Dem leaders smearing Gen. Petraeus AGAIN in advance of his Apr.8 report


New member
Last time they did this, it backfired huge as people realized they were calling the man a liar (and a traitor) before he had even said a word.

Now they are trying it again, pretending he will twist his report for political purposes. Given the negative results these attempts usually give the Dems, one has to believe there is something major in this coming report, that Dems are desperately trying to keep people from hearing or believing. It's so bad for them, that they are willing to risk the same negative results again, in this latest attempt to call the man a liar before he has even given the report.

Have the Democrats nothing better to do, than repeatedly smear the most successful general in the entire Iraq war, to fit their own political agenda?


Pelosi warns Petraeus on Iraq testimony

4/3/08 1:16 PM EST

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) warned Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker on Thursday “not to put a shine on recent events” in Iraq when they testify before Congress next week.

“I hope we don’t hear any glorification of what happened in Basra,” said Pelosi, referring to a recent military offensive against Shiite militants in the city led by the Iraqi government and supported by U.S. forces.

Although powerful Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr agreed to a ceasefire after six days of fighting, Pelosi wondered why the U.S. was caught off guard by the offensive and questioned how the ceasefire was achieved, saying “the terms were probably dictated from Iran.”

“We have to know the real ground truths of what is happening there, not put a shine on events because of a resolution that looks less violent when it fact it has been dictated by al-Sadr, who can grant or withhold that call for violence,” Pelosi said.

Petraeus, the top military commander in Iraq, and Crocker, the U.S. ambassador, will make their return to Capitol Hill on April 8 and 9 to deliver their assessment of the situation on the ground in Iraq.

So far, Petraeus and Crocker have made very few public comments about the situation in Basra, but many Republicans have hailed it as an example of the Iraqi government standing up and further proof that President Bush’s troop surge is working.

Republicans took issue Thursday with the notion that Petraeus would use events in Iraq to advance a political agenda.

"Gen. Petraeus . . . is not a political figure," said Michael Steel, spokesman for House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio). "The testimony he gives reflects the facts on the ground. If he reports that the security situation in Iraq is improving, as we hope he does, he will be echoing the assessment of many Democratic House members who have visited Iraq recently. Our priorities should be learning the facts and acting on them, not using any development as a pretext for irresponsible withdrawal."

Pelosi held a press conference Thursday morning with House Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton (D-Mo.) and House Foreign Affairs Chairman Howard Berman (D-Calif.) to preview their message ahead of the visit from Petraeus and Crocker.

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)
Our horse lost in Basra. The ceasefire was called AGAIN by Muqtada al Sadr. Again ALL the Shia militias heeded his call. Malaki's reps went to Iran to beg them to reign in al Sadr. Iraqi defense forces could not take control of the city, they could barely control 1/4 of it. The Malaki government is in disaray, lots of government police in Basra left their posts and joined the fighting with the Shia. If his report glosses over this then it will be false. I look forward to him telling us all that the Surge may have calmed the violence but that Malaki could not take advantage of the calm to build a stronger government.
Last time they did this, it backfired huge as people realized they were calling the man a liar (and a traitor) before he had even said a word.

Now they are trying it again, pretending he will twist his report for political purposes. Given the negative results these attempts usually give the Dems, one has to believe there is something major in this coming report, that Dems are desperately trying to keep people from hearing or believing. It's so bad for them, that they are willing to risk the same negative results again, in this latest attempt to call the man a liar before he has even given the report.

Have the Democrats nothing better to do, than repeatedly smear the most successful general in the entire Iraq war, to fit their own political agenda?

Heh. Now that's some good back-handed complimenting. your estimation, “I hope we don’t hear any glorification of what happened in Basra,”

is a smear?
Or you're not seeing. Which you've already admitted.

Thank God the country isn't run according to what leftist hysterics can or can't see. ;)
Ok there Genius. For those of us TOO STOOPIT to see it please cut and paste the "smear" part. Just so we can be properly edumacted
I think someone should tell Pelosi, Hey B*tch STFU until the guy testifies and then you can comment all you want.

Hopefully the dude is honest and tells it like it is on the ground in Iraq without influence from any scumbag politicians from either party.
I think someone should tell Pelosi, Hey B*tch STFU until the guy testifies and then you can comment all you want.

Hopefully the dude is honest and tells it like it is on the ground in Iraq without influence from any scumbag politicians from either party.
And the people said "Amen".
Ok there Genius. For those of us TOO STOOPIT to see it please cut and paste the "smear" part. Just so we can be properly edumacted

I think Acorn is calling it a smear since Pelosi insinuates that Patreaus would do anything other than give an accurate assessment. Especially given that certain Dems did the same bullshit prior to his last appearance before the morons in DC. Coming from a politician, that is quite comical.
Do you really think he will shine full light on the situation there? Will he sit down and tell us about where we are? Warts and all. The US News and World Report articles I posted a couple of weeks ago did a good job at showing the great job our troops are doing there, how they are working hard to make sure that Iraqis are not cheated on gas and that the local militias are not intimidating them, but also pointed out the fact that while on patrol our troops are walking in raw human shit. My bet is that kind of picture doesn't get painted by him. If it does then good on him, but he needs to not prune the truth.
Sure he needs to prune the truth. His boss will fire him if the picture is too accurate.

remember the guy that got fired for saying the war would cost 200 bill or somesuch ?