Dark energy


Well-known member
Three possibilities for the nature of dark energy

1) it is an inherent property of empty space, a uniform distribution of energy associated with space itself, called vacuum energy.

2) a slightly different kind of vacuum energy which varies across time and space, called quintessence.

3) it is a modification of the laws of gravity and general relativity we do not yet understand; something beyond Einstein's theory.
The leading hypothesis among cosmologists is vaccum energy, although there is a significant contingent who believe dark energy just implies that there is something more, a modification, to Einstein's general relativity we do not understand yet.
Our universe may have a twin that runs backward in time

An anti-universe running backwards in time could explain dark matter and cosmic inflation.

To preserve the charge-parity-time (CPT) symmetry throughout the cosmos, there must be a mirror-image cosmos that balances out our own. This cosmos would have all opposite charges than we have, be flipped in the mirror, and run backward in time. Our universe is just one of a twin. Taken together, the two universes obey CPT symmetry.

An anti-universe running backwards in time could explain dark matter and cosmic inflation.

To preserve the charge-parity-time (CPT) symmetry throughout the cosmos, there must be a mirror-image cosmos that balances out our own. This cosmos would have all opposite charges than we have, be flipped in the mirror, and run backward in time. Our universe is just one of a twin. Taken together, the two universes obey CPT symmetry.


and they butter the underside of toast. go figure.

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What or who is Uncle Sidney, and what does he have to do with astrophysics?

No worries. You are seeing why the Trumpers have a severe lack of intellect. It explains why they believe masks don't work and that global warming is a Jewish conspiracy to take over America.

As for dark energy; once that knowledge is understood, I think the impact will be the equivalent of Watson and Crick working out the correct model of DNA's double-helix. Even then it took another 50 years for geneticists to work out 85% of the Human Genome.
No worries. You are seeing why the Trumpers have a severe lack of intellect. It explains why they believe masks don't work and that global warming is a Jewish conspiracy to take over America.

As for dark energy; once that knowledge is understood, I think the impact will be the equivalent of Watson and Crick working out the correct model of DNA's double-helix. Even then it took another 50 years for geneticists to work out 85% of the Human Genome.

I always figured too much Jack Daniels and glue-sniffing explained stunted vocabularies and an aversion to the topics of higher education.

Right, there are some Nobel prizes waiting for the physicists who really pin this down. The leading theory seems to indicate dark energy is just an inherent and intrinsic property of the vaccum. But that is a little unsatisfying scientifically and philosophically.
Three possibilities for the nature of dark energy

1) it is an inherent property of empty space, a uniform distribution of energy associated with space itself, called vacuum energy.

2) a slightly different kind of vacuum energy which varies across time and space, called quintessence.

3) it is a modification of the laws of gravity and general relativity we do not yet understand; something beyond Einstein's theory.

Damn. I thought this was a racist thread about the superiority of black athletes. I was already with some racist epithets.

Anyway.. carry on.
No worries. You are seeing why the Trumpers have a severe lack of intellect. It explains why they believe masks don't work and that global warming is a Jewish conspiracy to take over America.

As for dark energy; once that knowledge is understood, I think the impact will be the equivalent of Watson and Crick working out the correct model of DNA's double-helix. Even then it took another 50 years for geneticists to work out 85% of the Human Genome.

It'll likely be one of the ingredients to speedier space travel and other applications, such as replacing nuke power plants. Hopefully there won't be dangerous waste biproducts like there are with nuke energy.
I always figured too much Jack Daniels and glue-sniffing explained stunted vocabularies and an aversion to the topics of higher education.

Right, there are some Nobel prizes waiting for the physicists who really pin this down. The leading theory seems to indicate dark energy is just an inherent and intrinsic property of the vaccum. But that is a little unsatisfying scientifically and philosophically.

..and Meth. Yes, those are factors. Mostly I see it as an economic issue. The American Middle-Class has slipped 7% since 1971. 4% have moved up but 7% have dropped into the lower income bracket which would cut off educational opportunities. I'm presuming the entire Middle Class income group itself has shifted within the group in about the same proportions; 7% slipping down but still Middle-Class, 4% moving up to upper Middle Class.

Agreed on Nobel prizes in physics. Both Dark Energy and Dark Matter remain a mystery but a mystery within our abilities to reveal.
It'll likely be one of the ingredients to speedier space travel and other applications, such as replacing nuke power plants. Hopefully there won't be dangerous waste biproducts like there are with nuke energy.

There's a possibility that revealing the true nature of both Dark Energy and Dark Matter will reveal new power sources and modes of travel. Time will tell.