

I am just watching the ABC debates now. I missed them last night.

I have listened to Huckabee, Thompson, McCain, Paul and Romney talk about health care. Actually, Romney and Huckabee actually have some thoughtful stuff to say. Thompson is a freaking fool, and has nothing to say. Paul was more interesting than I would have thought.

Here is the thing...I can bear listening to any of them. The second Rudy comes on the tv, I get very angry and upset just looking at him. I feel like I hate him. I see a smirking snake. A dangerous fuck.

The only other politician I ever had that reaction to was George W bush from the first second I saw him during the Karla Faye Tucker execution.

I can't bear four years of Rudy. I don't think my physical health can even take the blood pressure spurts. Isn't 8 years of a sneaky, amoral, immoral, smirking, murderous, little pissant tyrant enough?

But if Romney loses NH he's out. I doubt Huckabee can do much from here on out. That means it's going to come down to McCain and Rudy, and I think Rudy beats McCain on Super Tuesday in the coastal states.

Putting this sick mf, that much closer to the white house.

At that point it's just time to get out of this country. I will give up on it.
I am just watching the ABC debates now. I missed them last night.

I have listened to Huckabee, Thompson, McCain, Paul and Romney talk about health care. Actually, Romney and Huckabee actually have some thoughtful stuff to say. Thompson is a freaking fool, and has nothing to say. Paul was more interesting than I would have thought.

Here is the thing...I can bear listening to any of them. The second Rudy comes on the tv, I get very angry and upset just looking at him. I feel like I hate him. I see a smirking snake. A dangerous fuck.

The only other politician I ever had that reaction to was George W bush from the first second I saw him during the Karla Faye Tucker execution.

I can't bear four years of Rudy. I don't think my physical health can even take the blood pressure spurts. Isn't 8 years of a sneaky, amoral, immoral, smirking, murderous, little pissant tyrant enough?

But if Romney loses NH he's out. I doubt Huckabee can do much from here on out. That means it's going to come down to McCain and Rudy, and I think Rudy beats McCain on Super Tuesday in the coastal states.

Putting this sick mf, that much closer to the white house.

At that point it's just time to get out of this country. I will give up on it.
I'm watching the Fox Debates right now. Romney just handed Huckabee his ass.. I mean literally.

Five times he asked if he did, in fact, raise taxes in his state by 500 Million. Five times Huckabee tried to give reasons he did it rather than answer the question. In NH. That is some serious bad move.
Darla, are they reshowing them or did you tape them? I missed the R debates and we forgot to DVR them.
Darla, are they reshowing them or did you tape them? I missed the R debates and we forgot to DVR them.

Good God, my you think any liberal democrat in their right mind would tape a GOP debate?

Its on CNN now :)

Hey, Ron Paul isn't on the fox debate. What a gyp.
I think they just woke up Grandpa Fred, to answer a question. It looks like its past his bedtime.
I'm watching the Fox Debates right now. Romney just handed Huckabee his ass.. I mean literally.

Five times he asked if he did, in fact, raise taxes in his state by 500 Million. Five times Huckabee tried to give reasons he did it rather than answer the question. In NH. That is some serious bad move.

I know you guys are obsessed with your taxes, but as a normal person, Huckabee is starting to grow on me. He's kind of an amiable buffoon. He's pretty funny, he makes me laugh. If we ended up, somehow, with an R again, he might as well as be a funny one you know? And as we've discussed, Republicans are not known for their humor. So this is rare.
I never considered Saint Rudy's coastal strategy. Crap. Maybe I'll be totally wrong. Maybe Saint Rudy can coast to the nomination of the backs of the super tuesday states. I certainly hadn't considered that. It's a very risky strategy, and history is working against him. But, maybe I wrote him off too early.
I never considered Saint Rudy's coastal strategy. Crap. Maybe I'll be totally wrong. Maybe Saint Rudy can coast to the nomination of the backs of the super tuesday states. I certainly hadn't considered that. It's a very risky strategy, and history is working against him. But, maybe I wrote him off too early.

It's historically unprecedented, but not impossible. A similar strategy could work for either Obama or Hillary also, since they have the money to remain competitive right up until Super Tuesday.
It's historically unprecedented, but not impossible. A similar strategy could work for either Obama or Hillary also, since they have the money to remain competitive right up until Super Tuesday.

If the Huckster and the Fossil split the early states, leaving no clear front runner, I could see Saint Rudy staging a comeback. Crap, I was writing him off already. What a bummer.
If the Huckster and the Fossil split the early states, leaving no clear front runner, I could see Saint Rudy staging a comeback. Crap, I was writing him off already. What a bummer.

Yeah if someone other than Huckabee wins Iowa, which they will, then it reduces the importance of the early primaries and sets the stage for a war of attrition on super tuesday where national polls and funds come to play.
hey but Nevada is the 19th and we are a western state and could really set the direction of things.
Good God, my you think any liberal democrat in their right mind would tape a GOP debate?

Its on CNN now :)

Hey, Ron Paul isn't on the fox debate. What a gyp.
And you are right, it is a gyp to take people with far less votes in the previous primary but refuse to take Paul.
And you are right, it is a gyp to take people with far less votes in the previous primary but refuse to take Paul.

Hey, I think Grandpa Fred is polling at like 1% in New Hampshire, and he looked like he was in a coma during that Fox Debate.

R U Ron Paul fans going to take that??!
Hey, I think Grandpa Fred is polling at like 1% in New Hampshire, and he looked like he was in a coma during that Fox Debate.

R U Ron Paul fans going to take that??!
Did you see the spammers in the background in the questioning afterward? It was hilarious.
I am just watching the ABC debates now. I missed them last night.

I have listened to Huckabee, Thompson, McCain, Paul and Romney talk about health care. Actually, Romney and Huckabee actually have some thoughtful stuff to say. Thompson is a freaking fool, and has nothing to say. Paul was more interesting than I would have thought.

Here is the thing...I can bear listening to any of them. The second Rudy comes on the tv, I get very angry and upset just looking at him. I feel like I hate him. I see a smirking snake. A dangerous fuck.

The only other politician I ever had that reaction to was George W bush from the first second I saw him during the Karla Faye Tucker execution.

I can't bear four years of Rudy. I don't think my physical health can even take the blood pressure spurts. Isn't 8 years of a sneaky, amoral, immoral, smirking, murderous, little pissant tyrant enough?

But if Romney loses NH he's out. I doubt Huckabee can do much from here on out. That means it's going to come down to McCain and Rudy, and I think Rudy beats McCain on Super Tuesday in the coastal states.

Putting this sick mf, that much closer to the white house.

At that point it's just time to get out of this country. I will give up on it.

Darla, where'd you get a stream of the debates? I couldn't find it... and I missed the debates too... this was even on a network that I could pick up!
Darla, where'd you get a stream of the debates? I couldn't find it... and I missed the debates too... this was even on a network that I could pick up!

I didn't, I watched them on CNN last night, they rebroadcast the ABC debates from Saturday night
Here is the thing...I can bear listening to any of them. The second Rudy comes on the tv, I get very angry and upset just looking at him. I feel like I hate him. I see a smirking snake. A dangerous fuck.

Are you saying Giuliani doesn't use protection? I smell another sex scandal brewing here... :)
On a more serious note, I guaran-damn-tee you that my beloved state of Warshington is one coastal state that Giuliani will not do well in. He will probably carry CA and I'm not sure about Oregon, where everyone will be stoned on Super Tuesday anyway... East Coast (NE) will be hard for Giuliani, because Romney will be at an advantage in every state except NY, and will probably draw more votes away from Rudy than from McCain.