Da Reverends Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton & Calypso Louie Farrakhan


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Da Reverends Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton & Calypso Louie Farrakhan

are eating their hearts out. There is a new black race hustler in town.

There is whole lot to thank Judi for in this article, but I am especially grateful to her for calling up another one of the da reverends from the minors:

Now we come all the way up to Democrat Rep. Emanuel Cleaver who opened the Freak Show known as the first day of the 117th Congress with a prayer ending with “Amen” as “a-woman”.

A Missouri Rep., and former Kansas Mayor, “Reverend the Honorable Emanuel Cleaver was elected when a United Methodist pastor, Cleaver shares much in common with the Rev. Mr. Wright. While Wright is an advocate of Louis Farrakhan, Cleaver is an advocate of the Black Panthers movement?

AMEN! Rep. Cleaver, AMEN!
By Judi McLeod
January 4, 2021

We will stomp you racists to the curb and kick you lame asses down into the sewer where you belong
I doubt you'd say that to a Black preacher, Spametta.

Or a Muslim imam.

Or a Jewish rabbi.

Religion relies on the, gullible weak, minded that think going to church on Sunday is a stairway to heaven.

No wonder why they love Dotard, they're in the same "business", grifting their herd, for their last dime.
Black race hustlers like da reverends hustle for the money. I cannot say if this retired four star general is in on the hustle for the cash, but he certainly deserves a belated fifth star for his service as a race hustler:



During his opening remarks, Lloyd Austin stated:

We also owe our people a working environment free of discrimination, hate and harassment. If confirmed, I will fight hard to stamp out sexual assault, to rid our ranks of racists and extremists, and to create a climate where everyone fit and willing has the opportunity to serve this country with dignity. The job of the Department of Defense is to keep America safe from our enemies. But we can’t do that if some of those enemies lie within our own ranks.

Joe Biden’s Pentagon Pick Lloyd Austin Vows to Rid Military Ranks of ‘Racists and Extremists’
by Kristina Wong
19 Jan 2021


I doubt if “ . . . some of those enemies lie within our own ranks.” include U.N.-Loving traitors among staff officers?