Damage is done.

Pelosi one of the coup leaders. Always hated her.

"Impeachment is off the table." What an incompetent asshole

Biden Called ‘More Receptive’ To Hearing Pleas to Step Aside​

President Joe Biden has become more receptive in the last several days to hearing arguments about why he should drop his reelection bid, Democrats briefed on his conversations said Wednesday, after his party’s two top leaders in Congress privately told him they were deeply concerned about his prospects.

Biden has not given any indication that he is changing his mind about staying in the race, the Democrats said, but has been willing to listen to rundowns of new and worrying polling data and has asked questions about how Vice President Kamala Harris could win.

The accounts suggest that Biden, privately at least, is striking a more open-minded posture than he did last week when he lashed out at a number of House Democrats who pressed him to step aside.

One person close to the president said that it would be wrong to call him receptive to the idea of dropping out but that he “is willing to listen.” But this person emphasized there was no sign that Biden was changing course at this point.

The descriptions emerged after Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, the two top Democrats in Congress, each told Biden privately over the past week that their members were deeply concerned about his chances in November and the fates of House and Senate candidates should he remain at the top of the ticket, according to two people briefed on the conversations.

The White House suggested that Biden was unmoved by their discussions.

“The president told both leaders he is the nominee of the party, he plans to win and looks forward to working with both of them to pass his 100 days agenda to help working families,” said Andrew Bates, a White House spokesperson.

The separate exchanges between Biden and the congressional leaders, described on the condition of anonymity because they were confidential discussions on an exceedingly sensitive topic, came to light as Democrats’ rebellion against Biden intensified Wednesday.

Schumer and Jeffries, both of New York, privately prevailed upon party officials to delay the start of Biden’s nomination by a week, prolonging the debate over the viability of his candidacy.

Rep. Adam Schiff of California became the highest-profile Democratic lawmaker to call on Biden to end his run. And Jeffrey Katzenberg, a co-chair of the Biden campaign, told the president that donors had stopped giving to his campaign, according to a person with knowledge of the exchange.

With his campaign mired in crisis, Biden tested positive for the coronavirus Wednesday evening. That sidelined the president just as his campaign was hoping to step up his public appearances in a bid to show he is up to remaining in the race.

After a brief pause in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, conversations among Democrats on Capitol Hill and elsewhere about replacing Biden at the top of the ticket have resumed with vigor. The details of Schumer’s private talk with Biden last week at his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, reported earlier by ABC News, were the latest indication that top Democrats are seeking to make a compelling case to the president, who has so far refused to heed calls that he must step aside not only for his own good, but for that of his party as well.


Biden Called ‘More Receptive’ To Hearing Pleas to Step Aside​

President Joe Biden has become more receptive in the last several days to hearing arguments about why he should drop his reelection bid, Democrats briefed on his conversations said Wednesday, after his party’s two top leaders in Congress privately told him they were deeply concerned about his prospects.

Biden has not given any indication that he is changing his mind about staying in the race, the Democrats said, but has been willing to listen to rundowns of new and worrying polling data and has asked questions about how Vice President Kamala Harris could win.

The accounts suggest that Biden, privately at least, is striking a more open-minded posture than he did last week when he lashed out at a number of House Democrats who pressed him to step aside.

One person close to the president said that it would be wrong to call him receptive to the idea of dropping out but that he “is willing to listen.” But this person emphasized there was no sign that Biden was changing course at this point.

The descriptions emerged after Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, the two top Democrats in Congress, each told Biden privately over the past week that their members were deeply concerned about his chances in November and the fates of House and Senate candidates should he remain at the top of the ticket, according to two people briefed on the conversations.

The White House suggested that Biden was unmoved by their discussions.

“The president told both leaders he is the nominee of the party, he plans to win and looks forward to working with both of them to pass his 100 days agenda to help working families,” said Andrew Bates, a White House spokesperson.

The separate exchanges between Biden and the congressional leaders, described on the condition of anonymity because they were confidential discussions on an exceedingly sensitive topic, came to light as Democrats’ rebellion against Biden intensified Wednesday.

Schumer and Jeffries, both of New York, privately prevailed upon party officials to delay the start of Biden’s nomination by a week, prolonging the debate over the viability of his candidacy.

Rep. Adam Schiff of California became the highest-profile Democratic lawmaker to call on Biden to end his run. And Jeffrey Katzenberg, a co-chair of the Biden campaign, told the president that donors had stopped giving to his campaign, according to a person with knowledge of the exchange.

With his campaign mired in crisis, Biden tested positive for the coronavirus Wednesday evening. That sidelined the president just as his campaign was hoping to step up his public appearances in a bid to show he is up to remaining in the race.

After a brief pause in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, conversations among Democrats on Capitol Hill and elsewhere about replacing Biden at the top of the ticket have resumed with vigor. The details of Schumer’s private talk with Biden last week at his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, reported earlier by ABC News, were the latest indication that top Democrats are seeking to make a compelling case to the president, who has so far refused to heed calls that he must step aside not only for his own good, but for that of his party as well.

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Quit spamming. No one reads your garbage.
Dems bashing Biden have done irreparable harm to the party.
I still think Biden will win, but you assholes have really made things worse.

You think Russian Collusion was real. You think Masks protected you from Covid. You think the mRNA shots work.

You think all sorts of false and stupid things.
Reports are Biden will step aside before end of the weekend.

Instead of a Harris coronation I’d like to see her take her bid to an open convention.
I think that you Dims should "save our democracy" by standing up against the DNC's coup of your primaries in which you chose Biden for your candidate.
Yes, an open convention- then Harris is free from any accusations of back-stabbing- from the likes of the ' Hume ' Trump bot.