Dancing with the stars NFL edition


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I am just going to rant a bit about an ever increasing trend I've noticed in the NFL that pisses me off and I wonder if it bothers anyone else.

I get that players want to celebrate when score a touchdown. I think the choreographed routines are a bit much but I get it. The problem I have is the celebrating when they are just doing their job. They sack the quarterback they dance around. Isn't that your job? They get first down they point and dance. Isn't that your job? They stop an opposing player from cathing a ball they wave their arms the refs do. Isn't that their job? I've seen players get pissed after making a first down because the guy that tackled them didn't let go fast enough do they could get up and dance. I'm not sure what's driving it but it's crappy. I could never imagine Jim Brown rushing for a first down and him getting up to dance around. I think it's a sad thing to see.
I am just going to rant a bit about an ever increasing trend I've noticed in the NFL that pisses me off and I wonder if it bothers anyone else.

I get that players want to celebrate when score a touchdown. I think the choreographed routines are a bit much but I get it. The problem I have is the celebrating when they are just doing their job. They sack the quarterback they dance around. Isn't that your job? They get first down they point and dance. Isn't that your job? They stop an opposing player from cathing a ball they wave their arms the refs do. Isn't that their job? I've seen players get pissed after making a first down because the guy that tackled them didn't let go fast enough do they could get up and dance. I'm not sure what's driving it but it's crappy. I could never imagine Jim Brown rushing for a first down and him getting up to dance around. I think it's a sad thing to see.

Guess it's just me. People must to like that stuff.
I am just going to rant a bit about an ever increasing trend I've noticed in the NFL that pisses me off and I wonder if it bothers anyone else.

I get that players want to celebrate when score a touchdown. I think the choreographed routines are a bit much but I get it. The problem I have is the celebrating when they are just doing their job. They sack the quarterback they dance around. Isn't that your job? They get first down they point and dance. Isn't that your job? They stop an opposing player from cathing a ball they wave their arms the refs do. Isn't that their job? I've seen players get pissed after making a first down because the guy that tackled them didn't let go fast enough do they could get up and dance. I'm not sure what's driving it but it's crappy. I could never imagine Jim Brown rushing for a first down and him getting up to dance around. I think it's a sad thing to see.

I long ago gave up watching NFL on anything like a regular basis.
Too much money,
too much hype,
too much nonsense.

When I want to see (American) football?
I watch NCAA or even the CFL.

I still follow the NFL.
But I rarely watch it any longer.

And the same goes for the NBA (I watch NCAA if anything...I find basketball rather dull).

I still like MLB.
But even that is getting more difficult.
I long ago gave up watching NFL on anything like a regular basis.
Too much money,
too much hype,
too much nonsense.

When I want to see (American) football?
I watch NCAA or even the CFL.

I still follow the NFL.
But I rarely watch it any longer.

And the same goes for the NBA (I watch NCAA if anything...I find basketball rather dull).

I still like MLB.
But even that is getting more difficult.

I watch the NFL with great reluctance and no where near as much as much as I used to for all the reasons you mentioned and this dancing crap.

I haven't watched Non-existent Basketball Association for decades. Lebrenda is a chinese lap dog

I watch the NHL quite a bit as they seem to have navigated through a lot of the garbage.

Baseball has always been my passion but I agree it's getting more and mote difficult to watch.

I actually find myself watch Premier League and MLS although they fop like fish out of water.
I watch the NFL with great reluctance and no where near as much as much as I used to for all the reasons you mentioned and this dancing crap.

I haven't watched Non-existent Basketball Association for decades. Lebrenda is a chinese lap dog

I watch the NHL quite a bit as they seem to have navigated through a lot of the garbage.

Baseball has always been my passion but I agree it's getting more and mote difficult to watch.

I actually find myself watch Premier League and MLS although they fop like fish out of water.

I largely agree.

And I forgot about the NHL. That's not bad. Especially during OT when they can really skate.

You know? I feel the same way about the Premier League.

10 years ago? I thought it looked INCREDIBLY dull.
And I played soccer as a kid for 5 years in leagues.
But then I started watching it and I like it.
The game flows and goes back and forth.
And it plays quickly.

HOWEVER - like you - that fake injury stuff DRIVES ME NUTS.
I mean, they actually take a guy off of the field on a stretcher?
And than 10 minutes later...he is literally playing.
That happened once that I saw.
I could NOT believe it.

Take that out of it (and all that chanting by the crowd gets REAL old after 30+ minutes)?
And I really like it.
It's almost relaxing.
I largely agree.

And I forgot about the NHL. That's not bad. Especially during OT when they can really skate.

You know? I feel the same way about the Premier League.

