dear damo III


on indefiniate mod break
I would like an image in my sig. Currently on my edit signature page, my image is loaded and ready to go, however my sig remains image free. This displeases me. Please remedy this if you want to remain in my good favor.

Thank you.

I would like an image in my sig. Currently on my edit signature page, my image is loaded and ready to go, however my sig remains image free. This displeases me. Please remedy this if you want to remain in my good favor.

Thank you.


Grind you're an idiot and I'm not telling you how to get it done.
I figured it out. Alas it is too small.

Damo, on the sig page it says 500 x 100 OR less than 19.5kb, whichever is smaller, my image is 13kb, and yet is still trounced. Please explain.

Evidence that it is 13kb:

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Umm looks bigger than 13k and the res is higher than allowed too according to what it sez on it.
Is that Republican evidence ?
Umm looks bigger than 13k and the res is higher than allowed too according to what it sez on it.
Is that Republican evidence ?

I was rounding down. The bottom line is that anything less than 19.5kb should be fine. Thank you for being an idiot as usual.
I haven't found the settings for the sigpic, but I've been looking. I'll see what I can do.
You know, it says 500x100 OR under 19.5kb but I wonder if that "or" is supposed to be an "and"

For testing purposes do you want to turn off the restriction? My sig pic is no bigger than all the text that you have in your sig stretching it out.... I don't think it's that big of a deal.
You know, it says 500x100 OR under 19.5kb but I wonder if that "or" is supposed to be an "and"

For testing purposes do you want to turn off the restriction? My sig pic is no bigger than all the text that you have in your sig stretching it out.... I don't think it's that big of a deal.
I have to find the settings first in the Admin CP. I've been looking, but they seem to have hidden it somewhere obvious that I am overlooking.
Just so you know, Grind, I am still seeking a solution. Other Admins with vBulletin are also wondering where the setting is to increase sig image size....

Try again...

It says "whichever is smaller". It would clearly be smaller if it fit in the parameters of the image size. I have therefore made it a bit larger.