Daisy Mae Is Looking For A Brokered Convention


Verified User

Daisy Mae Yokum today is the same person who got off the bus from Dogpatch, Arkanas with only one mandate —— control bimbo eruptions. In those days she cackled a lot when she was not covering up L’il Abner’s indiscretions, and railing against right-wing conspirators.

PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton has advice for Democratic voters faced with an unsettled field of presidential contenders: pick a winner. [NAMELY DAISY MAE]

“This is an election that will have such profound impact, so take your vote seriously,” Clinton said. “And for Democratic voters, try to vote for the person you think is most likely to win. Because at the end of the day, that is what will matter — and not just in the popular vote, but the electoral college.”

Hillary Clinton to 2020 Democratic voters: pick a winner
The Associated Press
Jan 17th 2020 9:06PM


How is this for a coincidence?

In 2016, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.

Only if you count millions of illegal alien votes:

Take away her illegal alien votes and she lost the popular vote big time. Note that Los Angeles, California alone was good for a million illegal alien votes.


Donald Trump, however, won the Electoral College by focusing on all states, not just the most populous ones. Since then, Democrats have been bent on destroying the Electoral College by any means short of a constitutional amendment. The Supreme Court has now agreed to take up one of Democrats' attacks on the Electoral College.

Asking the American people to vote on a constitutional amendment never stopped Democrats in the past —— they are sure as hell abolishing the Second Amendment without too much trouble.

Ultimately, those Leftists who want to destroy the Electoral College still can, but they must do so via the constitutional amendment process.​

January 18, 2020
The Supreme Court has agreed to address a challenge to the Electoral College
By Andrea Widburg


Not only do Democrats abolish amendments that annoys them, they are in the process of passing an amendment that was defeated:


U.S. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) speak at a news conference on women's rights April 30, 2019 on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. On Friday Nadler announced his committee would begin marking up a bill to allow Virginia to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, clearing the way for it to become constitutional law. (Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, announced Friday the committee will mark up a bill next week that would do away with the 1982 deadline for states to ratify the amendment, often called the ERA.


A deadline of 1979 was originally set in 1972 when Congress passed the ERA, but advocates were unable to convince the 38 states needed to ratify the amendment to adopt it by then; only 35 states had adopted it by 1982, the second deadline that was set.

It wasn't until 2018 that Illinois became the 37th state to approve the ERA, following Nevada, which ratified it the previous year. The two states were the first to approve the amendment after the passing of the deadline.

Published on Friday, November 08, 2019
by Common Dreams
Democratic Victory in Virginia Paves Way for Final Approval of Equal Rights Amendment
by Julia Conley, staff writer


Denying the Rights of voters who DID NOT vote for the ERA within the allotted time limit is another example of what the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment did to this country.


Basically, feminazi votes are the only votes that get counted.

Democrats will never agree to Constitutional Amendments be debated from scratch if they are invoked after they are defeated.

Bottom line: United Nations treaties remain on the shelf until they can be dusted off and ratified. Filthy Democrat feminazis are doing the same thing with the ERA after it was defeated 38 years ago.

But at her crowded news conference today in the organization's storefront headquarters on Pennsylvania Avenue, between the Capitol and the White House, Mrs. Smeal said her organization would ''not again seriously pursue the E.R.A. until we've made a major dent'' in the memberships of Congress and state legislatures by electing more women and ''men who are genuinely feminists.''

By Marjorie Hunter, Special To the New York Times
June 25, 1982

You better believe it:

Is Hillary Clinton Planning On Joining Democratic Ticket As VP Nominee?
By Judi McLeod
February 7, 2020


God help Joe Biden, or Bernie Sanders, if either one puts Hillary Clinton on their ticket:

William Henry Harrison [1841] Died in office

Zachary Taylor [1849-1850] 9 years after Harrison

Abraham Lincoln [1861-1865] 15 years after Taylor

James A. Garfield [1881] 16 years after Lincoln

William McKinley [1897-1901] 20 years after Garfield

Warren G. Harding [1921-1923] 22 years after McKinley

Franklin D. Roosevelt [1933-1945] 22 years after Harding

John F. Kennedy [1961-1963] 18 years after FDR

Starting with Taylor in 1850 and ending with JFK in 1963 you get an average of 17.4 years between presidents dying in office.

