Damn... Last night I felt Proud of My Country


Yes... Last night I felt pretty darn good about my Country. I feel real good for African Americans ...

I believe America is about to embark on another rendevouz with destiny .. Its in the air and as President GW Bush said to President Elect Obama.... you are about to embark on an amazing journey.

The Election of the charasmatic Barak Obama is historical... let us hope that his Presidency is as impressive and historical as his campaign.

To all Democrats/Liberals .. you now have your chance to make history. You have the mandate like never before. We will see what your agenda is made of... is it made of Liberty and Prosperity? Or is it made of over bearing nannyism.

Hopefully President Obama is a believer in Checks and balances, and Governs from the middle, taking the best of both worlds. If he doesnt..if he steers to far to the left... you will see a shift back to the right in two years.