Daylight-saving time begins at 2 a.m. local time on Sunday, March 13


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The clock will move ahead one hour at 2 a.m. local time on Sunday, March 13, 2022.

Daylight-saving time lasts for a total of 34 weeks in the U.S., from early-to-mid March until early November, in states that observe it.

Most smartphones, digital watches and home electronics connected to the web will automatically switch to daylight-saving time while you sleep, making a manual adjustment unnecessary. For analog timepieces, be prepared to crank the hour hand ahead by 60 minutes before going to bed Saturday night.

Roughly 70 countries follow daylight-saving time, but not all of them leap ahead on the same day as the U.S. In England, the clock won’t shift ahead until the last Sunday in March. Most European Union countries follow that same schedule, meaning they’ll spring forward at 2 a.m. on March 27.