Dear libertarians


Seriously, where do you guys get your issues and platforms? Do you go trolling around 19th century texts looking for long dead and buried issues to bring up and impose on America?

Like, the gold standard? And you want to get rid of the standard printed ballot? Get rid of all public welfare programs, medicare, and any sort of antitrust laws? Your (and Ron Paul's) platform could seriously come from a right wing party in the 1800's.
It's cause we read stuff like books, and we all know books are soooooo 1800's. We also know that blogs are the new in thing, but I think blogs are unconstitutional or something. I bet I can find that somewhere in the Anti-Federalist Papers. Screw you WaterMarxist.
watermark stfu.... you were a pseudo libertarian not so long ago. although I never took you any more seriously then as I do now, I don't think you have the cred to act like you've been this staunch liberal/dem for so long. seriously... stfu.
watermark stfu.... you were a pseudo libertarian not so long ago. although I never took you any more seriously then as I do now, I don't think you have the cred to act like you've been this staunch liberal/dem for so long. seriously... stfu.
I was going to add something but then realized that I had nothing to add to this.
It's cause we read stuff like books, and we all know books are soooooo 1800's. We also know that blogs are the new in thing, but I think blogs are unconstitutional or something. I bet I can find that somewhere in the Anti-Federalist Papers. Screw you WaterMarxist.

Marxism is so 19th century.
Depends on what you consider a libertarian, Von Mises considered the Chicago School economists Socialists.
Depends on what you consider a libertarian, Von Mises considered the Chicago School economists Socialists.

This is a good point.

WM, It's not like the libertarians in here all agree on much of anything, except that we have a general agreement that there's too damn much government.

Obviously, I'm not an anarcho-capitalist, so I'm very sensitive to when leftists try to say "You don't believe in any government! You would have opposed every measure that made America secure!"

It's the economic equivalent to what the Neo-Conservatives do by defending their stupid foreign policy and their abuse of civil liberties with "You want the terrorists to win".

I don't trust Congress with far-reaching control of the economy just like I don't trust Congress to give back emergency powers that it asks for. They don't know better than us...about anything. They're the people who brought us the Patriot Act.

We libertarians should have every right to investigate and expose the failures of government policy and offer alternatives without having to contend with these idiots who speak to us--and the country--as if we should only be so lucky to accept every bit of their foolish policies without objection.

And we have an obligation to improve at explaining what we have to offer the country so that we aren't so easily stifiled by this cheap but disturbingly effective attack on our policies.
Watermark - Let's review some of the most successful 20th century political ideas/theories:

War Socialism (of the Wilsonian variety)
The War on Drugs

Most of the major ideas that have influenced the libertarian movement, which you know is quite varied, primarily come from the ideas of the Enlightenment, one of the most important times in human intellectual history.

Natural rights
private property
social contract
constitutional republicanism

The only major failing of the enlightenment/early American radicals is to not extend natural rights/individual rights to all human beings, which the modern libertarian movement has.
Watermark - Let's review some of the most successful 20th century political ideas/theories:

War Socialism (of the Wilsonian variety)
The War on Drugs

Most of the major ideas that have influenced the libertarian movement, which you know is quite varied, primarily come from the ideas of the Enlightenment, one of the most important times in human intellectual history.

Natural rights
private property
social contract
constitutional republicanism

The only major failing of the enlightenment/early American radicals is to not extend natural rights/individual rights to all human beings, which the modern libertarian movement has.

Hey Ironhead,

*place strawman argument here*
hey guys, look how much I pwned watermark.

Pwning applies in the multiverse in case anyone brings it up.

Sorry to everyone else that doesn't pay attention to the most awesome social group on this site.
Seriously, where do you guys get your issues and platforms? Do you go trolling around 19th century texts looking for long dead and buried issues to bring up and impose on America?

Like, the gold standard? And you want to get rid of the standard printed ballot? Get rid of all public welfare programs, medicare, and any sort of antitrust laws? Your (and Ron Paul's) platform could seriously come from a right wing party in the 1800's.

Federal role with healthcare via Medicare came about in the 1960's. Federal role in education and the environment came about in the 1970's.

It wasn't THAT long ago we had more limited government. And since then we have seen nothing but more debt, more poverty, worse standards in education and ever increasing government dependence.
Federal role with healthcare via Medicare came about in the 1960's. Federal role in education and the environment came about in the 1970's.

It wasn't THAT long ago we had more limited government. And since then we have seen nothing but more debt, more poverty, worse standards in education and ever increasing government dependence.

Funny, the only serious increases in debt per GDP were in conservative government cutting years.

And what nation has almost wiped out child poverty? You'd guess right if you said Sweden.

What nation has child poverty at twenty percent? America.
Funny, the only serious increases in debt per GDP were in conservative government cutting years.

And what nation has almost wiped out child poverty? You'd guess right if you said Sweden.

What nation has child poverty at twenty percent? America.

Quit being a shithead WaterMarxist! Swedish people are weird so who cares if they have no child poverty.
Funny, the only serious increases in debt per GDP were in conservative government cutting years.

And what nation has almost wiped out child poverty? You'd guess right if you said Sweden.

What nation has child poverty at twenty percent? America.
WHERE is child poverty in America? You'd guess right if you said Liberal Democrat run inner cities, places where Conservatives and Republicans have not been in power for decades.

Also, the whole term of poverty is never a good indicator of how well we are doing because it is relative to the cost of food. If poor people spend a high enough percent of their budget on food then they can be said to be in poverty.

But it does not measure what TYPE of food. Poorer Americans eat more prepared, expensive and unhealthier food rather than cheaper healthier unprepared foods like potatos, onions, apples and rice like the poor do moreso in other countries.
We end up looking like we are poorer for eating a richer diet.

Also in general the cost of living in the US is much lower than Europe and far far lower than Sweden.