Dead Americans Good For Republicans!


The more the merrier people. Keep em coming. If we can top 9/11 and kill off say, 10 thousand Americans, that puts John McCain in the white house, according to his chief strategist.

“On national security McCain wins. We saw how that might play out early in the campaign, when one good scare, one timely reminder of the chaos lurking in the world, probably saved McCain in New Hampshire, a state he had to win to save his candidacy - this according to McCain's chief strategist, Charlie Black. The assassination of Benazir Bhutto in December was an "unfortunate event," says Black. "But his knowledge and ability to talk about it reemphasized that this is the guy who's ready to be Commander-in-Chief. And it helped us." As would, Black concedes with startling candor after we raise the issue, another terrorist attack on U.S. soil. "Certainly it would be a big advantage to him," says Black.”
"Certainly it would be a big advantage to him"

Wow, is that an effed up choice of words.

I'm sure O'Reilly will be all over this, since he's always talking about how the left "roots" for casualties, and I'm sure he'd want to be fair & balanced about it....
"Certainly it would be a big advantage to him"

Wow, is that an effed up choice of words.

I'm sure O'Reilly will be all over this, since he's always talking about how the left "roots" for casualties, and I'm sure he'd want to be fair & balanced about it....

Yeah sure. :)
I cant even figure why it would be good for him?

It was a real blowit to say.

Because Obama is, to many people, someone that they just don’t know, while at the same time, they feel that they “know” John McCain. This is absurd, but we are talking about people who actually believed that they knew Tim Russert and cried over his death. (and I read posts like that at the Huffpo). Or people who feel like they “know” Angelina Jolie, and will actually engage in vicious arguments on the aol comments section under their “news stories” about who the real slut is; Jolie or Jennifer Aniston. In other words, dumbasses.

And so, if this country were attacked, more people would say “whoa, I can’t take a chance on that guy I don’t know now, I’ll have to go with the other guy I don’t know, but because I have been seeing him on tv for years, feel like I do.”

See, it all makes perfect sense.
But if we were attacked it would lie on the Republicans and Bush for not doing their jobs.

No, they would say the limitations placed on them by the US Constitution and the DNC meant they couldn't protect us properly.

And there would be millions who would believe them.
But if we were attacked it would lie on the Republicans and Bush for not doing their jobs.

Oh Desh, it’s almost as if you are still living in the real world, and have not yet entered the post-reality world that 9/11 gave the Republicans the opportunity to create. You are still living in a world where, if an attack happens on your watch, like, oh I don’t know…9/11, you might have some accountability for it. No no no. This is the post-reality world, and in that world, if an attack happens on your watch, that makes you the only person/party who can prevent another attack!
The more the merrier people. Keep em coming. If we can top 9/11 and kill off say, 10 thousand Americans, that puts John McCain in the white house, according to his chief strategist.

“On national security McCain wins. We saw how that might play out early in the campaign, when one good scare, one timely reminder of the chaos lurking in the world, probably saved McCain in New Hampshire, a state he had to win to save his candidacy - this according to McCain's chief strategist, Charlie Black. The assassination of Benazir Bhutto in December was an "unfortunate event," says Black. "But his knowledge and ability to talk about it reemphasized that this is the guy who's ready to be Commander-in-Chief. And it helped us." As would, Black concedes with startling candor after we raise the issue, another terrorist attack on U.S. soil. "Certainly it would be a big advantage to him," says Black.”

It's funny, repugs are petrified to touch this one, and the people McCain calls "my base" - the media, are so far tonight (olbermann will of course, not follow suit) glossing over this by reporting it, in Dick Gregory's case for precisely 11 seconds, and then saying "moving on".

Now, imagine if someone in the Obama campaign, his senior strategist in fact, had made the statement "a terrorist attack on this country is good for Obama".

When would we "move on" from that, hmmmmmmmmmm???? Man you wouldn't be able to come on here for fear of getting run over by Kathiann compulsively posting threads on that one. Indisputable wouldn't be a problem - he'd be dead, massive stroke the second the news hit the wires.
It's funny, repugs are petrified to touch this one, and the people McCain calls "my base" - the media, are so far tonight (olbermann will of course, not follow suit) glossing over this by reporting it, in Dick Gregory's case for precisely 11 seconds, and then saying "moving on".

