Damo II


Is this the board you want?

What does Howey add to this board other than the kind of hateful comments that degrade all of us?

I put this up here with your name because not one liberal told Howey off on that thread. In fact, Darla studiously ignored him and then chatted him up on another thread. It's this silence more than anything that is unacceptable. It is indecent. Now I know many weren't here, I wasn't either. But no excuses! I saw it, now more will see it.

Anyone who doesn't IA Howey, is supporting him. Anyone who talks to him, is supporting him. Remember, it's not the words of your enemies but the silence of your friends that cuts deepest. Anyone who is silent on this should be ashamed.

No excuses. I already had him on IA, doesn't cut it. You all have tons of time to chase Dixie and Razor around the board calling them racist. But actual evil, oh funny, none of you ever see it because you "put evil on IA'. Yeah, that doesn't make sense. No excuses.

We now know that Darla supports Howey's evil. Let's see who else does.

This person needs to be persona non grata here and the only way to do that, under current board rules, is for decent people to give him what used to be known as, the cut direct.

Anyone who talks to him will be IA'd by me and I don't care who you are.

Let's just pray they go all Lanza on you...
What does Howey add to this board

It's pretty damn close to the worst word anyone could say, isn't it? It's a word used less and less frequently for fifty years, ever since a law went into effect that recognized the hatred towards black AMERICANS had to end. And quit using the bullshit excuse that "well, the blacks say it!". Do you know why they do that? It's a conscious/unconscious attempt to minimize the word as a result of it being used for decades by racists.

Thanks to both of you for agreeing with me.

Again...your ridiculous attempts to hide your blatant racism by using the Johnson quote is just that, ridiculous. In your ignorance, you use a word that was used regularly sixty years ago in a period of our country's history that was completely different than today.

In those days, racism, although finally being recognized as a cancer threatening our country, was still as commonplace as smoking. Yes, Johnson used the word "nigger" as it was an "acceptable" word in those days. Yes, the Republican Party was different in those days, and the Democratic Party was different in those days. Gas was dirt cheap in those days. The average American's income was a little over $4000 a year, too.

The world of the sixties isn't the world of today. The fact is you're not using the word "nigger" in Johnson's quote to prove anything we didn't already know. You're using it because you're a troll and a racist.

See? You are so stupid you can't even recognize irony when it slaps you in your racist face. Go away.

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I doubt you'll get as many responses as Darla had...


I wasn't expecting it. I am merely pointing out her abject hypocrisy. Notice that Howey's response is "I was just being ironic". Well, fine when I called BAC a nigger, I was just being "ironic" given that he had just called me a "white trash motherfucker"
But it's always ok to accuse someone of having AIDS, huh?

You don't recognize irony? Look, if you don't want to play then don't play. But, don't think you are going to hurl your insults and they will go by unresponded to. I know where to hit you and I know how hard to hit you.

Grind has laid out the terms of a cease fire. I have tentatively agreed but only based on your, and the other liberals acceptance. I will not unilaterally unarm. Cawacko may think he is "above it all" and that somehow garners favor with you, but I know better. I have no problem getting down and dirty with you guys. I know how you play.

Now the ball is in your court. We can move on from here, or we can continue in the gutter. It matters little to me. I haven't even hit you with the hard stuff yet. I have been holding back.
I doubt you'll get as many responses as Darla had...


True, my cyber-nielsen ratings have been through the roof! People should really follow me around if they want to get some red-hot posting tips and not end up in the remainder bin where most of the cons' stuff ends up.

My posts are red hot - your posts are diddly squat!
But it's always ok to accuse someone of having AIDS, huh?

Pretty much, there's nothing at all special about "accusing" somebody of having influenza, cancer, AIDS, etc, any more than saying they're a drunk, an addict, etc.
I heard once that some gay guys go out and try to purposely get AIDS because they say it make them feel more gay. I don't know if it is true or now. Sure would be odd if they did. Don't you think?
I heard once that some gay guys go out and try to purposely get AIDS because they say it make them feel more gay. I don't know if it is true or now. Sure would be odd if they did. Don't you think?

If a guy didn't live in a trailer but his mind did and that mind was filled with thrash, would he be trailer trash?
If a guy didn't live in a trailer but his mind did and that mind was filled with thrash, would he be trailer trash?

How does ones mind live in a trailer? Additionally what does that have to do with my question about gays purposefully going out and contracting AIDS. I didn't say it was fact. I just said I heard it. I find it hard to believe that anyone would consciously go out and contract a deadly disease because they thought it would make them "more gay". What kind of sick individual does that?

Do you think that person is trailer trash? Just trash? Suburban trash?