Damn I'm Smart!

A few weeks ago, I compared Sarah Palin to Ronald Reagan, to which, many a pinhead laughed and scoffed. Today, I have heard three separate pundits in the national media, compare her directly to Reagan.

Immediately after last night's debate, actually, before it was even over, I was reading the LOL's from pinheads, lamenting how poor Sarah was just being slaughtered by Biden, to which, I concluded she must be really kicking his ass. Today, I have heard numerous pundits giving her kudos for her performance. As one pundit noted, Biden was the more 'experienced' and 'knowledgeable' on the issues, but that isn't always who comes out on top in a debate. The comparison of Palin to Kennedy, in the Nixon-Kennedy debate was thus made.

I have talked to a number of Conservatives today, and without fault, they ALL think Palin knocked it out of the park last night. Now, my poll wasn't 'scientific' but I think it's safe to say, she appealed to the base and reversed the doubts some may have had, after the hack job performed on her by Katie and Charlie, and the liberal MSM the past couple of weeks. Again, exactly as I predicted. She wasn't ever going to win over Democrat pinheads, they thoroughly hate her, as evidenced by the continued Palin-bashing which has become ever-so-popular here of late. Incidentally, where are all the Palin-bashing threads? I think it's kind of like when you're mouthing off all cocky, arrogant and overconfident in a tennis match, and your opponent serves up an ace, right down your throat. Kinda tends to shut your smart-ass mouth from running.
I never once doubted how dumb conservatives can be; there is no accounting for their judgment.

After 7+ years of Bush, all someone has to do is talk about a soccer game, wink into the camera and reel off memorized answers to questions she hasn't even been asked, and you're all gaga again. It's truly strange.

Fortunately, it doesn't look like indies are buying it.
An actor, a spoiled, stupid rich boy and now a fllirty dunderhead.

Which 1/3rd of these boneheads were you right about?
Dixie amy be right....

Dixie may have something here, they both live in fantasyland and she can lie and distort with the best of them. Add a stone cold heart and you have the epitome of a republican. She obviously learned from Ronnie, see below.

"One of the most troubling examples of Reagan fictionalizing his own personal history was his moving first-person recollections of his supposed World War II experiences. In a November 1983 White House meeting he told Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir that after the fall of Germany he was part of a special Army unit that traveled to Europe to film the aftermath of the Nazi death camps. This first-hand experience with Nazi brutality touched him deeply, he told Shamir, and he kept a personal copy of the film which he would show to skeptics who doubted the full horror of the Holocaust. His told Shamir this manufactured memory in order to vouchsafe his credentials as someone deeply sympathetic to the cause of the Jewish people. He repeated the same story the following February in a conversation with Simon Wiesenthal. Actually, his only service during World War II involved making training films in Hollywood with the First Motion Picture Unit of the U.S. Army Air Corps.3

Reagan was notorious for taking a real event and transforming it into a mythical story, which he then repeated over and over, making of it an archetype for some political principle he held. When a welfare recipient in Chicago was publicly exposed in 1977 for having defrauded state welfare programs out of $8,000 by using two identities, Reagan transformed the news report into a story regarding a “welfare queen” who drove a Cadillac and who collected an annual tax-free income of $150,000 by using “eighty names, thirty addresses, twelve Social Security cards and . . . collecting veterans’ benefits on four nonexisting deceased husbands.”4 Reagan repeated this story of the Chicago welfare queen multiple times over the years, growing it like some kind of political fish-story with each re-telling. In the end, it seems clear that he could not distinguish his own mythical version from the historical one."

I never once doubted how dumb conservatives can be; there is no accounting for their judgment.

After 7+ years of Bush, all someone has to do is talk about a soccer game, wink into the camera and reel off memorized answers to questions she hasn't even been asked, and you're all gaga again. It's truly strange.

Fortunately, it doesn't look like indies are buying it.

Onceler, did you see what Rich Lowry wrote in the national review?

"I'm sure I'm not the only male in America who, when Palin dropped her first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, "Hey, I think she just winked at me." And her smile. By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America. This is a quality that can't be learned; it's either something you have or you don't, and man, she's got it."

I hope you didn't miss Olbermann giving him worst person in the world last night. It was the funniest one he ever did, and I don't see how Lowry can ever hold his head up after this? Honestly, I could not stop laughing. After he was done Olbermann winked into the camera, and I said to my bf, wow, did you see Keith just wink at me?

Anyway, do you think Dixie could be Lowry?
Just in case anyone missed it:

Dix did you really graduate from bama. Palin is running a 70's election while Obama is living in the 21st century. McKeating5 will go down worse than Dukakis.
I would venture to say that if Sarah had dropped her pen, bent over to pick it up, during the debate, GOP leadership (and Dixie) would be screaming for her to be on top of the ticket.
I would venture to say that if Sarah had dropped her pen, bent over to pick it up, during the debate, GOP leadership (and Dixie) would be screaming for her to be on top of the ticket.

I would venture to say, had she displayed the level of utter incompetence as Biden, and made half the 'gaffes' he made during the debate, we would be debating whether McCain could allow her to remain on the ticket.
What? he didn't smile, wink, throw in enough "darnit's" for you? As far "gaffes", she didn't say anything specific enough to "gaffe" about.
What? he didn't smile, wink, throw in enough "darnit's" for you? As far "gaffes", she didn't say anything specific enough to "gaffe" about.