Now, imagine if someone in the Obama campaign, his senior strategist in fact, had made the statement "a terrorist attack on this country is good for Obama".

When would we "move on" from that, hmmmmmmmmmm???? Man you wouldn't be able to come on here for fear of getting run over by Kathiann compulsively posting threads on that one. Indisputable wouldn't be a problem - he'd be dead, massive stroke the second the news hit the wires.

Gee Darla, what makes compulsive in your books?
It's funny, repugs are petrified to touch this one, and the people McCain calls "my base" - the media, are so far tonight (olbermann will of course, not follow suit) glossing over this by reporting it, in Dick Gregory's case for precisely 11 seconds, and then saying "moving on".

Now, imagine if someone in the Obama campaign, his senior strategist in fact, had made the statement "a terrorist attack on this country is good for Obama".

When would we "move on" from that, hmmmmmmmmmm???? Man you wouldn't be able to come on here for fear of getting run over by Kathiann compulsively posting threads on that one. Indisputable wouldn't be a problem - he'd be dead, massive stroke the second the news hit the wires.

That's because McCain rightfully came out and said this guy is an idiot for saying this.
dead miliatary personnel are cheaper than disabled ones. Also dead ones are not as much of a continuing reminder of their folly in Iraq as disabled ones are.
So Yeah Republicans like them better than disabled ones I suppose.
But if we were attacked it would lie on the Republicans and Bush for not doing their jobs.

Actually, I think you're ignoring reflexive public opinion and the tendency to rally around the President in times of crisis.

Carter experienced an initial spike of public support when the American Embassy was seized in Tehran in 1979.

Reagan had a similar bump when the Marine barracks in Beirut were bombed.

The nation rallied around Clinton after the first attack on the World Trade Center and we are all familiar with the resurgence of nationalism and spike in public support that Bush received after 9/11.

Look back as far as World War II. Churchill was publicly humiliated after the debacle at Dunkirk. Yet, once Hitler launched the Blitz, Brits rallied around him as the Lion of Britain.

Similarly, while the country was divided on the war in Europe with isolationists dominating the public square, once the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor the nation lined up squarely behind FDR and headed across both the Pacific and Atlantic on a crusade for freedom and vengence. And should you not believe me, please feel free to review the propaganda and media reports of the day. Revenge for Pearl Harbor was a very real and potent force that kept the troops and the homefront motivated.

Accordingly, when the next terrorist attack occurs, the country will likewise rally around the President, regardless of what their party affiliation is. Furthermore, depending on the severity of the attack, they will follow him or her to the gates of Hell for vengence and retribution. It is a natural societal psychological response. You may have heard of it, the professional term is nationalism.
Another terrorist attack before November would be the best thing that could happen for McCain. probably his only hope of winning the WH.
Another terrorist attack before November would be the best thing that could happen for McCain. probably his only hope of winning the WH.

let's see.... some "Iranian terrorists" blow themselves up somewhere in the U.S., this gives Bush a chance to attack Iran and bolsters corporatist McCain. Makes perfect sense, takes the public's mind off of gas prices and failing economy and strengthens their position.

Why wouldn't the Republican party attack the U.S. and Iran before the election? It's to their advantage!
let's see.... some "Iranian terrorists" blow themselves up somewhere in the U.S., this gives Bush a chance to attack Iran and bolsters corporatist McCain. Makes perfect sense, takes the public's mind off of gas prices and failing economy and strengthens their position.

Why wouldn't the Republican party attack the U.S. and Iran before the election? It's to their advantage!

Israel seems to be rehearsing for just that. they will do the deed I figure and we will have to back em up.
March 31, 2008

One Tick Closer to Midnight

Last Friday, Dick Cheney was in Saudi Arabia for high-level meetings with the Saudi king and his ministers. On Saturday, it was revealed that the Saudi Shura Council -- the elite group that implements the decisions of the autocratic inner circle -- is preparing "national plans to deal with any sudden nuclear and radioactive hazards that may affect the kingdom following experts' warnings of possible attacks on Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactors," one of the kingdom's leading newspapers, Okaz, reports. The German-based dpa news service relayed the paper's story.

Seems to me you are right usc.