Cracker Barrel apologizes for a noose-like cord found hanging in a restaurant


The Cracker Barrel restaurant chain is apologizing after guests saw a decoration that looked like a noose hanging from the ceiling of a Connecticut location.

It was spotted on November 7 among the antique tools, boxes, utensils and other decorations at a restaurant in East Windsor, Connecticut, and customers posted photos and videos on social media.
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store media relations told CNN that it was the cord of an old electric soldering iron that had been in the restaurant for years.

"The décor item -- an antique soldering iron with an original wrapped cord -- in our East Windsor store should have been noticed and corrected before ever being displayed, and it has since been removed," the company said in an email.
The company said it apologized to the guest who pointed it out and thanked them for doing so.

"We are grateful to our guest who pointed it out to us so we could correct this mistake," the email said.

"We work hard to create a culture of hospitality that's welcoming, respectful and inclusive to everyone who walks through our doors," the company said.

Cracker Barrel also apologized on Twitter in response to a post showing photos of the object.

Tamra Hawkins went to the East Windsor Cracker Barrel on November 8 and posted a video of the store's decorations on Facebook because she didn't believe the reports on social media.

She told CNN she's eaten at that Cracker Barrel, which is about 15 miles north of Hartford, at least four or five times a month for the last five years.

Hawkins didn't see the cord while she was shooting the video but was outraged when commenters pointed out that it was there.

She told CNN she didn't believe the company's explanation and did not accept the apology.

"I would respect it more if they took ownership with poor taste in judgment in the prop being on display," Hawkins said.

Cracker Barrel was Hawkins' favorite restaurant, but she said she'd never go there again.

Cracker Barrel said in its email, "While we have removed the item from this particular store, we are working with our teams to determine whether this item or others like it exist in any of our other stores, and, if so, removed."
The Tennessee-based chain has more than 660 restaurants in 45 states, according to its website.
Oh my goodness! So butthurt! It's clearly an old soldering iron!

Cracker Barrel was Hawkins' favorite restaurant, but she said she'd never go there again.
It’s not a noose-like image of any kind that’s been hanging over a banner stating, TRUMP – KEEP AMERICA GREAT, its owners say.

“Never has it been mentioned that someone thought the strap appeared that way,” said Sue Dille, whose family owns the sign.

It’s a wayward tow strap that keeps flapping in the wind, back and forth over the massive sign, I’m told. The strap was used to erect the billboard-sized sign on U.S. 6 in Jackson Township.

“I just recently seen the nonsense about a noose. It’s just a strap from the other side,” Michael Barnes told me Tuesday morning.
Noose displayed near Missouri voting booths covered up amid complaints

A replica hangman's noose on display near voting booths in a southwest Missouri county building has been covered up following complaints from Democrats that it amounted to intimidation of Black voters.

The Missouri Democratic Party released a photo Friday of the display with several voting booths nearby in a hallway of the Stone County building in downtown Galena about 20 miles northwest of Branson, The Kansas City Star reported.
A noose is one of many things Jermaine Ware says he was threatened with when he started working at a Romulus trailer manufacturer in 2018.

"It just made me feel belittled," Ware said. "It made me feel small, made me feel insignificant, made me feel like I had really had no other options being the way my life was set up at the time.”

Ware and two others are named in a lawsuit against the company Benlee, alleging racial discrimination. They were constantly subjected to racist jokes, threatened with violence, and even had coworkers play slave songs on the speakers as they worked.

“It weighs a lot on you," Ware said. "It put me in a depressive state. It made me someone totally different that I'm still trying to fix today.”

Now their attorney is bringing forward new evidence that he says proves their point. He says one of the employees at the center of the allegations posted numerous pictures on social media in 2009 of him wearing blackface at a Halloween party.

"He’s putting these types of photos on social media for the world to see including coworkers, including the African American employees," said attorney Jon Marko. "It’s disgusting.”

“That just goes to further prove my point," Ware said of the photos. "I'm not mistaking these acts as something that I'm blowing out of proportion.”

An attorney representing Benlee said in a statement that, “The company denies that any of the plaintiffs were ever subjected to unlawful racial harassment or discrimination, that any of the plaintiffs ever complained about such harassment or discrimination, or that any plaintiff was constructively discharged or wrongfully terminated. Plaintiffs, whose own individual stories do not match up, are pointing to events that happened long before they were employed, about which nobody ever complained, to paint a false picture of the Benlee workplace during their employment.”
That's a cord for the old soldering iron.

See the plug?


"The décor item -- an antique soldering iron with an original wrapped cord -- in our East Windsor store should have been noticed and corrected before ever being displayed, and it has since been removed," the company said in an email.
The company said it apologized to the guest who pointed it out and thanked them for doing so.

"We are grateful to our guest who pointed it out to us so we could correct this mistake," the email said.

"We work hard to create a culture of hospitality that's welcoming, respectful and inclusive to everyone who walks through our doors," the company said.

Cracker Barrel also apologized on Twitter in response to a post showing photos of the object.

Cracker Barrel said in its email, "While we have removed the item from this particular store, we are working with our teams to determine whether this item or others like it exist in any of our other stores, and, if so, removed."
"The décor item -- an antique soldering iron with an original wrapped cord -- in our East Windsor store should have been noticed and corrected before ever being displayed, and it has since been removed," the company said in an email.
The company said it apologized to the guest who pointed it out and thanked them for doing so.

"We are grateful to our guest who pointed it out to us so we could correct this mistake," the email said.

"We work hard to create a culture of hospitality that's welcoming, respectful and inclusive to everyone who walks through our doors," the company said.

Cracker Barrel also apologized on Twitter in response to a post showing photos of the object.

Cracker Barrel said in its email, "While we have removed the item from this particular store, we are working with our teams to determine whether this item or others like it exist in any of our other stores, and, if so, removed."

What kind of chickenshit answer is this from you Democrat?
Parler, a social media website founded in 2018 that prides itself on allowing virtually unfiltered viewpoint, has allowed antisemitism and other forms of bigotry to flourish on its site, according to a report by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

The report details how Parler has taken no action against antisemitic and overt racist postings, including one depicting former US President Barack Obama with a noose.

“We submitted these materials for Parler’s review and have spoken with senior officials of the company who emphasized that Parler makes room for all speech,” said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean and director of global social action at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, in a statement.

“We emphasized that the last thing our nation needs is for Parler to become home to a subculture of hatred and violence that besets other social-media platforms. We are grappling not only with the [corona] virus but the virus of anti-Semitism that saw 60 percent of religion-based hate crimes last year targeting American Jews.”

He added that “this opens the door wide for white supremacy, neo-Nazism and conspiracy theories that range from Holocaust denial to charge that COVID-19 is a hoax.”

The report also shows the international reach of Parler and its increased role as a space for extreme far-right individuals and organizations like the Proud Boys.

Parler has surged in popularity after endorsements by multiple figures, including Sen. Ted Cruz, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, and Eric Trump, one of Donald Trump’s sons.

In fact, it has emerged as a growing alternative to larger platforms like Twitter and Facebook, which conservatives have criticized for censoring and flagging right-wing content.

While Parler seeks to be as much of an unfiltered website of viewpoints as possible within legal limits, Cooper said that “we should be able to experience a platform that is open for the full gamut of the marketplace of ideas without allowing for a subculture of hate that feeds anti-Semitism and racism.

Unfortunately, as the report shows, it has also attracted extremists who seek to use social media platforms to inject their hate into the mainstream of society.”