Decoding NY’s Legalese: President Trump Was Wrongly Prosecuted and Convicted.


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Decoding New York’s Legalese: President Trump Was Wrongly Prosecuted and Convicted​

American Thinker

Decoding New York’s Legalese: President Trump Was Wrongly Prosecuted and Convicted

By Owen JP Murphy

June 28,2024

The corruption of the law in the Manhattan case against President Donald J. Trump should shock every American, and the devil is in the details of the law, the prosecution, the judge, the jury, and the conviction.

There were two financial accounts referred to in the prosecution. The first is a revocable trust fund for Donald J. Trump which was created just after he became president, and the second is the personal account of Donald J. Trump.

The indictment indicates that Trump received invoices from Michael Cohen where each invoice was then added to the general accounting ledger with a voucher number, and then a check was issued to pay each invoice.

11 counts of the indictment are for receiving invoices from Michael Cohen. The first invoice covered two months (January and February), and the other 10 invoices covered one month each for legal services. How anyone can even suggest that receiving an invoice is falsifying a business record is nonsensical—Joe Hoft at pointed out that this is comparable to being in receipt of a bill for electricity. Yet, Trump was found guilty on all eleven counts for falsifying business records for receiving invoices.



Trump was innocent the entire time as he didn't break any laws on the payments
The crimes were determined by a grand jury that voted unanimously to charge Trump. He was providing a defense back then. When it went to trial he was convicted by a jury of peers in very few hours of 34 charges. He was presented with much more opportunity than you would have got. Trump is a recipient of the breaks that wealthy and powerful people get. You would be behind bars or saying and doing what he did.
Trump is a felon, a 34-time felon.