DC rejects Heller's gun registration application


New member
It's a pretty common method of surreptitious "gun control". If the courts say you have to allow people to have guns, you say, "Fine, but we'll just require them to apply for permits first." Then you start rejecting the permits for every excuse under the sun.

The guy at the center of the recently-decided Supreme Court case DC v. Heller, applied for his registration, for a handgun that holds 7 cartridges in the clip. It was probably a 1911 .45 pistol, developed in that year and one of the most common handguns in the country. It fires one shot every time you pull the trigger, as most handguns do.

DC rejected his application, and informed him the reason was, that gun was a "machine gun".

Boy, the liberal gun-grabbers who run that town, are trying every excuse in the books, to disobey the 2nd amendment's clear language AND the Supreme Court's clear order.

Maybe we should divert the National Guard troops that Chicago's mayor says he needs to control crime in Chicago, and send them to DC instead, to control the DC City Council?



DC Rejects Handgun Application

Posted By: Daniel Guzman 2 hrs ago

WASHINGTON (WUSA) -- District residents can start registering their guns today. But at least one very high profile application was already rejected.

Dick Heller is the man who brought the lawsuit against the District's 32-year-old ban on handguns. He was among the first in line Thursday morning to apply for a handgun permit.

But when he tried to register his semi-automatic weapon, he says he was rejected. He says his gun has seven bullet clip. Heller says the City Council legislation allows weapons with fewer than eleven bullets in the clip. A spokesman for the DC Police says the gun was a bottom-loading weapon, and according to their interpretation, all bottom-loading guns are outlawed because they are grouped with machine guns.
But when he tried to register his semi-automatic weapon, he says he was rejected. He says his gun has seven bullet clip. Heller says the City Council legislation allows weapons with fewer than eleven bullets in the clip. A spokesman for the DC Police says the gun was a bottom-loading weapon, and according to their interpretation, all bottom-loading guns are outlawed because they are grouped with machine guns.

thats fucking rediculous and the person who came to that conclusion prob deserves a punch in the gut for being a complete prick or to be sent for mental deficiency testing for stupidity.
thats fucking rediculous and the person who came to that conclusion prob deserves a punch in the gut for being a complete prick or to be sent for mental deficiency testing for stupidity.

agreed.... just because the clip loads in the bottom of a gun (as both of mine do) it does not make it a "machine gun" or even put it in the same category.
i think pretty mush any semi automatics load from the bottom. only revolvers load otherwise.

Like I said. person who rejected it on those grounds most likely is doing it knowingly on purpose because then dont agree with the supreme court and should be disciplined.

and personally i feel like that person deserve a kick to the teeth for trying to impose there opinions on others in a position of authority.
The idiot obviously has an ax to grind with Heller, considering Heller was undoubtedly NOT the only one registering a clip-fed handgun. But I'll bet Heller was the only one denied his permit for that type of weapon.

The asshole needs to be fired. If DC does not want another major lawsuit on their hands for violating 2nd Amendment rights (again), and the 14th amendment for unequal application of law, then they would be best off doing just that.
It is apparent that DC is playing a Newsom.

In light of that, I believe the President ought to send in the national guard to enforce the 2nd amendment.

Furthermore, I would have no objection to removing DC's government from power, and replacing it with a compliant government, if need be. It is certainly within the authority of Congress to do so.
But I'll bet Heller was the only one denied his permit for that type of weapon.
Actually I doubt it. I believe DC has had that bizarre definition of "machine guns" in place for a long time. But since handguns of all kinds were essentially banned, it never came to light until now.

The asshole needs to be fired.
True for many government officials in DC. Starting with every member of the City Council who voted for the new registration-permit law. And that's just a start.
This is a common government tactic. They require that you have a permit, then don't issue any permits.

In the 30s they started requiring permits for owning machineguns. But then didn't issue a permit for almost 10 years.
thats fucking rediculous and the person who came to that conclusion prob deserves a punch in the gut for being a complete prick or to be sent for mental deficiency testing for stupidity.

Chap, the indication of a weak philosophy and mind is that you can only defend its idiocy by appealing to your power i.e. by threatening to kick or hurt them in some way.

Unfortunately for you, this is a messageboard. There is no such thing as a digital foot. You are appealing to power that doesn't exist.
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The constitution should be amendmended to please our founders. The second amendment should be stripped of the creative interpretation the conservative justices have legislated on us by judicial fiat and held not to apply to the states.
The constitution should be amendmended to please our founders. The second amendment should be stripped of the creative interpretation the conservative justices have legislated on us by judicial fiat and held not to apply to the states.
Hey, dumbass - ever hear of the 14th Amendment? It was written specifically to address the idea of constitutional protections as applied to state governments.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Tell us, what would your take be if your state decided you don't have the right to express your opinions on the internet? Or suppose your state instituted a state religion and mandates by law you must attend religious services daily. After all,by your argument, the first Amendment is also aimed specifically at what the federal government can or cannot do.

It's disgusting how both the uber left and uber right (and in some cases, not-so-far laft and not-so-far right) seem to think their political philosophy has right to ignore the constitution where convenient while simultaneously fanatically defending those parts they believe in.

it's very simple, people. You don't like the freedoms granted by the 2nd Amendment? Don't like the limitations on the federal government (mostly ignored these days) of the 10th amendment? Then get the support you need and CHANGE them! (While those of us who believe in the need for the 2nd, and the wisdom of the 10th fight you tooth and nail all the fucking way.)

And likewise, if you don't like the 4th amendment, think you canot defend this ation properly with it in place? You don't like the way the 9th amendment gives non-enumerated rights to the people which need to be defined occasionally by the courts? Then fucking CHANGE them! (And plan on those of us who believe in their necessity and wisdom fighting you tooth and nail all the way.)
Every gun that's semi-automatic is a machine gun. For handguns, that generally means your only option is teh revolver.
machine gun


an automatic gun, usually mounted and with a cooling apparatus, firing a rapid and continuous stream of bullets.

Don't be a fucking idiot. A semi automatic is NOT a machine gun because you have to pull the trigger one time to get ONLY one bullet to come out. It fires only as fast as you can pull the trigger. A machine only requires that the trigger is pulled once and multiple rounds come out.