NOTE: Ronald Reagan beat the odds when he survived an assassination attempt in 1981. That was 18 years after JFK died in office.

Trump took office 53 years after JFK.

Biden was born in 1942. That means he will take office 57 years after JFK. Bottom line: The odds against Sleepy Joe surviving in office are getting longer should he somehow defeat President Trump in 2020. Assuming Biden is not full-bore senile before 2024 the odds against him surviving in office a second term are prohibitive.


Hillary Clinton is covering all angles. If she cannot get the nomination in a brokered convention she will settle for being one heartbeat away from the presidency. Hillary wants it so much she already has a plan to give either one of the old farts a little push.

Note that Sanders has a heart problem. Biden is already one jump ahead of catatonia; so invoking the 25[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment will be a helluva lot easier than assassinating or impeaching him, especially with television covering for her.
Hillary Clinton is covering all angles. If she cannot get the nomination in a brokered convention she will settle for being one heartbeat away from the presidency. Hillary wants it so much she already has a plan to give either one of the old farts a little push.

I did not hear Hillary Clinton sing but the opera is over. The fat lady ain’t going to jail. In fact, Hillary Clinton now has a well-financed shot at becoming the Democrat Party’s nominee for vice president:

Game-changing report: Bloomberg considering Hillary Clinton for VP
By Jack Davis,
The Western Journal
Published February 15, 2020 at 12:23pm


Sad to say, a two-tiered system of justice was designed for traitors, crooks, and liars like Hillary Clinton:

This was not a banner week for the idea that justice is alive and blind in America.

Three separate stories converged to drive home the obvious truth that America has a two-tiered justice system: the Justice Department's decision to not indict the guilty-as-sin plotter Andrew McCabe, the attempt to give Roger Stone an outrageous jail sentence, and the Army's decision to shrug that one of its officers attempted to orchestrate the removal of his commander-in-chief.

Even in the unlikely scenario that the Barr-Durham investigations send the full stable of coup-plotters to jail for decades, it will not erase the obvious fact that it pays to be a Democrat if you are going to commit crimes, particularly if they are political.

There are a couple of simple reasons for this. The most obvious reason is that the entire federal bureaucracy is one giant Democrat machine. This cannot be repeated enough. Nearly every member of almost every single department is a Democrat.

How bad is it? Back in 2016, 95 percent of campaign contributions for the presidential race went to Her Royal Awfulness. The Justice Department overachieved, coming in at 97 percent.

Those are William Barr's employees, the ones who are cranking out the paperwork. Federal rules make it nearly impossible to fire any of these employees. When Barr gives direction, those 113K+ employees of his Department are the ones carrying it out in whatever creative, and often subversive, ways they can. They are the ones producing the staff work and recommendations that daily land on Barr's desk and in his inbox, if their directives even make it that far before being implemented.

Being an attorney general under a Republican president is one of the hardest and most thankless jobs in the world. A Democrat attorney general is free to brag about being the president's "wingman" and acts quite brazenly in that role.

Imagine if Barr commented, as Eric Holder did, that "I'm still the president's wing-man, so I'm there with my boy." Or if he met secretly, in the mode of Loretta Lynch, with Mrs. Trump on an off-the-beaten-path airport to "discuss their grandkids." He would be impeached. A Republican attorney general's every action and word are scrutinized and leaked for the worst possible effect.

It does not really require sinister groups of plotters, although no doubt there are plenty of Lois Lerner and Strzok-Page types. All that is required is for these people to show up to work with their ideological blinders on, ready to do what they see as God's...er, Gaia's...work. Secure in their echo chamber, they think they are doing good, which is echoed back at them by their friends in the media.

Liberal scolds are always lecturing Americans on how they are racist, imperialist, misogynistic, homophobic monsters, even if they don't know it due to implicit bias. This is nonsense. But it is curious that these same fools see no problem with implicit bias when the entire government-media-academia complex is one giant exercise in leftist groupthink.

