Dejavu all over again


The amazing thing? The usual suspects will fall for this all over again, and then demand to know why "liberals" believe foreigners, dictators or the UN over Dear Leader.

Why don't you get the chorus started, Dixie? Come on, give us a "do you want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud over a major American city?" "Run for your lives" "We know where the nukes are...they are north, east, west and south of Tehran" How about starting it off in a D flat?

VIENNA, Austria - A recent House of Representatives committee report on Iran’s nuclear capability is “outrageous and dishonest” in trying to make a case that Tehran’s program is geared toward making weapons, a senior official of the U.N. nuclear watchdog has said.
Oh I figure they are wanting the bomb in the long run Darla. I am just not sure it is our right to invade or attack them to prevent them having the bomb.
Well then I guess China and the USSR did nuke us druing the cold war....
Here is the question. If the US were the one without the Bomb and in the position of Iran what would we be doing? I would be hacked at the government if they weren't trying to get the bomb.
Here is the question. If the US were the one without the Bomb and in the position of Iran what would we be doing? I would be hacked at the government if they weren't trying to get the bomb.

China has never been a nuclear threat to us. Russia was and the MAD program kept them contained. They didn't want to die any more than we did. Now we have a completely different mind set to deal with. A government that preaches death is the only way to to go and its stated goal is to create an apocolyptic war. Do we allow them to develope nuclear weapons?
China has never been a nuclear threat to us. Russia was and the MAD program kept them contained. They didn't want to die any more than we did. Now we have a completely different mind set to deal with. A government that preaches death is the only way to to go and its stated goal is to create an apocolyptic war. Do we allow them to develope nuclear weapons?
I'm not talking about it from our perspective, I am talking about it from the perspective of the Iranians. If I were Iranian I would be pissed if the government wasn't trying to get these. Especially when N. Korea has already shown that if you get them you are safe from the US...

My point is, I think it is a bit crazy to think that they are not trying and a bit self-destructive to think they'd give up trying.
Damo, I think the thaa 1/2 MAD will work for Iran. Like if they use nukes we and probably Israel alone have enough nukes to totally depopulate the country. I don't theink they are really that stupid. A small amount of them yes, but not enough.
China has never been a nuclear threat to us. Russia was and the MAD program kept them contained. They didn't want to die any more than we did. Now we have a completely different mind set to deal with. A government that preaches death is the only way to to go and its stated goal is to create an apocolyptic war. Do we allow them to develope nuclear weapons?

The fact is, Iran/Persia has never invaded any of its neighbors in modern history.

China, Russia, and the United States have.

These are facts.

There are some extreme mullahs in Iran, and they practice extreme rhetoric for domestic political reasons, but they are not insane.
The fact is, Iran/Persia has never invaded any of its neighbors in modern history.

Your facts mean shit cypress. We live in the here and now. Countries change. Attitudes change. You are always blabbering about how we were perfect 6 years ago and how the entire world hates us now just because of bush.

Iran went to war with iraq 20 years agoo...

Before iraq all the democrats were saying: "why aren't we going after iran and north korea.. they are the REAL threat"

The mullahs in Iran have been in power for nearly 30 years grind. And they haven't invaded anyone. And for decades and decades prior to that, they never invaded anyone.

If you want to believe George Bush, Michael Savage, and Rush Limbaugh be my guest. I thought you might have learned that "believing" Bush sometimes has its downsides.

Is Iran a problem? Yes. Should they be prevented from having nukes? Yes.

But, I've seen no evidence that they have nukes, and I be damned if I ever believe George bush and Michael Savage again.

IAEA says the GOP congress is lying. IAEA was dead right on Iraq. I'll believe IAEA before I believe war mongering republicans, who gin up fear to win elections.