Dano and hating the left

You got a lot of spare time on your hands today rob. But then I would expect you to turn around and ask maine that about the right. :)
Nah, three left turns makes a right. So imagine if you made 300 left turns!
Question for you dano...

do you hate the left so much that you refuse to make left turns while your driving? :moped:
You want to know something really funny? My left blinker light went out a couple of weeks ago and I was supposed to fix it today, didn't have time though.
I hate fixing the van, all the parts are crowded, have to remove a lot of shit just to get at the light.
Nah, three left turns makes a right. So imagine if you made 300 left turns!
If you're ever lost in a maze, keep taking left turns and go along the left wall, you will eventually get out.
Also if this crazy bull looking guy called a minotaur is chasing you, watch out for his shit, because it looks an awful lot like Liberal Dem arguments...

Dano's useful tidbit of the day.