It doesn't take a very stable genius with a Ph.D. in psychology to realize that agencies loaded with people of one ideological worldview will favor like-minded individuals while attacking those who are outside their norm. When vested with the power of the Justice Department, the result will be an ugly mess of injustice. No doubt, plenty of these people do see Roger Stone as someone worse than Ted Bundy. In their demented worldview, that's a simple truth that everyone should understand.

They then count on the media, who share the same disease to set the narrative and provide protection. It also provides a feedback loop that ensures them that they are doing right and standing on the side of justice.

And should an investigator ever get to the point to where he is ready to indict a Beltway Democrat, the problem of geography rears its ugly head. There is the old saying that you can indict a ham sandwich. In Washington, D.C., that's not entirely true. If a prosecutor is seeking justice against a Democrat for a political crime, that had better be one horrible sandwich smeared with overwhelming evidence of the most heinous type. Because the jurors and the judges are also going to largely be sympathetic Democrats. A hardcore anti-Trump social media–posting partisan as foreperson of the Stone jury? U.S. district judge Amy Berman Jackson seemed to think this was a swell idea.

Identifying the problem is far simpler than coming up with practical solutions.

Dumping Clinton/Obama holdovers is the most politically astute advice I, and many others, offered when it counted. Even now President Trump is dragging his feet on firing the lot of them. Moving Democrat sneaks from one bureaucracy to another is not much better than leaving them where they can be watched until they get caught stabbing the country in the back.

The biggest mistake the president made during his first term was not immediately replacing every political appointee with his own people. Ideally, that would have been done in the first hours. President Trump underestimated just how much damage a group of disloyal political appointees could do backed up by similar-minded bureaucrats.

This is understandable, since there wasn't exactly a large pool of patriotic Americans aligned with the president's agenda in 2016 waiting to step in. What President Trump has accomplished in three short years with all these forces arrayed against him is nothing short of miraculous.

But the president is in a much stronger position now with 95% approval among Republicans and does not have to rely on the compromised liberal establishment types he has done such a commendable job in smoking out.

The second solution, and one I truly hope to see carried out during a second term, is cutting the bureaucracy, which is admittedly a hard thing to do since institutional antibodies will kick in. The political appointees who are put in place to execute the president's policies in the Executive Branch would be far more empowered if they had much leaner staffs that weren't trying to drown the president in bureaucratic malfeasance. Cutting some of the more political of the agencies in half would constitute a good start.

There also needs to be serious reform of the intelligence agencies. At least half of America has no trust in these agencies and sees them for what they have become. Chuck Schumer inadvertently diagnosed the problem fairly well. He observed, "Let me tell you, you take on the Intelligence Community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you." There is nothing funny in that statement. These agencies are far too powerful and political, emboldened by the lack of accountability inherent in complete Democrat control of the bureaucracy.

From a longer-term perspective, there needs to be more grassroots effort to educate and send conservative young people into areas where the Democrats hold control. This is critical. There have been some successes in this area, which is why Samantha Bee had a near on-air meltdown this week over the fact that people were actually watching PragerU and getting dangerous ideas. But far more needs to be done.

Every effort needs to be made to break the corrupt Democrat triumvirate of government, media, and academia. America's future depends on it.

In the meantime, Americans will continue to live under a two-tiered justice system, which will breed far more righteous anger. That fury is building toward a dangerous boiling point.

February 16, 2020
Two-Tiered Justice System on Full Display
By Fletch Daniels

Is she admitting she fucked up too ?

To Celticguy:
Not a chance:

Bloomberg's money plus Hillary's desire for revenge would definitely be something interesting to watch. Hillary just can't seem to wrap her head around the fact that Americans don't want her in the White House again, either as vice president or president.

Clinton Can't Win the Presidency So One 2020 Dem Is Considering Her as a Running Mate
Beth Baumann
Posted: Feb 15, 2020 11:15 AM


To Celticguy:
Not a chance:

Bloomberg's money plus Hillary's desire for revenge would definitely be something interesting to watch. Hillary just can't seem to wrap her head around the fact that Americans don't want her in the White House again, either as vice president or president.

Clinton Can't Win the Presidency So One 2020 Dem Is Considering Her as a Running Mate
Beth Baumann
Posted: Feb 15, 2020 11:15 AM


First time shes acknowledged the electoral college.
First time shes acknowledged the electoral college.

