Dear Damo 0


Please enshrine these posts. They are the culmination of a decades hard effort of becoming the best troll in the universe.

Is that the best you can do? It is the Liberals that are always trying to enlarge government. It is the Liberals that are trying to take over healthcare. It is the Liberals that have run up the debt, after all, they are the ones that have had control of Congress for the majority of the last 50 years. It is the Liberal that love big government. And according to you, it is the Liberal that are soft on crime. Maybe that is why if you are a drug addict, serial offender, criminal, or on welfare you're more prone to vote for the Liberal candidate.

Life sentences for smoking pot isn't tough on crime. It's just retarded. And conservatives are excellent at being retarded. There also weak as hell on crime. In the 30 year rape of America that conservatives have perpetuated, they've completely shifted the focus of our crime solving unites from violent crime to victimless crime to cash in on mass hysteria that conservatives created from scratch. Now, who really cares if you get the death penalty more often for murder? YOu're not going to get caught for it. All the police resources are elsewhere. Not like the death penalty deters shit anyway, but let's indulge that nonsense for a bit. The point is, conservatives are weak, and hate America, because they love murderers.

Conservatives hate America and seek to destroy it from the inside out by building up our debt and destroying our morals, claiming to dislike government but all the while using it to pander to their fanatic base of morons. Conservatives have had utter and complete control over ever sector of American life for the past 30 years and they've caused an untold amount of damage in that time which America may never recover from.

But don't worry. Obama will come to the rescue. :clink:


The other day this 10 year old (colored) kid came by and swiped my cell phone which I had laying about, so I took out an Oozi and shot 100 times into the surrounding area, killing the kid and 30 pedestrians, including an entire family. LOL!

I'm not liable for a bit of it.

I love America.