Death Has More Legal Authority Than Life


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You might say that death took a holiday:

Jose Cobos-Portillo came to the U.S. from Mexico in September 2020 on a work visa.


Cobos-Portillo was able to return home to Mexico in February. Though he attends physical therapy twice a week and uses oxygen, he is off of the ventilator and back to his life.​

Hospital announces plan to end life support for seriously ill COVID patient
By WND News Services
Published August 21, 2021 at 1:54pm
By Nancy Flanders [NOT A RELATIVE]

The CORONA-19 vaccine fraud prove that tax dollars kill. I believe that Northwest Texas Healthcare in Amarillo would have Mexican immigrant Cobos-Portillo on life support indefinitely if taxpayers were paying the bill. Let me be clear.

I oppose tax dollars paying for anything that is not authorized by the Constitution, but since medical industry parasites get trillions of tax dollars I see no reason against keeping Americans and immigrants here legally on life support for as long as it takes to recover, or die of natural causes.

Frankly, give government butchers the choice between life and death the latter will always win.

See this thread for more about the topic if you are interested:

Those who killed Terri said that she was not in pain —— never admitting that starvation causes pain even if the brain was not functioning well enough to activate a defense mechanism.

Please do not compare the court-ordered murder of an innocent woman to the execution of a criminal after decades of tax dollar funded appeals. In any event, Terri Schiavo never hurt anyone, but she was killed without her consent anyway.

One of the arguments for killing Terri cited her Right to abstain from receiving artificial life support. The word abstain was actually used. Of all of the perverse talking points liberals cite to justify killing with kindness the abstain claim is the worst; more so since no one knew what Terri wanted. The government does not allow Americans to abstain from anything these days. Obviously, an exception was made to accommodate the Grim Reaper in Terri’s Right to abstain from being murdered.

To no one’s surprise the ACLU came down on the side of killing Terri Schiavo. The ACLU is a charter member in the Culture of Death Club, while at the same time the ACLU fights the death penalty at every turn. Do not let the Culture of Death crowd’s push to abolish the death penalty fool you. Liberals are outraged by the death penalty because they fear the day they might find themselves strapped to a gurney.