Dear Damo Tan(cos x)=x-3


I'm pretty sure that equation means that x is undefined, but I didn't do it, so whatever.

Just think "Dear Damo (undefined)"

Anyway, could you make it possible to hide threads by specific persons? The General Politics thread is not navigable with the huge amount of indisputable spam threads anymore.
FYI USCit, stop trying to play the insanity card. DonQuixote says he is the most insane and unsane poster, and it would bust his bubble if you or I tried to claim it from him.
I'm a little surprised the equation came out to work at all.

I'm pretty much useless without my graphing calculator.
I used a Gauss - Seidel numerical approximation routine I wrote in Excel years ago.
FYI USCit, stop trying to play the insanity card. DonQuixote says he is the most insane and unsane poster, and it would bust his bubble if you or I tried to claim it from him.

Hey I earned it dude, the system automatically renamed me some form of insane a while back. I forget the exact wording.
I'll help you remember: It said "Insane Level of Addiction"

Referring of course to 22 hours you a appear to spend on this website every day, and the 36,339 posts which no one has cared about.
I'll help you remember: It said "Insane Level of Addiction"

Referring of course to 22 hours you a appear to spend on this website every day, and the 36,339 posts which no one has cared about.

36,339 posts. At US's low amount of words per a post (let's say ten), that is 3 million words. Which is a few novels. Which is maybe a thousand or so hours.