Well, okay.... Let's imagine for a moment, that Palin had said Article I of the Constitution deals with the Executive Branch. (It deals with the Legislative)

Do you think it would not have sparked concerns over whether she was qualified to hold the office of Vice President? Yet, that is exactly what Biden said, and there doesn't seem to be any call for Obama to replace him on the ticket.

What if Palin had said that we have spent more in 3 weeks in Iraq, than in the 6.5 years in Afghanistan? Would we be talking about how incompetent she is? Yet that is what Biden said, and not a word about his incompetence.

How about, if Palin had suggested the Pakistani's already have the capability to strike Israel with nukes? (they can barely make it half way there) Or that the US and France had kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon...(total hallucination?) Wouldn't it reconfirm the pinhead concerns over her understanding of foreign affairs? Yet, Joe Biden can say precisely that, and you morons don't bat an eye!

We won't even go into the numerous lies and distortions about McCain's voting record, they were simply too numerous to count. We won't even talk about the false claims of Obama's voting record, or the Home Depot he 'frequents' and the restaurant that's been out of business for 20 years. Like I said, if Palin had made HALF the 'gaffes' Biden made, we would all be wondering if McCain should keep her on the ticket. But Biden? No problems!
Dixie, no one interprets Biden's performance as you did. Even the Fox panel said he was solid.

Palin could be ripped the same way; calling the commander in Afghanistan McClellan, pushing for more VP/executive power than even Cheney has called for, responding to a question about healthcare with a scripted answer on taxes, etc.

You're a real hack; like, a hack's hack. No one thinks Biden did poorly in the debate, or uttered one gaffe after another. You live in a completely separate reality, and you have my sympathies for that...
Dixie, no one interprets Biden's performance as you did. Even the Fox panel said he was solid.

Palin could be ripped the same way; calling the commander in Afghanistan McClellan, pushing for more VP/executive power than even Cheney has called for, responding to a question about healthcare with a scripted answer on taxes, etc.

You're a real hack; like, a hack's hack. No one thinks Biden did poorly in the debate, or uttered one gaffe after another. You live in a completely separate reality, and you have my sympathies for that...

She messed up the general's name, big deal! It's not like she thought FDR was on television a decade before it was invented. On the VP question, she correctly stated that much of the VP's duties are assigned by the president. On health care, it certainly DOES relate to taxes, how the FUCK do you think we are going to pay for it?

Biden didn't utter one gaffe after another, he only gaffed in between the blatant lies he was telling! Most of what he said was absolute delusion. He managed to give two contradictory answers to the 'gay marriage' question... it's supposedly a right granted by the constitution, but he and Obama don't support it? WTF?

I don't need your sympathies, you fucking retard. I just asked a legitimate question... If Palin had screwed up on Article I of the Constitution, had Pakistan launching nukes at Israel, and the US and France booting Hezbollah out of Lebanon... you people would be all over her like flies on shit, and you know it. Biden is a pathetic joke, not qualified to even be on the stage in a VP debate. Watching him during this campaign, I am left wondering how the hell the people of Delaware ever saw fit to elect him! I guess because it's such a piddly ass little state with a small (and dumb) population. But why anyone would think he is qualified to be the VP, much less, next in line for the presidency, is beyond me.
Sean Hannity just feeds it in w/ a big spoon, and Dixie never gets full.

Hey, Dix - is this you being "entertained" and "having fun", as you were telling Majority before?

Palin was asked specifically about McCain's health plan, and her 'tax' answer had nothing to do with it. She was asked about MCCAIN'S PLAN. And she couldn't answer.

It was just one of about 4-5 topics she was unable to answer directly during the debate (because she was talkin' straight to Americans! wink, wink)
Sean Hannity just feeds it in w/ a big spoon, and Dixie never gets full.

Hey, Dix - is this you being "entertained" and "having fun", as you were telling Majority before?

Palin was asked specifically about McCain's health plan, and her 'tax' answer had nothing to do with it. She was asked about MCCAIN'S PLAN. And she couldn't answer.

It was just one of about 4-5 topics she was unable to answer directly during the debate (because she was talkin' straight to Americans! wink, wink)

Oncie, did you actually watch the debate, or are you just going by what you heard over at Daily Kos? Because in the debate I watched, this is what was asked, and Palin's answer:

IFILL: Governor, are you interested in defending Senator McCain's health care plan?

PALIN: I am because he's got a good health care plan that is detailed. And I want to give you a couple details on that. He's proposing a $5,000 tax credit for families so that they can get out there and they can purchase their own health care coverage. That's a smart thing to do. That's budget neutral. That doesn't cost the government anything as opposed to Barack Obama's plan to mandate health care coverage and have universal government run program and unless you're pleased with the way the federal government has been running anything lately, I don't think that it's going to be real pleasing for Americans to consider health care being taken over by the feds. But a $5,000 health care credit through our income tax that's budget neutral. That's going to help. And he also wants to erase those artificial lines between states so that through competition, we can cross state lines and if there's a better plan offered somewhere else, we would be able to purchase that. So affordability and accessibility will be the keys there with that $5,000 tax credit also being offered.

Now, it sounds to me like she answered the question pretty specifically, and while it did have to do with taxes, that is part of the McCain plan. I read nothing here, and I heard nothing in the debate, that could be considered "not answering" regarding this question.