CPAC whiners bitch & moan


On a day of history in the Middle East, there was one topic virtually absent from the speeches of prospective 2012 Republican presidential candidates at the annual Conservative Political Action Committee's convention: Egypt.

The would-be contenders - and others who addressed the gathering - struck a series of common conservative themes, such as reducing the size of government as well as projecting strength and muscle abroad.

All attacked President Obama for his domestic and foreign policies.
Not the best election platform.

Being on the same stage as crazy psycho bitch Ann Coulter and her Neo-Nazi beliefs probably won't help him much either...

From CPAC Saturday: Ann Coulter: 'There Should Be More Jailed Journalists'

Ann Coulter said she thinks there should be more journalists put in jail during her appearance at the annual CPAC conference on Saturday.

Coulter's comments came during a response to a question from a woman in the audience. The woman initially asked Coulter why she and other Republicans had championed free elections in Iraq but were warning about them in Egypt.

"You don't go around disturbing countries where you have a loyal ally," Coulter responded.

"What is more important though to American values--being friends with israel still or knowing there are jailed dissidents and journalists [in Egypt]?" the woman asked.

"What do you mean knowing that there are jailed journalists?" Coulter said. "I think there should be more jailed journalists." This prompted a huge round of applause from the crowd.
CPAC 2011: Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld booed at GOP

Being on the same stage as crazy psycho bitch Ann Coulter and her Neo-Nazi beliefs probably won't help him much either...

From CPAC Saturday: Ann Coulter: 'There Should Be More Jailed Journalists'

Ann Coulter said she thinks there should be more journalists put in jail during her appearance at the annual CPAC conference on Saturday.

Coulter's comments came during a response to a question from a woman in the audience. The woman initially asked Coulter why she and other Republicans had championed free elections in Iraq but were warning about them in Egypt.

"You don't go around disturbing countries where you have a loyal ally," Coulter responded.

"What is more important though to American values--being friends with israel still or knowing there are jailed dissidents and journalists [in Egypt]?" the woman asked.

"What do you mean knowing that there are jailed journalists?" Coulter said. "I think there should be more jailed journalists." This prompted a huge round of applause from the crowd.

Coulter is the undead, she is truly a domestic terrorist.
What difference does it really make whats going on in Egypt. Whoever takes power won't close of the suez canal. If their radicals and support terrorism, america will put sanctions on egypt which will result in economic problems which will cause more rioting. Whoever takes power will know not to piss off america or europe. Egyptians are well aware of the importance of international trade. If they are radicals what can they really do. Will they influence muslims around the world to blow themselves up? Will they attack Israel?