Dear Canadians: Don't mind Rick Scott. Floridians are the socialists

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Dear Canadian snowbirds:

I hope you’re enjoying your summer up North. We’re looking forward to seeing you next season when you make your yearly migration to Florida.

As a full public-service newspaper columnist here, I want to apologize to those of you who may be offended by the recent bid for attention by one of our elected officials.

“If you’re a socialist, communist, somebody who believes in big government, I would think twice, think twice, if you’re thinking about taking a vacation or moving to Florida,” Scott said. “We’re the free state of Florida. We don’t actually believe in socialism.”

I think he means you, Canadians, with your universal, single payer health care system, your well-funded, sustainable Canada Pension Plan Fund, and your lavish big-government funding of higher education, which allows university students to pay only about 25 percent of their college costs.

Even your federal minimum wage, which is $16.65 an hour, is more than double the $7.25 federal minimum wage in the U.S. — a clear demonstration in your country’s willingness to allow big government to intrude into the world of free enterprise.

First of all, getting schooled on government social programs by Rick Scott is like taking a banking seminar from John Dillinger.

Scott’s area of expertise in government social programs is in looting them. He pleaded the Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination 75 times rather than explain his role in the wholesale fraud against Medicare perpetrated by his hospital chain. It was the biggest health-care fraud case in the country at the time, one that resulted in a $1.7 billion fine.
Everything in Canada is so positive which is why they come to the US for major surgery lol

So, the Health Affairs researchers found no evidence for the idea that Canadians are fleeing their health system, and concluded that it's a "persistent myth." One salient reason they offer: Even if Canadians wanted to escape their system, most probably could not afford US medical care.