Dare I Dream?


Is the end nigh? Eh, probably not, but it would be irresponsible not to speculate:

Well, three fresh factoids have caught our eye. First, Hillary Clinton announced this morning that she'll spend Tuesday evening in New York, the city that never sleeps and that she represents in the U.S. Senate. Not in Montana or South Dakota, where people are voting, but New York City.

Second, Bill Clinton told folks in South Dakota this morning that "this may be the last day I'm ever involved in a campaign of this kind. I thought I was out of politics, till Hillary decided to run. But it has been one of the greatest honors of my life to go around and campaign for her for president."

Third, the folks at Politico report that Mo Elleithee, a Clinton spokesman, tells them that "we just haven't figured out our schedule past Tuesday," so many members of the advance team are being sent home.

Sure would be nice.


It would be like, you’re walking down the street from your agent who just told you Random House and Simon just got into a bidding war over your manuscript, and someone says “here do you want these brand new Manolo Blahnik, they’re in your size” and then you kept walking and stumbled across a bag of 100 dollar bills, and then you crossed the street and ran smack into George Clooney, who asked you if you wanted to go back to his apartment and have meaningless hot sex that he’d never tell your bf about, and then he sends you home in a limo with a 5thousand dollar gift certificate to Gucci.

It would be like, you’re walking down the street from your agent who just told you Random House and Simon just got into a bidding war over your manuscript, and someone says “here do you want these brand new Manolo Blahnik, they’re in your size” and then you kept walking and stumbled across a bag of 100 dollar bills, and then you crossed the street and ran smack into George Clooney, who asked you if you wanted to go back to his apartment and have meaningless hot sex that he’d never tell your bf about, and then he sends you home in a limo with a 5thousand dollar gift certificate to Gucci.

So you are saying it would be a "decent" day?

It would be like, you’re walking down the street from your agent who just told you Random House and Simon just got into a bidding war over your manuscript, and someone says “here do you want these brand new Manolo Blahnik, they’re in your size” and then you kept walking and stumbled across a bag of 100 dollar bills, and then you crossed the street and ran smack into George Clooney, who asked you if you wanted to go back to his apartment and have meaningless hot sex that he’d never tell your bf about, and then he sends you home in a limo with a 5thousand dollar gift certificate to Gucci.
So what you are saying is that you'd sleep with me if I gave you a Gucci Gift certificate and promised not to tell your bf?

It would be like, you’re walking down the street from your agent who just told you Random House and Simon just got into a bidding war over your manuscript, and someone says “here do you want these brand new Manolo Blahnik, they’re in your size” and then you kept walking and stumbled across a bag of 100 dollar bills, and then you crossed the street and ran smack into George Clooney, who asked you if you wanted to go back to his apartment and have meaningless hot sex that he’d never tell your bf about, and then he sends you home in a limo with a 5thousand dollar gift certificate to Gucci.

If I offered George the bag of hundred dollar bills, do you think he would just send me hom in the limo and we could skip the hot sex part?

It would be like, you’re walking down the street from your agent who just told you Random House and Simon just got into a bidding war over your manuscript, and someone says “here do you want these brand new Manolo Blahnik, they’re in your size” and then you kept walking and stumbled across a bag of 100 dollar bills, and then you crossed the street and ran smack into George Clooney, who asked you if you wanted to go back to his apartment and have meaningless hot sex that he’d never tell your bf about, and then he sends you home in a limo with a 5thousand dollar gift certificate to Gucci.

It might be 'nice'...but it would without doubt prove you are hypocritical slut and if you take the 5 grand, a paid whore too.....no surprise there, I guess...:pke:
and then you crossed the street and ran smack into George Clooney, who asked you if you wanted to go back to his apartment and have meaningless hot sex

but is you were like somene I will not mention you would blow that one :)
Umm no I have to go do laundry....
Wanna be friends ?
and then you crossed the street and ran smack into George Clooney, who asked you if you wanted to go back to his apartment and have meaningless hot sex

but is you were like somene I will not mention you would blow that one :)
Umm no I have to go do laundry....
Wanna be friends ?

wow...so thats what meaningless gibberish looks like.....???
and then you crossed the street and ran smack into George Clooney, who asked you if you wanted to go back to his apartment and have meaningless hot sex

but is you were like somene I will not mention you would blow that one :)
Umm no I have to go do laundry....
Wanna be friends ?

That's what Beefy did when Uma Thurman hit on him, right?
It might be 'nice'...but it would without doubt prove you are hypocritical slut and if you take the 5 grand, a paid whore too.....no surprise there, I guess...:pke:

Well, but a highly paid slut. Not like your mother who everyone has been saying in the latest PM's takes it in the ass for five dollars and fifty cents.
"five dollars and fifty cents"

Man, do I love the fifty cents tacked onto that. First good, hearty laugh of the morning.

Bravo's such a charmer...
Reminds me of a joke

A man had had enough of his job and came home with a new financial plan. He told his wife "I am tired of working my ass off to support you. Its time you supported me. You are gonna go out and whore to pay our bills" The woman looked at him, never said a word and stormed out of the house. She returned 3 days later with $900.25. She dropped it on the table in front of him with a big smile. After he counted the money he asked "The cash is great, but what cheapskate paid twenty-five cents?". The woman smiled at him and said "All of them".