Cubans allowed to own computers



The average desktop computer costs the equivelent of three years worth of wages in Cuba

After the resignation of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and the transfer of power to younger brother Raul Castro, life in Cuba is getting better for some citizens. For many years, Cuban’s were denied the things we take for granted here in the U.S. because of presidential decree.

A few weeks ago, Raul Castro lifted a ban that forbade Cubans from legally owning cellular phones and DVD players. This week, BBC News reports that Raul Castro lifted a ban that prevented Cubans from legally owning personal computers.

Desktop computers are now available in Cuba and BBC News reports that a crowd formed at the Carlos III shopping center in Havana when the first PC shipments arrived. Despite the large crowds most were there only to look on as others bought.

The average price for a new desktop PC in Cuba is reported to be around $800 and the average monthly wage in Cuba is a mere $20. That would mean an average computer in Cuba would cost most citizens over three years of pay.

Most Cubans have access to supplementary income according to BBC News, typically from family who live abroad. Despite the availability of computers on the island nation, internet access is still limited to a few locations like workplaces, schools and universities.

The Cuban government is unable to connect to undersea fiber optic cables due to trade sanctions imposed by the U.S. The internet access available in the country is via limited bandwidth satellite connections.
A computer costs three years worth of wages? And people wonder why the US resists going socialist?
would be the same here if china embargoed us.
China doesn't embargo Cuba and there are plenty of nations like Canada that happily help them get their hands on computers and refrigerators.

The reason isn't the embargo. The reason is the economic system.
Yep low wages, like republicans love.
the conputer costs nearly the same as here. some cheaper here because of volume. Just that the people do not make as much. Imagine the productivity figures.
Yep low wages, like republicans love.
the conputer costs nearly the same as here. some cheaper here because of volume. Just that the people do not make as much. Imagine the productivity figures.
Nearly zero because there is no incentive to do well.
zero ? Link please Damo.
What do you mean link? I provided an explanation for my opinion. The link to my opinion is the post itself.
There is a reason that, say, the cars produced in communist nations suck. It isn't because their workers are motivated to do well.
Who does again? The 0.5% or so who voted for the Socialist party USA?

Now I'll have you know, that that's not really even a socialist party.
Hence the word "resists" which mean that they make it hard for the US to go in that direction.

Please access the dictionary.

Here is a good one:

Now don't go emo and start crying now.
What do you mean link? I provided an explanation for my opinion. The link to my opinion is the post itself.
There is a reason that, say, the cars produced in communist nations suck. It isn't because their workers are motivated to do well.

I don't think the design would be much affected if a button pusher didn't feel much enthused about pushing his button. In fact, research shows that button pushers in communist nations push buttons at exactly the same rate as button pushers in America.
I don't think the design would be much affected if a button pusher didn't feel much enthused about pushing his button. In fact, research shows that button pushers in communist nations push buttons at exactly the same rate as button pushers in America.
The designer is also part of that machine. As well as the person who gets the materials, the QA guy. And so forth.

Did you know most of the cars in the USSR didn't even have windows that rolled down and none had air conditioning? Can you imagine the summer time?
Hence the word "resists" which mean that they make it hard for the US to go in that direction.

Please access the dictionary.

Here is a good one:

Now don't go emo and start crying now.


1. You're a moron.

2. You said "They". I'm sorry if I didn't assume you meant Marx and Engles and that's it and not any Democrats.

3. You're a moron.

Love WM,

The designer is also part of that machine. As well as the person who gets the materials, the QA guy. And so forth.

Did you know most of the cars in the USSR didn't even have windows that rolled down and none had air conditioning? Can you imagine the summer time?

In the USSR? Yeah, it'd be freakin cold.
Umm most of the USSR is not like FL.

I rmemeber when heaters were an option in cars.

BTW the former solviet built car I rode around in in bejing about 15 years ago had roll down windows and a heater. Seemed to burn about 1 gal of oil a day though ;)