To Celticguy: She has been quiet about it lately.

Should she become the nominee for vice president she will keep her lying mouth shut about abolishing the Electoral College during the campaign because she knows it is a losing issue:

After the 2000 election, when former Vice President Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the electoral college and the presidency, Clinton also called for an end to the Electoral College.

"I believe strongly that in a democracy, we should respect the will of the people and to me, that means it's time to do away with the Electoral College and move to the popular election of our president," she told reporters at the time.

Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College
By Dan Merica, CNN
Updated 2:58 PM ET, Thu September 14, 2017


Neither she nor Al Gore won the popular vote. In 2000, Democrats tried to get the Supreme Court to abolish the Electoral Collage:

Whether or not Democrats win or lose the general election across the board this November, Hillary Clinton & Democrats are determined to abolish the form of government that made this country the greatest country the world has every seen. Democrats, most especially Hillary Clinton, will never stop trying to implement their interpretation of democracy.

Bottom line: Handing the Parasite Class the popular vote —— WITHOUT RATIFYING A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT —— is a backdoor entrance to democracy.

Throughout history every generation produced a legion of fools and parasites who believed that a benign totalitarian government is possible. Throughout history democracy has been the parasite’s preferred form of government. Throughout history democracy failed.

Hillary Clinton is covering all angles. If she cannot get the nomination in a brokered convention she will settle for being one heartbeat away from the presidency. Hillary wants it so much she already has a plan to give either one of the old farts a little push.

Note that Sanders has a heart problem. Biden is already one jump ahead of catatonia; so invoking the 25[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment will be a helluva lot easier than assassinating or impeaching him, especially with television covering for her.

One-Liners in the same vain:

Candace Owens

I can think of absolutely NOTHING that would make @realDonaldTrump
and his supporters happier.

Make our day.

Mike Davis

President William Henry Harrison set the record for the shortest presidential term, dying a mere 31 days in office.

With a Vice President @HillaryClinton, a President @MikeBloomberg could shatter this record.


Jim Hoft

Former Clinton Advisor Warns Mike Bloomberg: "Before You Put Hillary on Your Ticket, Better Hire a Taster"


James Woods

Death wish...

Caitlin Flanagan

Can you imagine having Hillary Clinton as your Veep? She’d shank you at the inaugural breakfast.


Mark Young

News from the future: President Bloomberg after only one week in office was found dead today from what appears to be a freak suicide.

February 16, 2020
Hilarity results when Bloomberg floats Hillary Clinton as his running mate
By Andrea Widburg

Mark Young

News from the future: President Bloomberg after only one week in office was found dead today from what appears to be a freak suicide.​

What is Hillary doing with that bottle of poison?

Hillary doth protest too much:

Hillary Clinton Shuts Down Rumors of Being Bloomberg’s Running Mate: ‘Oh, No’
by Kyle Morris
18 Feb 2020

Take away her illegal alien votes and she lost the popular vote big time. Note that Los Angeles, California alone was good for a million illegal alien votes.


In short: Hillary Clinton DID NOT win the popular vote:

Report: California Has Six Extra Representatives Because Illegals Are Counted in Census
by Matt Palumbo
July 23, 2020

You better believe it:

Is Hillary Clinton Planning On Joining Democratic Ticket As VP Nominee?
By Judi McLeod
February 7, 2020


God help Joe Biden, or Bernie Sanders, if either one puts Hillary Clinton on their ticket:

William Henry Harrison [1841] Died in office

Zachary Taylor [1849-1850] 9 years after Harrison

Abraham Lincoln [1861-1865] 15 years after Taylor

James A. Garfield [1881] 16 years after Lincoln

William McKinley [1897-1901] 20 years after Garfield

Warren G. Harding [1921-1923] 22 years after McKinley

Franklin D. Roosevelt [1933-1945] 22 years after Harding

John F. Kennedy [1961-1963] 18 years after FDR

Starting with Taylor in 1850 and ending with JFK in 1963 you get an average of 17.4 years between presidents dying in office.

NOTE: Ronald Reagan beat the odds when he survived an assassination attempt in 1981. That was 18 years after JFK died in office.

