"death to the heretic Christians, enemies of Israel."


Satire for Sanity
I don't pretend for a moment that it is not my intent to diminish support for Zionism amongst Christian Americans. It is. Christian Zionists have been responsible for funding Israeli fascism and providing blanket support for Israeli extremists, sometimes against the will and to the detriment of their own US government.
It seems that images and reports of neoZionist extemism, the bombings of Gaza, the slaughter of Palestinian children, the humiliation of Palestinian civilians, the illegal occupation etc. etc do little to turn Americans from supporting the fascist regime- so let's try exposing neoZionism for what it is and produce some pointers of what neoZionism would do to its Christian ' supporters ' once it had acheived power over them.

"death to the heretic Christians, enemies of Israel."


Ayman Odeh, head of of the Joint List, the alliance of Palestinian parties in the Israeli parliament, said that the vandalism amounted to a hate crime, while also saying that the government was partly responsible for ignoring extremism against Arabs.

"Harassment and harming of places that are holy to Islam and Christianity have become almost constant and no one is held accountable," Odeh said, according to the Jerusalem Post.

"In Jerusalem members of the clergy have been harassed for years but lately this phenomenon has become worse, more common, and more violent," he added.


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. ”

Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)
WARNING- Foul language and threats of violence

This is what you've been supporting with dollars and stealth;

Settlers Vandalize Christian and Muslim Holy Sites
Tuesday April 29, 2014


Vandalism Of Christian Graves Latest In Attacks On Church And ...

10 Oct 2013

Jewish settlers vandalise Islamic and Christian sites in Jerusalem

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Israeli settlers increase their attacks on Palestinian Christian sites ...

11 Oct 2012

Price of hate: Radical Israeli settlers vandalize Christian monastery ...

2 Oct 2012 .

Etc. etc. Many attacks go unreported. Most go uninvestigated. Nearly all go unpunished.
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The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem said on Saturday that extremist Israeli Jews have desecrated a Christian cemetery near the occupied city of Jerusalem, Anadolu has reported.

Shomali pointed out that such attacks had been increasing, and stressed the “urgent” need for the police to search and find the perpetrators, “who continue attacking churches, cemeteries, monasteries and other Christian symbols.”

The bishop insisted that the extremists are known to the Israeli security services. “As such, we call on the police to be more serious in bringing them to justice.”


Are we to believe that the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem is an antisemitic Islamic extremist sympathiser ? Or are neoZionist terrorists rampaging unchecked through the illegally-occupied Palestinian state ?
all organized religion is hell bent on being the last one standing

they are counter productive to all of mankind uniting.

change your religion or stop organizing

you are getting people killed
The last people the Zionist Nazis want are Jews. Like the other Nazis they always detested traditional Jewry and wanted to replace them with a nice, respectable, racist Volk who could go and kill Semites in Palestine.
Its funny, the rightists own religion gets attacked by the Zionists and they just short circuit, all they can do is reiterate islamophobic bigotry even though it has no relevance to the discussion. Zionism > their own religion, in the eyes of the modern right.
Its funny, the rightists own religion gets attacked by the Zionists and they just short circuit, all they can do is reiterate islamophobic bigotry even though it has no relevance to the discussion. Zionism > their own religion, in the eyes of the modern right.

Well, they're spear-carriers for Zionist propoganda because that's what their media have fed them for sixty years. When future media broadcasts the wrongs of Israeli criminality they won't even notice they're been turned.