Dem Nomination


Junior Member
Does it all come down to how quickly the other candidates besides Obama and Hillary drop out?

I don't think the people currently supporting Richardson and Edwards are going to switch to Hillary when their candidates drop. Richardson already quit. I think that will help Obama, especially in the SW.

Edwards says he is staying until the convention. I really hope not. I think most of his people would go to Obama.

I am just hoping so much that Clinton isn't the nominee.
I like Edwards, but if he is genuinely committed to change, he should bail. Obama would have wiped the floor with Hillary in NH (please note: no "mopping" or "sweeping" anti-feminist connotation there) if Edwards wasn't in the race.
Since the Democrats apportion their delegates by proportional representation, Edwards could always just through his delegates behind Obama. In fact, he'd have to, because they need a majority of delegates to be officially the nominee. If Hillary keeps on winning by 1 or 2 point margins, she can't get a majority unless a buttload of superdelegates get behind her.

I don't know why you guys hate her so much, other than the fact that she's a woman. She's the most economically conservative out of the bunch, and is less of a warmonger than Obama.
based on the corrupt NH vote.. Hillary will be nominee.. then via cut deal with Bloomberg she will win presidency.

the whole voting process is just a farce. shes already been anointed president.
based on the corrupt NH vote.. Hillary will be nominee.. then via cut deal with Bloomberg she will win presidency.

the whole voting process is just a farce. shes already been anointed president.

Lol. You guys are so fucking funny. Seriously.
They think pre-polling is now as valid as exit polling.

They did a thing on Countdown last night about the polls, and they weren't really that bad - it was how people read & interpreted them. Obama's final % was very close to what most polls were predicting. Most of the polls also called that support was soft, that there were plenty of undecideds heading into Tuesday, and that independents - who ended up breaking for McCain - support Obama in large #'s.
They did a thing on Countdown last night about the polls, and they weren't really that bad - it was how people read & interpreted them. Obama's final % was very close to what most polls were predicting. Most of the polls also called that support was soft, that there were plenty of undecideds heading into Tuesday, and that independents - who ended up breaking for McCain - support Obama in large #'s.

Not to mention the folks that were planning to vote for Biden or Dodd breaking in Hillary's favor.
I don't know why you guys hate her so much, other than the fact that she's a woman. She's the most economically conservative out of the bunch, and is less of a warmonger than Obama.

Mainly for me it comes down to ending the cycle.

Clinton? no thanks

after 20 years it is time for a change.
I like Edwards, but if he is genuinely committed to change, he should bail. Obama would have wiped the floor with Hillary in NH (please note: no "mopping" or "sweeping" anti-feminist connotation there) if Edwards wasn't in the race.

If Obama is the nominee I’ll vote for him, and I’ll even feel a good deal of excitement in many ways.

But…I feel kind of bad for you Onceler because you are so caught up in this change thing, and it’s not going to happen. First of all, he doesn’t represent that big of a change of anything other than the bush regime, which we’re all looking forward to. Second of all, if you think he’s going to unite this country, he isn’t.

This country has gone back to the way it has been for much of its history (with republicans uniting with democrats post-depression under FDR only because political realities forced them to for a couple of decades), and that is, kick them in the balls and then step on their throats. Without an actual economic depression, that’s how it’s going to stay.

That’s how our founders were too. One of them shot another one of them to death for God Sakes. One time, later on in history, one Senator caned another one near to death on the Senate floor.

And today, with billions of dollars in profits at stake, the idea that we’re all going to come together, it’s just naïve. Even if the people managed to put aside issues invented to divide them, the elites would find other ones.

And that’s why I’m not on the big Change wagon Onceler, because there really isn’t going to be any change. Here is what I can hope for: some form of health care for most, and as few wars as possible.
Well, if I'm wrong about Obama, and I'm sure I am to some extent, what have I lost? I have been cynical about politics for almost my entire life, with a few rare moments of hope. If Obama turns out to be just another establishment, partisan leader who fails in a variety of areas & doesn't unite anyone, how is my life different?

I'm not worried about it. I'll take my chances....
Well, if I'm wrong about Obama, and I'm sure I am to some extent, what have I lost? I have been cynical about politics for almost my entire life, with a few rare moments of hope. If Obama turns out to be just another establishment, partisan leader who fails in a variety of areas & doesn't unite anyone, how is my life different?

I'm not worried about it. I'll take my chances....

Word. I agree.