10 years ago? I thought it looked INCREDIBLY dull.
And I played soccer as a kid for 5 years in leagues.
But then I started watching it and I like it.
The game flows and goes back and forth.
And it plays quickly.

HOWEVER - like you - that fake injury stuff DRIVES ME NUTS.
I mean, they actually take a guy off of the field on a stretcher?
And than 10 minutes later...he is literally playing.
That happened once that I saw.
I could NOT believe it.

Take that out of it (and all that chanting by the crowd gets REAL old after 30+ minutes)?
And I really like it.
It's almost relaxing.

I grew up in a place with a very high immigrant population and soccer was played all over the city. There was a league with10 clubs, and it was a big deal to win the season championship. I loved watching those games.
I long ago gave up watching NFL on anything like a regular basis.
Too much money,
too much hype,
too much nonsense.

When I want to see (American) football?
I watch NCAA or even the CFL.

I still follow the NFL.
But I rarely watch it any longer.

And the same goes for the NBA (I watch NCAA if anything...I find basketball rather dull).

I still like MLB.
But even that is getting more difficult.

One thing that happens with sports is that the older we get,
the more different the games become from what we originally grew to like.

For me, baseball and basketball are not nearly as much fun to watch as they were fifty years or sixty years ago.
Football may actually be a little better because they've cut down on the quadriplegia-causing techniques.
One thing that happens with sports is that the older we get,
the more different the games become from what we originally grew to like.

For me, baseball and basketball are not nearly as much fun to watch as they were fifty years or sixty years ago.
Football may actually be a little better because they've cut down on the quadriplegia-causing techniques.

For me?

It is not the game I mind.
It is the money and the hype.

I simply cannot relate to people playing sports for $20/30 million dollars.
And the NFL hype has gotten flat out insane, IMO.
They are not games any more?
They are like religious events.

And since the networks literally pay billions for the TV rights?
They have to make EVERY game a giant spectacle.

It's ridiculous.

I just cannot get into a bunch of multi-millionaires, playing a game and acting like they are mini-Gods and have the fans scream like it's a war.
I don't mind players being rich...not at all.
But an NFL player can make $2 million per game.
And they act like 12 year old's.

Sorry...not my thing.

I will stick to NCAA and the CFL.
Though all that punting drives me a bit nuts during the latter.
But the Grey Cup last weekend (CFL championship) was fantastic.

One thing that happens with sports is that the older we get,
the more different the games become from what we originally grew to like.

For me, baseball and basketball are not nearly as much fun to watch as they were fifty years or sixty years ago.
Football may actually be a little better because they've cut down on the quadriplegia-causing techniques.

So i guess that gives them more time to choreograph dance routines for doing their job.
For me?

It is not the game I mind.
It is the money and the hype.

I simply cannot relate to people playing sports for $20/30 million dollars.
And the NFL hype has gotten flat out insane, IMO.
They are not games any more?
They are like religious events.

And since the networks literally pay billions for the TV rights?
They have to make EVERY game a giant spectacle.

It's ridiculous.

I just cannot get into a bunch of multi-millionaires, playing a game and acting like they are mini-Gods and have the fans scream like it's a war.
I don't mind players being rich...not at all.
But an NFL player can make $2 million per game.
And they act like 12 year old's.

Sorry...not my thing.

I will stick to NCAA and the CFL.
Though all that punting drives me a bit nuts during the latter.
But the Grey Cup last weekend (CFL championship) was fantastic.

Who won it? Which by the way has been around longer than the super bowl.
For me?

It is not the game I mind.
It is the money and the hype.

I simply cannot relate to people playing sports for $20/30 million dollars.
And the NFL hype has gotten flat out insane, IMO.
They are not games any more?
They are like religious events.

And since the networks literally pay billions for the TV rights?
They have to make EVERY game a giant spectacle.

It's ridiculous.

I just cannot get into a bunch of multi-millionaires, playing a game and acting like they are mini-Gods and have the fans scream like it's a war.
I don't mind players being rich...not at all.
But an NFL player can make $2 million per game.
And they act like 12 year old's.

Sorry...not my thing.

I will stick to NCAA and the CFL.
Though all that punting drives me a bit nuts during the latter.
But the Grey Cup last weekend (CFL championship) was fantastic.


Players salaries are somewhat based on what fans are willing to pay for tickets and merch, and what sponsors ere willing to pay for TV ads.
If the players didn't get the big money, the tickets would be the exact same price and the owners would get even more.

I'm, more disgusted by how much fun the players seem to be having with there tasteless emotive gestures. Class and dignity are rare among modern athletes, it would seem.

I tend to disrespect NCAA basketball and football for the numbers of players who aren't there primarily to get degrees.
School sports ought to be extracurricular activites, not a major business, from my antiquated perspective.
The cheeseburger


Can you show me what to do?
