Dano, you may enjoy this article. COngress does not want war powers.

James Baker has set forth a new plan to streamline the role of Congress in declaring war. There's only one problem. Congress doesn't want to streamline its role in declaring war, because, for all its bluster (not to mention its constitutional responsibility), Congress doesn't want to be held politically accountable for the results.

Well duh. Just looking at how quickly they tried to back away from the Iraq Resolution this should be obvious.

Hillary Clinton's position has essentially been: I would never have voted for this war had I known that it would become so unpopular.
It's basically what I stated earlier. Congress are wimps who always want that excuse to get out of how they vote. Spineless idiots will say things like, "He tricked me!" rather than own up to their responsibility. People believe them, because they do not understand that they have direct access to intel, they had no reason to rely on the President for intel leading them into voting us to war, but not "really" voting us to war.

Their fear of reprisal, is so overwhelming that they'll use any excuse against taking the power that is theirs over wars.