Damo: Site Slowdown?


Well-known member
Sorry if this has already been discussed and I just missed it but for the past week the site has been really slow for me. Takes forever when I click on a link for that link to open. I can't recall the site moving this slowly in the past. Is it something to do with my computer or did something change on the site? It's not very A.D.D. friendly.
Sorry if this has already been discussed and I just missed it but for the past week the site has been really slow for me. Takes forever when I click on a link for that link to open. I can't recall the site moving this slowly in the past. Is it something to do with my computer or did something change on the site? It's not very A.D.D. friendly.

you might become a jpp contributor...i.e., donate to the site
How 'bout that? I don't have those problems on mine either!

Yeah, I never had problems like that when I had only 7 people posting a day. Of course that was only for like the first three days of my site...
It is still pretty slow at 9 or 10 am GMT when there is virtually no one on.

Not the point really, because we don't have a huge numbers of users I share space on servers with other sites. Those other sites can sometimes add to a bit load and cause slowdowns on this one.

What I'll likely end up doing is moving the site to a new server and upgrade (again) my VPS so that we'll have more processing and memory. I can't, yet, afford a server solely dedicated to this site. But I can upgrade the VPS to allow us more dedicated space which should stop some of this and request a move to a new node that isn't shared by whomever is hogging our load.
Not the point really, because we don't have a huge numbers of users I share space on servers with other sites. Those other sites can sometimes add to a bit load and cause slowdowns on this one.

What I'll likely end up doing is moving the site to a new server and upgrade (again) my VPS so that we'll have more processing and memory. I can't, yet, afford a server solely dedicated to this site. But I can upgrade the VPS to allow us more dedicated space which should stop some of this and request a move to a new node that isn't shared by whomever is hogging our load.

I thought that the whole point of virtualisation was to stop that sort of thing happening.
Not the point really, because we don't have a huge numbers of users I share space on servers with other sites. Those other sites can sometimes add to a bit load and cause slowdowns on this one.

What I'll likely end up doing is moving the site to a new server and upgrade (again) my VPS so that we'll have more processing and memory. I can't, yet, afford a server solely dedicated to this site. But I can upgrade the VPS to allow us more dedicated space which should stop some of this and request a move to a new node that isn't shared by whomever is hogging our load.

This reminds me of the days back when we bought ouvr very first computer.

It ran so slow I could click on a page, get up, go get a beer from the fridge and when I got back the page would STILL be loading.