Cyber Bullying


New member
Growing up my family moved a lot, which meant that I was always the new kid on the block. In school that made me a target for the bullies, that is until I learned how to fight back. I can still remember my Dad telling me that nothing stopped them faster than a bloody nose. I never meant a bully that was not a coward, they were brave in the company of friends when they grossly outnumbered the person that they were picking on, but they learned very quickly that picking on me was a big mistake as I would wait till I could catch each one lone and beat the holy snot out of them.

By the time I became a Christian at the age of fifteen they feared me and never crossed my path. The sad thing is that those who did not learn to fight back were subject to unending harassment. Today a bully can harass someone without even seeing them. It is called Cyber Bullying and some Lawmakers are about to do something about it. Anyone who has used the internet has seen these trolls and learned that the best way to defeat them is by ignoring them, but how does a child or someone who is disabled with mental disorders? Below is a video which I made to show just what a troll was, if you go to that YouTube site you will see a whole host of trolls posting comments.

(I could not see how to post the Youtube video here)

I wonder if those internet providers who do not want to monitor their message boards might fear that Lawmakers will hold them responcible for the Cyber Bullying. This next video will bring tears to your eyes.

Prosecutors characterize the case as the nation's first cyber-bullying case, and the results from it could set legal precedents regarding online harassment.

Drew has pleaded not guilty to one count of conspiracy and three counts of accessing computers without authorization.
Should the adults involved in deceiving Megan, Lori and Curt Drew, be held accountable for their actions?
DREW faces up to 15 YEARS in prison on charges of conspiracy and accessing protected computers to obtain information to inflict emotional distress.
Evidence shows that Drew opened the MySpace account and "fully intended to hurt and prey on Megan's psyche" according to U.S. attorney Thomas O'Brien.

A federal indictment accuses Lori Drew, 49, of O'Fallon, Missouri, of using a MySpace account to pose as a 16-year-old boy and feign romantic interest in the girl. (Read more at that YouTube site)
Growing up my family moved a lot, which meant that I was always the new kid on the block. In school that made me a target for the bullies, that is until I learned how to fight back. I can still remember my Dad telling me that nothing stopped them faster than a bloody nose. I never meant a bully that was not a coward, they were brave in the company of friends when they grossly outnumbered the person that they were picking on, but they learned very quickly that picking on me was a big mistake as I would wait till I could catch each one lone and beat the holy snot out of them.

By the time I became a Christian at the age of fifteen they feared me and never crossed my path. The sad thing is that those who did not learn to fight back were subject to unending harassment. Today a bully can harass someone without even seeing them. It is called Cyber Bullying and some Lawmakers are about to do something about it. Anyone who has used the internet has seen these trolls and learned that the best way to defeat them is by ignoring them, but how does a child or someone who is disabled with mental disorders? Below is a video which I made to show just what a troll was, if you go to that YouTube site you will see a whole host of trolls posting comments. (I could not see how to post the Youtube video here)

I wonder if those internet providers who do not want to monitor their message boards might fear that Lawmakers will hold them responcible for the Cyber Bullying. This next video will bring tears to your eyes.

Then you don't mind being ignored; because it's the correct thing to do.
Then you don't mind being ignored; because it's the correct thing to do.

I am sorry as I do not follow you, but when it comes to stable adults like you and me, that is easy to do, the question is what about those who are vulnerable? Lawmakers are looking into this and when they do, it usually goes too far. I know that you have grandchildren, so how would you protect them from what happened to this girl?

P.S. Good to see you old friend
Hey thanks! I have to put together a presentation on cyber bullying tomorrow for an education class. I will be checking out those links.
Hey thanks! I have to put together a presentation on cyber bullying tomorrow for an education class. I will be checking out those links.

The second one will be the most useful, the first one is a video that I made to explain what a troll is, which is a form of harassment. You will be able to use the second video to research the subject and get more information.
I am sorry as I do not follow you, but when it comes to stable adults like you and me, that is easy to do, the question is what about those who are vulnerable? Lawmakers are looking into this and when they do, it usually goes too far. I know that you have grandchildren, so how would you protect them from what happened to this girl?

P.S. Good to see you old friend

How about monitoring your childrens E-mails and the sites they visit.
People seem to think that it's OK to let their children cyber surf, without supervison; but they would never let them willingly go into a dangerous area.
Marty, when posting a youtube video, use the link as you did before, but do not surround it with url tags, the site should automatically embed the video for you.
didn't facebook kick off 50,000 registerd sex offenders?
I may be off some on the number but it was a lot.

Myspace bought software that claims to get rid of sex offenders, even the ones who's offense is pissing in public. Facebook refuses to buy the software.

Again, sex offenders can't jump out of a computer and rape you. There is no safer place to experience the world than on the internet.
What is up with all the pictures of Hitler? Are you trying to warn against going too far? A great man once warned against extremes by saying that we must remember that the far right gave the world Hitler and the far left gave the world Stalin. Point being, that we should avoid the extremes and work for more common sense solutions.
How about monitoring your childrens E-mails and the sites they visit.
People seem to think that it's OK to let their children cyber surf, without supervison; but they would never let them willingly go into a dangerous area.

Would it surprise you to find that I in most part agree with you? Too many parents today want everyone else to raise their kids, whether it is teaching them a foreign language, about a foreign culture or even praying with them. What happen to this being done in the home? Some would argue that working three or four jobs does not leave enough time, but we all make time for that which matters the most, or is that too insensitive?

If I were to look out my window to the sight of several kids beating up another kid, I could just say, “Oh well, it’s not my kid” and go back to the computer or TV. I could just ease my conscience by calling the police and figure that I had done my part; or I could actually get involved. For me here, there is a three way key; the parents need to be involved to the best of their abilities, the community has to step in when the parent is at his/her limits and as individuals we too have a responsibility to help.

My concern is that Lawmakers will reach too far in their solution.
Would it surprise you to find that I in most part agree with you? Too many parents today want everyone else to raise their kids, whether it is teaching them a foreign language, about a foreign culture or even praying with them. What happen to this being done in the home? Some would argue that working three or four jobs does not leave enough time, but we all make time for that which matters the most, or is that too insensitive?

If I were to look out my window to the sight of several kids beating up another kid, I could just say, “Oh well, it’s not my kid” and go back to the computer or TV. I could just ease my conscience by calling the police and figure that I had done my part; or I could actually get involved. For me here, there is a three way key; the parents need to be involved to the best of their abilities, the community has to step in when the parent is at his/her limits and as individuals we too have a responsibility to help.

My concern is that Lawmakers will reach too far in their solution.

I've always been involved in my community.
I've stopped kids from fighting, called the Police on adults fighting, told people arguing in front of my house to take their "discussion" to the front of where they live, etc.

The lawmakers always go to far.
Instead of acting, they re-act.
Well, I survived my stupid presentation. Many thought I came off as quite knowledgeable, even though I put it together in one sitting and presented the same evening...
I've always been involved in my community.
I've stopped kids from fighting, called the Police on adults fighting, told people arguing in front of my house to take their "discussion" to the front of where they live, etc.

The lawmakers always go to far.
Instead of acting, they re-act.

Wow how noble of you. Narc.
What is up with all the pictures of Hitler? Are you trying to warn against going too far? A great man once warned against extremes by saying that we must remember that the far right gave the world Hitler and the far left gave the world Stalin. Point being, that we should avoid the extremes and work for more common sense solutions.