Trump took office 53 years after JFK.

Biden was born in 1942. That means he will take office 57 years after JFK. Bottom line: The odds against Sleepy Joe surviving in office are getting longer should he somehow defeat President Trump in 2020. Assuming Biden is not full-bore senile before 2024 the odds against him surviving in office a second term are prohibitive.


Hillary Clinton is covering all angles. If she cannot get the nomination in a brokered convention she will settle for being one heartbeat away from the presidency. Hillary wants it so much she already has a plan to give either one of the old farts a little push.

Note that Sanders has a heart problem. Biden is already one jump ahead of catatonia; so invoking the 25[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment will be a helluva lot easier than assassinating or impeaching him, especially with television covering for her.

Daisy Mae Yokum today is the same person who got off the bus from Dogpatch, Arkanas with only one mandate —— control bimbo eruptions. In those days she cackled a lot when she was not covering up L’il Abner’s indiscretions, and railing against right-wing conspirators.

PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton has advice for Democratic voters faced with an unsettled field of presidential contenders: pick a winner. [NAMELY DAISY MAE]

“This is an election that will have such profound impact, so take your vote seriously,” Clinton said. “And for Democratic voters, try to vote for the person you think is most likely to win. Because at the end of the day, that is what will matter — and not just in the popular vote, but the electoral college.”

Hillary Clinton to 2020 Democratic voters: pick a winner
The Associated Press
Jan 17th 2020 9:06PM


How is this for a coincidence?

In 2016, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.

Only if you count millions of illegal alien votes:

Take away her illegal alien votes and she lost the popular vote big time. Note that Los Angeles, California alone was good for a million illegal alien votes.


Donald Trump, however, won the Electoral College by focusing on all states, not just the most populous ones. Since then, Democrats have been bent on destroying the Electoral College by any means short of a constitutional amendment. The Supreme Court has now agreed to take up one of Democrats' attacks on the Electoral College.

Asking the American people to vote on a constitutional amendment never stopped Democrats in the past —— they are sure as hell abolishing the Second Amendment without too much trouble.

Ultimately, those Leftists who want to destroy the Electoral College still can, but they must do so via the constitutional amendment process.​

January 18, 2020
The Supreme Court has agreed to address a challenge to the Electoral College
By Andrea Widburg


Not only do Democrats abolish amendments that annoys them, they are in the process of passing an amendment that was defeated:


U.S. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) speak at a news conference on women's rights April 30, 2019 on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. On Friday Nadler announced his committee would begin marking up a bill to allow Virginia to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, clearing the way for it to become constitutional law. (Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, announced Friday the committee will mark up a bill next week that would do away with the 1982 deadline for states to ratify the amendment, often called the ERA.


A deadline of 1979 was originally set in 1972 when Congress passed the ERA, but advocates were unable to convince the 38 states needed to ratify the amendment to adopt it by then; only 35 states had adopted it by 1982, the second deadline that was set.

It wasn't until 2018 that Illinois became the 37th state to approve the ERA, following Nevada, which ratified it the previous year. The two states were the first to approve the amendment after the passing of the deadline.

Published on Friday, November 08, 2019
by Common Dreams
Democratic Victory in Virginia Paves Way for Final Approval of Equal Rights Amendment
by Julia Conley, staff writer


Denying the Rights of voters who DID NOT vote for the ERA within the allotted time limit is another example of what the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment did to this country.


Basically, feminazi votes are the only votes that get counted.

Democrats will never agree to Constitutional Amendments be debated from scratch if they are invoked after they are defeated.

Bottom line: United Nations treaties remain on the shelf until they can be dusted off and ratified. Filthy Democrat feminazis are doing the same thing with the ERA after it was defeated 38 years ago.

But at her crowded news conference today in the organization's storefront headquarters on Pennsylvania Avenue, between the Capitol and the White House, Mrs. Smeal said her organization would ''not again seriously pursue the E.R.A. until we've made a major dent'' in the memberships of Congress and state legislatures by electing more women and ''men who are genuinely feminists.''

By Marjorie Hunter, Special To the New York Times
June 25, 1982


Illegals can't vote in Federal elections and not even the Democrats want Hillary back.