Dem calls Hillary delegate "Uncle Tom"

Another racist Democrat. There's millions of 'em!


From someone that calls himself "southern man."

That's funny.

The good news is that even racists shun the term and themselves use it as a characterization of evil.

Even they recognize how ugly they are.

From someone that calls himself "southern man."

That's funny.

The good news is that even racists shun the term and themselves use it as a characterization of evil.

Even they recognize how ugly they are.
There is so much ignorance and hypocrisy in this post that I can't begin to comment on it.
its just a certain faction of the dem party who are the cry baby didnt get my way dems. im glad they got sacked out of the leadership position for the party as they are all losers. they had 2 chances with gore and kerry and failed both times.