Francisco raises a number of novel questions, including, but not limited to, could this be the beginning of a new career choice: that of being a professional non-hitman?

It is Newsweek that is reporting on the city's plans to "pay people at high risk of shooting someone not to pull the trigger to help alleviate rising gun violence in the city."

City to pay people $300 a month not to shoot others
By Bob Unruh
Published September 2, 2021 at 4:59pm