Create Dependence, Make Demands. The common strategy of all government


on indefiniate mod break
It's the same strategy any pimp will use with a prostitute. Get her hooked on a drug, then when she's strung out, she needs to come to you for cash, and she will do what you say. Before long, the pimp's will is ironclad.

This is the same strategy our government always takes, and it's the path they are following when things like the ACA come up. Always keep this in mind. Governments long term plan is to wriggle it's way into every corner and facet of ones life, so that one becomes strung out on the governments handouts. Then, the government is within full rights to make whatever demands of you, because you are now forced to live off their guided hand.

NY is currently trying to ban "large soft drinks" to counter obesity:

Give them an inch, they will take a mile. Once you put the health of citizens on the dole, you now have the right to dictate what they eat, what their portions are, how often they should exercise, and on and on and on, because now their poor choices effect all of the taxpayers by raising health costs.

Make no mistake, the more you get from the government, the greater license you give them to dictate your lives and the choices you make.
The proles will be the death of us. 1984 was wrong, hope does not lie with the proles. Proles are our enemy.
Real conservatives swill gallons of high-fructose corn syrup daily.
I think it is time for me to pick up Atlas Shrugged again... Part II is coming out soon...


I can't wait.
First, they came for our soft drink...
Yeah, pretty much just soft drinks.

Yeah, no other law in that city exists that mentions what restaurants can serve for the cause of better health. It's just softdrinks, don't pay any attention here. We need the government to tell people that big drinks are bad, but not just tell them. We need to put people in jail for being unable to pay the huge fines we associate to a 20 oz drink! This law doesn't go far enough! Make sure that we have the drink police measuring drink content!
Yeah, no other law in that city exists that mentions what restaurants can serve for the cause of better health. It's just softdrinks, don't pay any attention here. We need the government to tell people that big drinks are bad, but not just tell them. We need to put people in jail for being unable to pay the huge fines we associate to a 20 oz drink! This law doesn't go far enough! Make sure that we have the drink police measuring drink content!

It's really not a very difficult to enforce law, because it basically only involves something that has to be done in public. And restaurants already have health inspectors. If anyone really wants a lot of soft drink in one sitting, I'd imagine they'd just go and buy it at a store, which this law doesn't affect.
It's amazing how attempting to ban super-sized soda garners far more male outrage than attempting to legally mandate a 12 inch wand being shoved up a woman's vagina.
I'll DIE before you get my Big Gulp Fiend Bloomberg!

Um, okay emos.

I don't even agree with the law, but I have to admit the reaction to it has been enjoyably entertaining.
Also I don't see what this has to do with government health care. It's not like we have a single payer system or universal health care, we do not.

Rising health care costs don't just affect the government. When I first started working it was common for the employer to pay for an employees health care insurance, the full amount. I mean this was just part of compensation. Now we have turned around and it's nearly unheard of. Employees have to contribute more and more. Not just in premiums but in copays and deductibles, it goes on and on. It hurts people. And it also hurts businesses. Rising health care costs which are highly impacted by obesity, is a problem facing everyone.

Really simplistic way of looking at things grind. I wonder have you had to pay for your health insurance yet?
The only reason why i am not for this law is because it will bring on shrill accusations of nanny-stateism, without any corresponding benefit. I mean, this just isn't going to impact obesity. It's picking a fight that even if you win, you don't gain anything.
I'll DIE before you get my Big Gulp Fiend Bloomberg!

Um, okay emos.

I don't even agree with the law, but I have to admit the reaction to it has been enjoyably entertaining.
let us guess.....banning large sodas must be the Libertarian Platform also, right?
I see proleDarla is at it again. The point isn't about soft drinks per se. That is admittedly a rather trivial issue. The point is that the more you have the government involved with aspects of people lives, the amount of control, from trivial to non trivial things, increases inevitably. Why should the American taxpayer subsidize someone that is fatter? That person is contributing to higher healthcare costs. So eventually we will end up with a system that for example, likely penalizes people for being over certain weights, because the government has made one persons problem everyones problem. This is always their ultimate goal for control, you rope everyone in under a particular umbrella, and now you have carte blanche to dictate all sorts of terms, because being under the same umbrella allows them to get all dictatorial on you for the "common good"
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It's amazing how attempting to ban super-sized soda garners far more male outrage than attempting to legally mandate a 12 inch wand being shoved up a woman's vagina.

maybe this will teach you not to support the far reaching effect of government. Imagine if this vaginal probe thing was national instead of state level. Everyone loves big national government until it effects themselves adversely. Maybe it's time to realize the best defense against this type of stuff is to limit the power, so if you end up in a fucked up state, you at least have options.

If you support big government, it's only a matter of time before someone you don't like very much, or agree very much with, gets into power. Then it's probing time for all.
I see proleDarla is at it again. The point isn't about soft drinks per se. That is admittedly a rather trivial issue. The point is that the more you have the government involved with aspects of people lives, the amount of control, from trivial to non trivial things, increases inevitably. Why should the American taxpayer subsidize someone that is fatter? That person is contributing to higher healthcare costs. So eventually we will end up with a system that for example, likely penalizes people for being over certain weights, because the government has made one persons problem everyones problem. This is always their ultimate goal for control, you rope everyone in under a particular umbrella, and now you have carte blanche to dictate all sorts of terms, because being under the same umbrella allows them to get all dictatorial on you for the "common good"

Show one country with government health that implemented any such policy. Dozens of countries, fifty-plus years....there must be many. Show ONE.