Cramer says "listen"

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

Cramer: Listen to Donald Trump

Cramer wants investors to know and understand Trump's views.

"Trump has real things to say. They may not be what you think, and they often seem like wishful thinking. But you need to know his views, not just how he is doing." -Jim Cramer

For years those who have questioned any of the trade deals has been dismissed as foolish. Now that Trump has said that the U.S. government has been horrendous at negotiating these deals, Cramer has no beef with it. "Say what you will about Trump, I agree with him about these trade deals," Cramer said.

In Cramer's perspective the U.S. has been crushed on almost every single trade deal it has done, going all the way back to Nafta. And every time Cramer has asked an official of either party to name a deal that was signed in the last decade that has given the U.S. a trade surplus, no one could come up with an answer.