Damn That Clinton!


Senior Member
Just a fews days ago Annie "Horseface" Coulter, she of the gams and adams apple, stormed off the set of Hannity and Colmes when the Colmes stand-in eviscerated Coulter for her claim that things were "going swimmingly in Afghanistan." Of course, Coulter is like the rest of the Republican supporters of incessant serial warfare, delusional, no such assessment can be made about Afghanistan. Today’s New York Times carries a damning report about how desperate things have become there, and yes it is all Clinton’s fault. You see Bill Clinton caused 9-11 and if it hadn’t been for 9-11 the US would have never gotten involved in serial warfare, Bush would have had no fear-mongering electioneering and there is a good chance that without the war on terror there would have been no Bush second term. Damn that Clinton!!!!

When the Taliban fell nearly five years ago, Lashkar Gah seemed like fertile ground for the United States-led effort to stabilize the country. For 30 years during the cold war, Americans carried out the largest development project in Afghanistan’s history here, building a modern capital with suburban-style tract homes, a giant hydroelectric dam and 300 miles of canals that made 250,000 acres of desert bloom. Afghans called this city "Little America."

Today, Little America is the epicenter of a Taliban resurgence and an explosion in drug cultivation that has claimed the lives of 106 American and NATO soldiers this year and doubled American casualty rates countrywide. Across Afghanistan, roadside bomb attacks are up by 30 percent; suicide bombings have doubled. Statistically it is now nearly as dangerous to serve as an American soldier in Afghanistan as it is in Iraq.

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but they will be beacons of freedom that shine into all the dark places in the middle east....Dixie now tells us that may TAKE two hundred years or more, but hey....just be patient.
Damned long final throes if you ask me.

I think Cheney was referring to the Iraqi insurgents when he made that comment about the "final throes." For most of the last five years, Americans have believed the administration's poopaganda that the war in Afghanistan was a just, necessary, and successful endeavor, even though the evidence has been contradicted that assessment for most of that time.