

Atheist Missionary
Damo, there used to be a thingy on the home page at the bottom of the screen that highlighted the last three posts that people had posted on.

Doesn't seem to be there anymore. Have I somehow de-activated it or is it gone for good mate?

Damo, there used to be a thingy on the home page at the bottom of the screen that highlighted the last three posts that people had posted on.

Doesn't seem to be there anymore. Have I somehow de-activated it or is it gone for good mate?

That was the extra stats thing. It was draining the server of speed and reliability. It also had a call function that had been corrupted and started causing a ton of errors on the site. I may reload it when a better version of the Mod comes up. But I don't know how many used the feature all that much...
Oh, no worries mate, didn't realise it was messing with the board.

It's a laziness thing really, just check it when I'm sitting waiting for America to wake up and start posting...lol
Oh, no worries mate, didn't realise it was messing with the board.

It's a laziness thing really, just check it when I'm sitting waiting for America to wake up and start posting...lol
Yeah, that 5 hour time lag to East Coast time, and 8 hour to West Coast time must be heck...
